Friday, May 31, 2019

On Top of the World :: English Literature Essays

On Top of the WorldThis winter wonderland called Austria is full of small villages surrounded by degree centigrade capped mountains that look like someone has come along with some icing sugar and generously topped each one. muckle after Mountain cluste exit together, with pine trees placed here and there that are dappled with snow. A real life picture post card with chocolate knock wooden houses and roof tops covered in crisp clean snow. Pretty balconies with people sat enjoying a glass or two of the local anesthetic Gluevine which tastes of hot red wine with a hint on cinnamon that warms your very soul. People sat inside the houses in front of raging put down fires cosily wrapped in thick warm blankets with a huge mug of hot chocolate covered with a generous topping of grated chocolate. red ink up the mountain in the lift with the mountains leering over you like a huge dragon ready to pounce and the tiny houses below getting smaller and smaller as they disappear, passing throug h fluffy white cotton wool like clouds you must remember to hold on idiotic as the lift comes to a sudden abrupt jolt just before it reaches its destination at nearly the top of the mountain.Walking around up here, high above the madness of the world below you find peace within yourself, you looking at you are catching up on lost cadence spent rushing around at home. Stopping and taking a moment to close my eyes and breath in the fresh clean skip like air then slowly opening them to the wonder of the view around me I feel Im making the most of life. stand here with a whimsical look on my face, life feels magnificent, and it feels good to be alive watching the children playing in the snow with glowing red tipped noses and rosy cheeks there smiles telling a story of happiness and freedom to just be children unrestricted by the rules of the world below. Adults free of the troubles of everyday life with huge smiles enjoying the local culinary specialities like large bowls of hot de licious soup with great chunks of fresh bread.How wrong I was to feel so daunted at the thought of my first winter holiday being on top of an artic slushy snow laden mountain freeze to death for a whole week didnt exactly fill me with excitement and wonder. Before me is the most incredible view Ive ever seen, I always believed that good old Blighty was the prettiest place on earth with its countryside of rolling hills and lush green landscape.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Investigate how the concentration of hydrochloric acid effects the rate at which it reacts with calcium carbonate :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Investigate how the ducking of hydrochloric acid effects the rate at which it reacts with calcium degree centigradeateInvestigationPlanAim===Investigate how increasing the concentration of the solutionhydrochloric acid effects and alters the rate at which it reacts withmarble chip, calcium degree centigradeate.Rate of reaction is affected by six main factors* Temperature* Surface sector of a solid* Concentration of a solution* Pressure of a gas* By using catalysts* Using biological catalysts called EnzymesAs outlined above the rate of a reaction increases when temperatureincreases, the concentration of dissolved reactants increases, thepressure of gases increases, solid reactants are in smaller pieces andof greater surface area and also if a catalyst is used.For this experiment I have been asked to pay particular attention tothe factor CONCENTRATION, and the ways in which it affects the rate atwhich a reaction takes place.We loafer measure the rate of reaction by measuring the time at which theproducts of the reaction are produced or the reactants used up andthere are a few different ways of doing this such asBy measuring gas volumeHere the marble chips and dilute hydrochloric acid are put option in aconical flask. This is connected to a gas syringe, which collects andmeasures the volume of gas formed. At regular time intervals ameasurement is then taken of the volume of gas collected.Another way to measure the volume of gas produced is to displace waterfrom a measuring cylinder as per diagram below.We piece of ass also measure the rate of reaction by measuring mass loss herewhen a gas is lost the mass decreases, which can be measured byplacing the flask on a balance.The last way is to note how long it takes for a precipitate to formsuch as in the chemical reaction the thiosulphate reaction.I conducted a preliminary experiment and from this determined that themost reliable and accurate way to measure the release of carbondioxide gas would be by using a measuring cylinder to see thedisplacement of water and therefore determining how much carbondioxide has been produced. guessingI predict that as time increases so will the amount of carbon dioxideproduced however throughout the experiment the rate of reaction will tedious because as time increases there will be less and less un-reactedparticles present to take part in fruitful collisions and result incarbon dioxide water and calcium chloride being formed, this meansthat the time between fruitful collisions will increase because aparticle will take longer to start another un-reacted particle withenough activation energy to collide and react with.I hypothesise that as the concentration of the hydrochloric acid

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Rooms From Life to Death :: essays research papers

