Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Feasibility of Dried Tobacco Leaves as a Pesticide Against Cockroaches

THE FEASIBILITY OF DRIED TOBACCO LEAVES AS A PESTICIDE AGAINST COCKROACHESChapter I Abstract Tobacco coifs like a shot atomic number 18 actually a good deal needed and demanded by most of our dear consumers especially farmer and now that we are facing an intense economic crisis, and with that mere situation, the primary necessities which are very much needed by man in order for him to survive his daily living are now of higher prices compared to the last couple of days and that includes the demanding need and use of the liquefied petroleum gas or LPG.Be practise of the fact that this difficult situation happens, most of our dear consumers really do prefer victimisation alternative briquettes for their different cooking purposes. The purpose of this study is to be able to sire a low-cost, attainable and alternative briquette. The researcher really wants to know if banana tree peelings gage be a good source of briquettes. The researcher gathered all the materials needed in con ducting the said experiment like the banana peelings, scratched papers, water, measurement cup, knife, plat wee-wee balance, scissors, molders, matches, pen, and paper and conducted the said experiment step by step.Then the researcher came up with the results that the molder with water, banana peelings and papers showed the longest time of force out resistance after being lit. Therefore, using banana peelings as a source of briquettes is effective and through this, awe can be able to produce a low-cost, attainable and alternative source of briquette. The researcher recommended further study and other sources of fruit peelings. Background Of The Study The tobacco plant is a very popular material because it is one of the ingredients in making cigarettes.Tobacco is a herbaceous plant widely cultivated for its leaves, which are turn into cigars and also apply in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. whatsoever commercial used tobacco leaves as one of i ts components. The tobacco plant is coarse, fast growing plant with a simple cylindrical stem from 4 to 8 ft. in length, growing from central taproots. Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, color slight, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects.Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and haughty insects and other pests With this study, the researchers want to find out if the smorgasbord tobacco leaves is practicable as a pesticide Thus, helping them to avail and make this pesticide at home with less or cheaper money, time and effort. Statement Of The Problem This study aims to test whether the desiccate tobacco leaves is feasible as an pesticide. This is because tobacco plant is abundant here in the Philippines. The process in making this insecticide is simple and much cheaper than the commercial pesticide because its just a home- made pesticide.There are two set- ups in this stu dy, which depart use dried tobacco leaves ( thinly sliced ), water, mortar and pestle and a sprayer container. This study aims to answer the following questions 1. )What is in the tobacco leaves that it is feasible as a pesticide? 2. )Is the dries tobacco leaves effective as a pesticide? HYPOTHESES 1. )The tobacco leaves has nicotine which is an effective component in killing cockroaches. 2. )The dried tobacco leaves is effective as a pesticide against cockroaches. Significance Of The Study Nowadays, human beings make many inventions, for the betterment of human life.One of this, is the pesticide . This is to prevent insects from causing damage to may crops and other plants. Some insects are considered to be pests because it really causes damage to many farmlands. And also many pesticide are expensive. This study helps the Filipino people especially the farmers in making a home- made pesticide which is less expensive, and easy to make and youll only exert less effort. Scope and Li mitation This study tries to focus only in knowing if the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as a pesticide in killing insects especially cockroaches. Definition of Terms Tobacco Plant- is an herbaceous plant, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are rolled into cigars and also used in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. * Nicotine- a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. * Cockroach-(or simply roaches) areinsectsof the orderBlattaria. This name derives from theLatinword for cockroach,blatta. Chapter II Review Of Related Literature Cockroaches live in a wide range of environments nearly the world. Pest species of cockroaches adapt readily to a variety of environments, but prefer warm conditions found within buildings.Many tropical species prefer even tepid environments and do not fare well in the average household. The spines on the legs were earlier considered to be sensory, but observations of their locomotion on sa nd and wire meshes has show that they help in locomotion on difficult terrain. The structures have been used as inspiration for robotic legs. Cockroaches are most common in tropical and semitropicalclimates. Some species are in close association with human dwellings and widely found around garbage or in the kitchen.Cockroaches are generallyomnivorouswith the elision of thewood-eating genusCryptocercus these roaches are incapable of digestingcelluloseprotozoansandbacteriathat digest the cellulose, allowing them to extract the nutrients. themselves, but have symbiotic relationships with variousTobaccois anagriculturalproduct processed from the freshleavesof plants in the genusNicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotinetartrateit is used in some medicines. 1In consumption it may be in the form ofsmoking,chewing,snuffing,dipping tobacco, orsnus.Tobacco has long been in use as anentheogenin the Americas. However, upon the arrival ofEuropeansi n North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade relic and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of theUnited Statesuntil it gave way to cotton. Following theAmerican Civil War, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed for the development of thecigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s.Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects. Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and controlling insects and other pests. Apesticideis a substance or mixture of substances used to kill apest. 1A pesticide may be achemicalpest. Pests includeinsects, plantpathogens, weeds,molluscs,birds,mammals,fish, nematodes (roundworms) andmicrobesthat compete with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are avectorfor disease or cause a nuisance.Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals. Thus dried tobacco leaves can be an effective pesticide against cockroaches. It has a foul smell that cockroaches dont like. If they smelled this foul smell, they will eventually die afterwards because it has nicotine which is poisonous. ( http//en. wikipidia. org/wiki/cockroaches/tobacco/pesticide Chapter III methodological analysis Materials and Equipment In this study , the researcherwill beneeding 500g of dried tobacco leaves ( thinly- sliced ), two hundredmL. f water , mortar and pestle , and a spray container . With this materials ,the researcher will be able to conduct the experiment . Procedure The researcher will gather all the materials needed for the experiment . The dried tobacco leaves will be crush by the use of the mortar and pestle. 200mL. of water will be added . Shake and mix the dissolvent thoroughly . The solution will be put inside the spray container. Then it will be sprayed on cockroaches. The cockroaches will be put inside a unkindly box container and will be observed for 24 hours. Testing , observation and recording of data will follow .CHAPTER IV Results and Discussions A. Findings pic The table above is the compendious of the three-replicated experiments. The researcher observed that container A has always the longest upgrade resistance compared to container B which was with water, banana peels but without papers and to container C which is the controlled group. In trial 3, the fire resistance lasted longer tan in trials 1 and 2, respectively. It shows that the amount of banana peels is made constant in order for the experiment ti be fair. B. digest Of Data he banana peelings have the advantage in terms of the measured fire resistance.The banana peelings mixed with water and papers measured 200 seconds while the banana peelings with water but without pape rs measured 104 seconds and the water with papers but without banana peelings measured 96. 3 seconds. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND testimony Conclusion After conducting the experiment, the dried tobacco plant can be a good pesticide against cockroaches. And with that , it can minimized the consumers expenses in buying commercial pesticides. testimonial The researcher highly recommend further study in the project especially to the use of other dried tobacco leaves.

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