Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employment Law - Essay ExampleAny shutdown pull up stakes be complex and contested hence from the view point of Karl Marx, Marx believed that no completely satisfactory resolution is possible without a total revolution in social-economic system. Marx could have been right but the transaction natural law in the 21st century attempts to balance the logic of the market system with the liberal aspiration of ensuring that individuals argon treated with respect and impartially, as well as, have the opportunity to construct meaningful lives. In more or less cases, catch laws are applied in progress toplaces because they are vital and are legal aspects that tend to formalize an agreement in more than two parties. Question One Many issues arise in the workplaces peculiarly where many employees have varied issues such as health problems and many others. Some employees have perplex health issues that may hinder effective performance of the company and Michaels case is among the common cases arising in the contemporary workplaces. Addressing these issues in a pragmatic manner requires clear and effective understanding of contract laws. Contracts are agreements which have lawful objects entered into voluntarily by two or more parties thus they intend to realize legal obligations among the parties (Twomey, 2013, p. 87). The contract should be acceptable, have an offer, mutual consideration and it should have a legal content vital for creating mutuality of obligation (Collins, 2010, p. 91). The contract laws take into considerations varied range of matters such as employment terms, real property sale issues, independent contractor relationship, intellectual property issues and settlement of disputes in the workplace. The contract law demands that all proletarians with a contract of employment or an employment relationship should receive base working(a) employment conditions vital for enabling them to work effectively in the working environment. Therefore, the c ase of Michael should be addressed by focusing on the contract law especially the employment conditions in the work place. Each industry has its own policies that demand employees to meet them but the labor employment law should withal be taken into considerations. The contract law offer mutual recognition rules vital for assisting free private road of workers. Although these mutual recognition rules exist, more subtle impediments found in the informal practices and conventions in recruitment insure to produce much less internal movement within the workplace (Collins, 2010, 139). These principles can be contend but only under the general principle of free movement of employees. However, in the case of Michael, thither is need to focus on the contract laws and adhere to them, but the employer should not also deprive him the needed employment rights applicable in the state where the work is being performed. It is vital for Michael to come up with a clear agreement with the human resources about his work because health is also important for any worker working in any organization. The labor laws focus on the rights of employees including health and safety in the working places and rights hence, the human resource manager should provide

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