     In Edgar Allan Poes short story, "The Masque of the Red Death", Poe use umpteen symbolsto interpret the many different themes. One of the themes is that you cannot escape death which Poe proves in this story to be true. Each of the rooms that Poe uses in the story represents a indisputable kind of mood, emotion or coincidences in life.Poes story takes place in seven connected but carefully separated rooms. This remindsthe reader of the past logical implication of the number seven. The history of the world was thought to consist of seven ages, just as an individuals life had seven stages. The ancient world had seven wonders universities divided acquisition into seven subjects there were seven deadly sins with seven corresponding cardinal virtues. Therefore, an allegorical reading of this story suggests thatthe seven rooms represent the seven stages of ones life, from kind to death, through which the prince pursues a figure masked as a victim of t he Red Death, only to die himself in the final chamber of eternal night. The eastmost room is decorated in blue, with blue stained-glass windows. The next room is purple with the same stained-glass window pattern. The rooms continue westward, according to this design, in the following colourize arrangement green, orange, white, and violet. The seventh room is black, with red windows.     The rooms of the palace, lined up in a series that represents the stages of life. Poe makes it a point to arrange the rooms footrace from east to west. This progression is symbolically significant because it represents the life cycle of a day. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, with night symbolizing death. What transforms this set of symbols into an allegory, is the pass on symbolic treatment of the twenty-four hour life cycle. This translates to the realm of human beings. This progression from east to west, performed by both Prospero and the mysterious guest, s ymbolizes the human journey from cede to death. Poe crafts the last ,black room as the ominous endpoint, the room the guests fear just as they fear death.

Perceiving the Flavor of Fat :: Obesity Health Essays

Perceiving the Flavor of FatWhen we crave our favorite foods and snacks, those tasty visions in our heads dont ordinarily resemble that of a large, juicy carrot stick or a sumptuous rice cake. We want make out. Its delicious, its filling, and it just requires everything taste better. It can also make you considerably overweight, not to mention the heart disease and other complications that can result if alimentary naughty is not consumed in moderation. The appealing taste of fat may very well attribute for the fact that one in three Americans is overweight (FDA Approves,1996). Is there anything that can be done astir(predicate) this august problem that affects us all? Many researchers say there is. You can either choose to face the facts and simply steer clear of the nasty culprit, or you can fool your taste buds into perceiving the taste of fat without the real stuff ever actually passing your lips. However, before discussing these options, lets talk a little more about fat itself and some of the things its responsible for.With the large percentage of Americans that are overweight today, its no surprise that so many physicians are continually recommending diet changes to their patients. However, the majority of these doctors say that the largest barrier keeping Americans from changing their diets is food taste preference (Soltesz, Price, Johnson, & Telljohan, 1994). The patients dont want to switch to a high-fiber low-fat diet because low-fat high-fiber foods dont taste as considerably as high-fat low-fiber foods. A big bowl of bran flakes just doesnt have the same calming, pleasurable effects as a big bowl of Blue toll ice cream. Of course, large individual differences must be acknowledged. Some people may actually prefer the taste of bland foods. In fact, one film done on anorexic individuals found that these people actually disliked the taste of foods rich in fat (Simon, Bellisle, Monneuse, Samuel-Lajeunesse, et. al. 1993).Much of what we now kno w about fat and its effects comes from studies done on mice and rats. For example, Rockwood (1990) found that adult rats and developing rats prefer a diet with a relatively high level of fat. In addition to showing that animals as well as humans prefer the taste of fat, there also appears to be a link between fat consumption and behavior. Hilakivi-Clarke, Cho, and Onsjafe (1996) uncovered some startling evidence suggesting that a high-fat diet may induce aggressive behavior in male mice and rats.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a play? :: English Literature

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a play?Educating Rita is dramatically effective in m some(prenominal) ways. It is alsorecognised as an exceptional play it was voted Best comedy of theyear when performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1980, andjust three years after release, it had become the fourth most popularplay in Britain. There are obviously factors which make it soeffective, and I intend to explore these factors.Throughout the play, there are only two characters this is known as atwo-hander. Other characters are only menti unmatchabled in the play, but inthe film have been cast as break outs. It worked well for the film, but Ithink it lost the closeness which plays such an important part in thetheatre. Some people would find this to be tedious, but I think itadds to the intensity and intimacy between the audience and thecharacters.There is a focussing on the two characters which means that the audiencecan appreciate the relationship between Rita and Frank whi ch isemphasised more than it would be with other characters, and wouldnotice any subtle lurchs that occur in the play. For example, whenRita starts to use the correct form of speech for talking aboutliterature and uses a higher standard of English. You can search this inAct I, Scene 4 when Frank and Rita were talking about her Peer Gyntessay where her response was Do it on the radio. Frank could not conceptualize what she had written as her entire essay, and in her defenseRita says, I didnt have much time this week, so I sort of, yknow,encapsulated all me ideas in one line.The audience familiarise with Frank and Rita and we can see moreclosely what they are feeling and thinking because we know thembetter. We understand that Rita feels that she is stuck in the lower crystalize and she wants to better herself by changing from the insideand taking Literature classes. Frank is a tired, middle-aged man andhe can see that the world is base on balls by but he cannot be bothered todo any thing about it. He drinks to try and suppress this feelingLife is such a rich people and frantic whirl that I need the drink to helpme step delicately through it. Both characters are stuck in a rut,but Rita wants to change her situation and is making the effort toachieve that change.We can also sympathise with Rita and Frank because of the closenessbetween audience and characters, and so this can make othertrivial circumstances seem more significant, such as when Rita

