Tuesday, May 28, 2019

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a play? :: English Literature

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a be given?Educating Rita is dramatically effective in many ways. It is alsorecognised as an exceptional play it was voted Best comedy of theyear when performed by the Royal Shakespeare corporation in 1980, andjust three years after release, it had become the fourth most popularplay in Britain. There are obviously factors which reconstruct it soeffective, and I intend to explore these factors.Throughout the play, there are tho two characters this is known as atwo-hander. Other characters are only mentioned in the play, hardly inthe film have been cast as parts. It worked well for the film, but Ithink it lost the closeness which plays such an of the essence(predicate) part in thetheatre. Some people would find this to be tedious, but I think itadds to the intensity and intimacy between the audience and thecharacters.There is a focus on the two characters which means that the audience posterior appreciate the relationship between Rita a nd Frank which isemphasised more than it would be with other characters, and would let out any subtle changes that occur in the play. For example, whenRita starts to use the correct form of speech for talking aboutliterature and uses a higher standard of English. You can see this inAct I, Scene 4 when Frank and Rita were talking about her Peer Gyntessay where her response was Do it on the radio. Frank could nonbelieve what she had written as her entire essay, and in her defenseRita says, I didnt have much time this week, so I sort of, yknow,encapsulated all me ideas in one line.The audience familiarise with Frank and Rita and we can see moreclosely what they are feeling and thinking because we know thembetter. We understand that Rita feels that she is stuck in the pull downclass and she wants to better herself by changing from the insideand taking Literature classes. Frank is a tired, middle-aged man andhe can see that the land is passing by but he cannot be bothered todo anythin g about it. He drinks to try and suppress this feelingLife is such a rich and frantic whirl that I need the drink to helpme step delicately through it. Both characters are stuck in a rut,but Rita wants to change her situation and is making the effort toachieve that change.We can also sympathise with Rita and Frank because of the closenessbetween audience and characters, and so this can constrain otherwisetrivial circumstances seem more significant, such as when Rita

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