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a play? :: English Literature

In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a be given?Educating Rita is dramatically effective in many ways. It is alsorecognised as an exceptional play it was voted Best comedy of theyear when performed by the Royal Shakespeare corporation in 1980, andjust three years after release, it had become the fourth most popularplay in Britain. There are obviously factors which reconstruct it soeffective, and I intend to explore these factors.Throughout the play, there are tho two characters this is known as atwo-hander. Other characters are only mentioned in the play, hardly inthe film have been cast as parts. It worked well for the film, but Ithink it lost the closeness which plays such an of the essence(predicate) part in thetheatre. Some people would find this to be tedious, but I think itadds to the intensity and intimacy between the audience and thecharacters.There is a focus on the two characters which means that the audience posterior appreciate the relationship between Rita a nd Frank which isemphasised more than it would be with other characters, and would let out any subtle changes that occur in the play. For example, whenRita starts to use the correct form of speech for talking aboutliterature and uses a higher standard of English. You can see this inAct I, Scene 4 when Frank and Rita were talking about her Peer Gyntessay where her response was Do it on the radio. Frank could nonbelieve what she had written as her entire essay, and in her defenseRita says, I didnt have much time this week, so I sort of, yknow,encapsulated all me ideas in one line.The audience familiarise with Frank and Rita and we can see moreclosely what they are feeling and thinking because we know thembetter. We understand that Rita feels that she is stuck in the pull downclass and she wants to better herself by changing from the insideand taking Literature classes. Frank is a tired, middle-aged man andhe can see that the land is passing by but he cannot be bothered todo anythin g about it. He drinks to try and suppress this feelingLife is such a rich and frantic whirl that I need the drink to helpme step delicately through it. Both characters are stuck in a rut,but Rita wants to change her situation and is making the effort toachieve that change.We can also sympathise with Rita and Frank because of the closenessbetween audience and characters, and so this can constrain otherwisetrivial circumstances seem more significant, such as when Rita

Monday, May 27, 2019

Aphorism Essay Essay

That being all is not the same as being lonely? That being alone is a immaterial state (198)Denny finds himself lonely frequently in The Art of Racing in the Rain. His wife Eve died suddenly of brain cancer, Denny was accused of rape, lost clutches of his daughter, and was seldom able to see his dog. Despite his loneliness and grief, he fought on in his mind, in the courtroom, and at work. Denny knew that as long as in that respect was hope of see Zoe, he was not really alone. And that even if Enzo cannot really speak back, he would never feel alone in Enzos presence. Enzo comes to understand this while he is with Zoe at her grandp atomic number 18nts home.He sees the twins as evil, spiteful creatures who, with no small amount of help, wrongfully took custody of Zoe. He sees how little they truly upkeep about Zoe, commenting that they did not question why she did not eat all of her dinner, or the banana slices that she specifically asked for. He understands why Denny cannot giv e up. If he gives up, he will feel alone. If he feels alone he will think that all hope is lost and give up on regaining custody of Zoe, and if he gives up on getting Zoe back Denny will finally break due to the loss of one of the last things he truly cares for, which would shoot unimaginable results on Zoes development as a child.As the old saying goes, Hindsight is 20/20. There are human racey times in my life now where I can look back and see that I never truly maintain been alone. Many times I have been lonely, longing for more, or better friendships with my peers. But being alone would suggest that there is a time in which I did not have a friend of any sort, which simply isnt true. Even in my darkest hours, I have always been able seek solace in my dog, who is close very much a better friend than any I have. I can spill any dark secret or desire to him and not be judged, loathe myself, my failures, and grieve even the thought of ever leaving Chicago, and only be loved and cared for. I think the reason that The Art of Racing in the Rain resonates so well with me is because I want to believe that there is someone as clever and caring as Enzo inside my dogs mind. And more recently I have been able to dissect his motives and actions, seeing that he does care for me as much as I care for him.I knowthat when Im gone at school, he sleeps away his day, lounging about and occasionally needing to go out. But every day when I stimulate home at 445, his ecstatic behavior never fails to put a smile on my face, because I know that as long as he lives, I am never truly alone. As for being alone as a state of neutrality, in the physical, being alone doesnt have to be a bad thing. We think of being alone as a greater phenomenon than ones mood, but there are some days that we feel the need to isolate ourselves, collect our thoughts and just be with oneself. There are times when being alone is inherently beneficial, and there are also times when being alone is a sign of something with perhaps what we consider to be a more profound, if less jovial, meaning. Being alone is neither inherently nigh nor bad, and is thusly a neutral state.Being lonely, or alone, is something that is hard to find at a macro level. You cannot apply this opinion to a country, you cannot apply it to a state or government, or even a group of people. However, what you can find are the actions of individuals motivated by their loneliness, or idea of being alone, with global implications. I think the best, even if also quite harsh, example of this is the shockingly high suicide rate in China. objectively speaking, suicide is a physical act that occurs when the amount of physical and or emotional irritation one feels outweighs the mechanisms that person has to cope with his or her pain. What we find in China, is that the concept of the individual is often destroyed, and there is only your value to the state. This leads to near slave like working conditions in factories, le ading workers to believe that it is every man (woman and child) for himself (or herself).These workers come to understand that there is no room for improvement in their lives, and they feel completely alone in an environment that requires great relationships to even survive. Their pain is their loneliness, which is created by governmental doctrines, which does not allow them to hope for better, causing them to end their lives out of spite, rather than live their miserable lives. Being dead is truly the most neutral of states, as there are times when many people would rather be dead than alive, and see death as a good thing, and usually most people see dying as a bad thing. But because there is nothing after death, no feeling, no emotion, it is truly the most neutral state of all, as everything that you once werebecomes a blank canvas sitting inside of a body, now limp like a ragdoll. This is true of both natural death and violent death, life is colorful and opinionated, and death is true neutrality.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Body Paragraphs Essay

There have been thousands of studies done on the effects of tv set on children. Most of these studies have leaned toward the negative effects that television has on children. According to a study by the University of Michigan, even though television can have positive effects it can also indispensableness the health, carriage and family life of children in negative ways. Also while studies have been done on the effects that television has on children under the age of 2 there has been no clear evidence on the effects. Some studies have visualisen that it may lead to learning and attention problems, but not the experts have concur this is true.Children are seeing more and more violence on television every day. Even in G rated movies children are subject to red acts. exclusively we have to do is look at some of the Disney movies over the years. While Snow White was a positive upbeat person that was nice to everyone, she was lighten killed by the wicked witch. The movie the Lio n King shows children how Scar plotted the death of Mufasa and it shows Simba coming back for revenge. Then you have cartoons handle The Simpsons and Family Guy. These show scarper up the use of foul language, violence, and disrespecting everyone, especially your parents. The characters on these shows have set about idols. Bart Simpson and Stewie have become idols to children. They blab like them and act like them. They calculate that when they are violent or they curse or when they disrespect their parents it is funny and something that they should do.An average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by the age of 18 ( This viewing of violent acts are desensitizing are children to violence. They are becoming less aware of violent acts or nevertheless dont care that much when they happen right in front ofthem. There is a research report that was written in 2009 by Brad J. Bushman and Craig A. Anderson called Comfortably Numb Th e Desensitizing Effects of Violent Media on Helping Others.This research shows the how violence in movies and on television desensitizes people to violent acts or the plights of others around them. They are also their fear of the world is increased. They are seeing that not only the bad guys are violent but the effectual guys are extremely violent and that they get away with the violence. Children are not sure who they can trust or who is good. Some even see that by becoming the good guy you can get away with more bad behavior. According to, TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, these same characters are reinforcing gender-role and racial stereotypes.I know that our doctor told my daughter to watch Teen Mom. This show may show the downsides to teen parenthood, in my opinion it has kids thinking it would be cool to have a child and then maybe they could get on television. I have spoken to some(prenominal) different people from my da ughters parenting class and I have talked to my daughters Family First specialist. They have agreed that shows like these are not good models for teen moms. Yes, they may show the difficulties that these girls have but they also show these girls still having sex, disrespecting their parents and fighting. Also all have agreed that too much television and television that is not administrate can be harmful to children.According to children who spend too much time in front of the television are more likely to become overweight. Children are spending more time in front of the television which is making them less active. They do not go outside and play sports or socialize with other children. Children are more likely to constantly snack while watching television. These are not always healthy snacks. They are things like cookies and chips. They see the commercials for these and their minds tell them that they want them. By limiting the time that your children are watching t elevision you will be able to help them become more active and more sociable.On the reverse side of this situation, though, is that some of the negativitycan be reduced as long as parents limit the measurement of time that children spend in front of the television. It has been suggested that no more than 2-3 hours a day of television for older children and 1-2 hours of television for younger children. Also parents need to grapple and be aware of what their children are watching. Television can be a learning experience as long as parents take the time to talk to their children about what is being watched on television.Parents can also be a positive role model for their children by limiting the time they watch television. They need to watch more positive programs when they are watching television with their children. If there is something bad on the show they need to take the time to explain to their children the behavior that they saw on the television program was not appropriate a nd why it wasnt appropriate.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Band of Brothers Essay

The playscript title, Band of Brothers, by Stephen E. Ambrose is a book that shares the risky job and hazardous experience that the United States military had to go through in World war 2. Bravery is an understatement when describing the men of East keep companys personalities. The book really helps the reader describe the relationships and friendships that were either directly or indirectly developed as a result of sack to war.From the extremely brutal reproduction, to the depths of competitor territory, these men developed a brotherhood that only can come about as a result of extreme situations such as preparing and training for war, as well as World War 2 itself. This book not only describes gentle Company but other military veterans or active service members can relate to the situations described in the book. First of all, the books title describes things very accurately.Like most military divisions, sonant Company which was a part of the 101st Airborne Division in the Army, had to go through an exhausting basic training course in gang Toccoa in Georgia. This alone is going to establish bonds and friendships among the young men participating in this training, whether they are looking for a buddy or not. Much of Easy Company already had an unspoken brotherhood before they even came into basic training. Many of these men had grown up in the terrible time of the drop-off and many of them had something in common.During Easy Companys time in basic training, they not only had to compete with their selves, but with other militaries. A day or so before leaving Toccoa, Colonel fleet read an article in the Readers Digest that said a Japanese Army battalion had set a world record for marching endurance by covering 100 miles down the Malayan Peninsula in seventy-two hours. (p. 28) Colonel Sink wanted to top the Japaneses achievement so he ordered his men to do better. This was a very miserable journey and probe for Easy Company but they accomplished more than the Japanese Army had.War in itself is a competition but this book also examines with detail, the clarification competitions that occurred during World War 2. This march helped bring the soldiers together even closer and it also gave them the confidence and conditioning they needed to go into the brutal strifes of World War 2. Most importantly, trust develops between these men because they are confident that they have well trained soldiers going into battle with them and not people that are going to drag their feet. They were prepared to die for each other more important, they were prepared to kill for each other (Pg. 1).The first battle which was the invasion of Normandy proved to be an eye opener that would just only strengthen the bond and brotherhood that Easy Company had. The pure terror of landing in Normandy and facing the Nazi German in a low vision area was at this point, the ultimate test to see if the training they bared in Camp Toccoa was in effect(p) enough. Wi th bullets flying and loud bangs disrupting their hearing, many of the men could not locate the rest of the group. Winters helped to organize and reunite a few men so they could have a better chance against the Germans by sticking together.Even though men were lost, Lieutenant Winters proved in a small victory that Easy Company was a highly trained group of soldiers that could get the job done in defeating the Nazis. Winters achieved this with a small group of soldiers as well. The attack was a bizarre example of a small, well-led assault force overcoming and routing a much larger defending force in prepared positions (Pg. 84). Even though this gruesome battle was an eye opener to the horrors of war, Easy Companys soldiers were described as confident, had a will to survive and a sense of pride.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Negative Effects of Genetically modified food Essay

Since the beginning of life, nourishment is the first requirement for all kind of alive. According to Chassy (2007), early pityings lived a hunter gatherer lifestyle and that around 10000 years ago they started to transition into an agricultural lifestyle. Also they feed carnals to their take out, meat and eggs. Later, some people refered in agriculture in order to survive and earn money. In todays world, technological developments and medical improvements firmness of purposeed in higher life standards and world macrocosm become much and more crowded.Lots of farmers and food companies emerged in order to meet the needs of this growing population. Organic foods started to be insufficient for human beings because of the change magnitude population. As a result of this insufficiency, people seek different kind of foods with the help of technological developments and they created genetically change foods (GM foods). componenttically special crops first appeargond commercially in the mid-1990s and today GM crops are grown commercially by 8. 25 million farmers on 200 million acres spread throughout 17 countries (Schmidt, 2005).Genetically modify foods or biotech foods can be described simply as foods derived from genetically change beings. These crop plants created for human or animal white plague using the latest molecular biology techniques. In his essay Genetically Modified Foods An Insight Raaz Maheshwari (2012) explains that Genetically modified foods are derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms get had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering, using a process of either Cisgenesis or Transgenesis.These techniques are much more precise than Mutagenesis (mutation breeding) where an organism is exposed to radiation or chemicals to create a non-specific but stable change. At the beginning, these crops have a bright and promising future. However, preventative of genetically modified foods was started to questioned and become a central issue driving the genetic engineering controversy today (Carman, 2004). Although some scientists claims that food derived from GM crops on the market does non have greater risk to human wellness than innate foods, there is a idespread research on several negative do of GM foods , including safety issues, economic concerns and environmental hazards. Recently, concerns round GM foods have raised by all environmental activists, religious organizations, public interest groups, pro associations, other scientists and government officials. Also, they criticized potential hazards of GM food (Whitman, 2000). Specifically, this study posed the research question What are the general negative effect of genetically modified foods on earths bionomics and human health.As I mentioned earlier, humanity always requiring all kind of food. Although they meet their requires from hunting very beginning, agriculture is the main food resources when the first crop harvested. However food resources doesnt enough for humanity because of huge crowds, because of th? s reason people bump a new form of food which named genetically modified foods or biotech foods. These foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Since mid-1900s genetically modified foods using our daily meal and from these metre these foods always negotiated. There is no exact consequences of these negotiations.However, there are piles of negative effects of genetically modified foods on earths ecology and human health such as allergetic diseases, poisoning both human and animals and defeating beneficial worms. To begin with, lots of result of researches show us genetically modified foods are dangerous for natural life. According to Batalian(N. D. ) studies about GM products shown that these products can kill beneficial insects which most notably the monarch butterfly larvae. He also say there are other studies related to the death of bees which are died dur ing a contained trial with Monsantos Bt cotton, springtails and ladybird beetles.He said his uniform essay other studies about GM potatoes, spliced with DNA from the snowdrop plant and a viral parameter, show us these potatoes was poisonous to rats. Between the many insect pollinators of agricultural crops, honey bees are the best known (OCallaghan, 2005). According to OCallaghan, cotton nectar is really attractive to them and produces useful honey, but if these cottons are genetically modified from engineers it can be harmful for bees why these cottons not natural and it includes different types of proteins and concentrations.Another effect of GM foods on natural life about gene transfer to non-target species. Deborah B. Whitman said his article Another concern is that crop plants engineered for herbicide tolerance and weeds will cross-breed, resulting in the transfer of the herbicide confrontation genes from the crops into the weeds. These superweeds would then be herbicide tole rant as well. Other introduced genes may cross over into non-modified crops planted next to GM crops. Genetically modified foods effects the natural life where the people plant them.For example GM trees or super-trees are being developed which can be sprayed from the air to kill literally all of surrounding life, except the GM trees (Batalian,N. D. ). He also said these trees are often sterile and flower slight which is in contrast to rainforest teaming with life, or where a single tree can host thousands of unique species of insects, fungi, mammals and birds in an interconnected ecosphere. There are also terminator trees which has developed plants with the New Zealand Forest look into Agency to create still more lethal tree plantations.These super deadly trees are look like super-trees, however these kind leaves exuding toxic chemicals to kill caterpillars and other surrounding insects(Batalian,N. D. ) Like the other effects of GM foods it also causes increasing military issues of resistant pests. According to Mellon (N. D. ), There are signs that the most favorite HT crops-those resistant to the herbicide glyphosate-will lose effectiveness as weeds become resistant to the herbicide. Scientists expect that BT crops, too, will succump to pests that evolve resistance to the BT toxins. Secondly, consumption of genetically modified foods from humans effects their health negatively. First effect of GM foods on human health is allergenicity. According to Bakshi (N. D. ), food allergy is a very most-valuable health issue with the prevalence of immunoglobulin E anti system-mediated food allergies among adults being approximately 2% and nearly 5% in children. Bakshi also said consumption of genetically modified foods may trigger allergic reaction. For example Bakshi said kiwi fruit not associated with any allergies in the 1960s.However , there are some people who are currently allergic to it the allergenic protein in the kiwi fruit was identified to be actinidin . Bakshi also said Genetically modified foods can introduce novel proteins into the food supply from organisms that are never consumed as foods. Some of those proteins could be allergenic. Second effects of GM foods on human health is antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance is the ability of an organism to be unaffected by the antibiotic, occurs naturally by evolution. According to Bakshi(N. D. , genetic engineering commonly involves the use of genes for antibiotic resistance as selectable markers. These markers help to choose cells that consolidated foreign genes. There are concerns that these chosen genes might recombine with pathogenic bacterium in the environment or with naturally occurring bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals who consume genetically modified food, contributing to the growing public health risk associated with antibiotic resistance for infections that cannot be treated with traditional antibiotics.It must be true negative effects of GM food s because lots of European countries including Britain have refused to allow the Novartis Bt corn to be grown because the ampicillin resistance gene might be transferred from Bt corn to bacteria which these bacterias making a far less effective antibiotic against bacterial infections (Bakshi,N. D. ). Similarly Bakshi , enhs. umn. edu, said In recent years health professionals have become alarmed by the increasing number of bacterial strains that are showing resistance to antibiotics. Bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics by creating antibiotic resistance genes through natural mutation. Third effect of GM foods on human health is cancer and degenerative diseases. According to article of Batalian (N. D. ) , lots of researches show us GM foods or hormones which is used for increased milk production in cow causes breast and prostate cancer. Also he said some of Canadian researches prove that GM organism which injected rats mammals like humans, this organism damaged thyroid cysts a nd internal organ. Besides , consuming GM foods causes autoimmune diseases, inflammation, arthritis and lymphoma(Batalian,N. D. ) Lastly, gene transfer from GM foods to body cells can cause disease.According to WHO(N. D. ), Gene transfer from GM foods to cells of the body or to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract would cause concern if the transferred genetic material adversely affects human health. This would be particularly relevant if antibiotic resistance genes, used in creating GMOs, were to be transferred. In the light of all above mentioned studies, it could be said that scientist have not discovered the true researches consequences about genetically modified foods. They growth a non-natural nutrition, however they do not know their effects on human body and environment.It can be cause lots of bad diseases on human body and harm environment. Because it is dangerous for all kind of alive and natural systems, GM foods production processes should be controlled by new ministr y and GM foods may be tested before selling in markets. Those who are take hold GM foods said these foods have benefits on future hunger and they also support we all need these foods in future. According to Feuilherade (2011),humanity needs 40% more foods by the ticker of the century and GM foods is the only solution of this big problem.He also add these foods are healthy for human body because if we change the DNAs of foods, lots of vitamins and drugs may added inside the foods. However, www. webmd. com(N. D. ), mentioned these foods are not natural and has no guarantees, also has some important risks, such as introducing allergens and toxins to food, accidental contamination between genetically modified and non-genetically modified foods, antibiotic resistance and adversely changing the nutrient content of a crop.Scientists and governments always discuss this topic, however there is no exact result about harms or benefits of GM foods. Nobody do not know consequences of GM foods. Maybe after 50 years it will cause lots of diseases even will kill millions of people. There should be more and more researches about these foods and scientist and governments should give more importance, also all government which country interest growing GM foods, they should open new ministry and specific research center of GM foods before sell these product to innocence people.In conclusion, about GM foods, there are lots of researches and its effects on health and environment are not obvious. The scientist will move to improve these foods and sell them billions of people worldwide. With the support of governments and big bosses, poor and ignorant people buy these uncertain foods. Finally, I personally believe that GM foods will cause lots of die fore coming years, because of these reason these procedure should limited and controlled strictly by the government before selling. Also natural agriculture should be supported and use of organic food promoted.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Feasibility of Dried Tobacco Leaves as a Pesticide Against Cockroaches

THE FEASIBILITY OF DRIED TOBACCO LEAVES AS A PESTICIDE AGAINST COCKROACHESChapter I Abstract Tobacco coifs like a shot atomic number 18 actually a good deal needed and demanded by most of our dear consumers especially farmer and now that we are facing an intense economic crisis, and with that mere situation, the primary necessities which are very much needed by man in order for him to survive his daily living are now of higher prices compared to the last couple of days and that includes the demanding need and use of the liquefied petroleum gas or LPG.Be practise of the fact that this difficult situation happens, most of our dear consumers really do prefer victimisation alternative briquettes for their different cooking purposes. The purpose of this study is to be able to sire a low-cost, attainable and alternative briquette. The researcher really wants to know if banana tree peelings gage be a good source of briquettes. The researcher gathered all the materials needed in con ducting the said experiment like the banana peelings, scratched papers, water, measurement cup, knife, plat wee-wee balance, scissors, molders, matches, pen, and paper and conducted the said experiment step by step.Then the researcher came up with the results that the molder with water, banana peelings and papers showed the longest time of force out resistance after being lit. Therefore, using banana peelings as a source of briquettes is effective and through this, awe can be able to produce a low-cost, attainable and alternative source of briquette. The researcher recommended further study and other sources of fruit peelings. Background Of The Study The tobacco plant is a very popular material because it is one of the ingredients in making cigarettes.Tobacco is a herbaceous plant widely cultivated for its leaves, which are turn into cigars and also apply in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. whatsoever commercial used tobacco leaves as one of i ts components. The tobacco plant is coarse, fast growing plant with a simple cylindrical stem from 4 to 8 ft. in length, growing from central taproots. Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, color slight, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects.Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and haughty insects and other pests With this study, the researchers want to find out if the smorgasbord tobacco leaves is practicable as a pesticide Thus, helping them to avail and make this pesticide at home with less or cheaper money, time and effort. Statement Of The Problem This study aims to test whether the desiccate tobacco leaves is feasible as an pesticide. This is because tobacco plant is abundant here in the Philippines. The process in making this insecticide is simple and much cheaper than the commercial pesticide because its just a home- made pesticide.There are two set- ups in this stu dy, which depart use dried tobacco leaves ( thinly sliced ), water, mortar and pestle and a sprayer container. This study aims to answer the following questions 1. )What is in the tobacco leaves that it is feasible as a pesticide? 2. )Is the dries tobacco leaves effective as a pesticide? HYPOTHESES 1. )The tobacco leaves has nicotine which is an effective component in killing cockroaches. 2. )The dried tobacco leaves is effective as a pesticide against cockroaches. Significance Of The Study Nowadays, human beings make many inventions, for the betterment of human life.One of this, is the pesticide . This is to prevent insects from causing damage to may crops and other plants. Some insects are considered to be pests because it really causes damage to many farmlands. And also many pesticide are expensive. This study helps the Filipino people especially the farmers in making a home- made pesticide which is less expensive, and easy to make and youll only exert less effort. Scope and Li mitation This study tries to focus only in knowing if the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as a pesticide in killing insects especially cockroaches. Definition of Terms Tobacco Plant- is an herbaceous plant, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are rolled into cigars and also used in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. * Nicotine- a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. * Cockroach-(or simply roaches) areinsectsof the orderBlattaria. This name derives from theLatinword for cockroach,blatta. Chapter II Review Of Related Literature Cockroaches live in a wide range of environments nearly the world. Pest species of cockroaches adapt readily to a variety of environments, but prefer warm conditions found within buildings.Many tropical species prefer even tepid environments and do not fare well in the average household. The spines on the legs were earlier considered to be sensory, but observations of their locomotion on sa nd and wire meshes has show that they help in locomotion on difficult terrain. The structures have been used as inspiration for robotic legs. Cockroaches are most common in tropical and semitropicalclimates. Some species are in close association with human dwellings and widely found around garbage or in the kitchen.Cockroaches are generallyomnivorouswith the elision of thewood-eating genusCryptocercus these roaches are incapable of digestingcelluloseprotozoansandbacteriathat digest the cellulose, allowing them to extract the nutrients. themselves, but have symbiotic relationships with variousTobaccois anagriculturalproduct processed from the freshleavesof plants in the genusNicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotinetartrateit is used in some medicines. 1In consumption it may be in the form ofsmoking,chewing,snuffing,dipping tobacco, orsnus.Tobacco has long been in use as anentheogenin the Americas. However, upon the arrival ofEuropeansi n North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade relic and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of theUnited Statesuntil it gave way to cotton. Following theAmerican Civil War, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed for the development of thecigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s.Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects. Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and controlling insects and other pests. Apesticideis a substance or mixture of substances used to kill apest. 1A pesticide may be achemicalpest. Pests includeinsects, plantpathogens, weeds,molluscs,birds,mammals,fish, nematodes (roundworms) andmicrobesthat compete with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are avectorfor disease or cause a nuisance.Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals. Thus dried tobacco leaves can be an effective pesticide against cockroaches. It has a foul smell that cockroaches dont like. If they smelled this foul smell, they will eventually die afterwards because it has nicotine which is poisonous. ( http//en. wikipidia. org/wiki/cockroaches/tobacco/pesticide Chapter III methodological analysis Materials and Equipment In this study , the researcherwill beneeding 500g of dried tobacco leaves ( thinly- sliced ), two hundredmL. f water , mortar and pestle , and a spray container . With this materials ,the researcher will be able to conduct the experiment . Procedure The researcher will gather all the materials needed for the experiment . The dried tobacco leaves will be crush by the use of the mortar and pestle. 200mL. of water will be added . Shake and mix the dissolvent thoroughly . The solution will be put inside the spray container. Then it will be sprayed on cockroaches. The cockroaches will be put inside a unkindly box container and will be observed for 24 hours. Testing , observation and recording of data will follow .CHAPTER IV Results and Discussions A. Findings pic The table above is the compendious of the three-replicated experiments. The researcher observed that container A has always the longest upgrade resistance compared to container B which was with water, banana peels but without papers and to container C which is the controlled group. In trial 3, the fire resistance lasted longer tan in trials 1 and 2, respectively. It shows that the amount of banana peels is made constant in order for the experiment ti be fair. B. digest Of Data he banana peelings have the advantage in terms of the measured fire resistance.The banana peelings mixed with water and papers measured 200 seconds while the banana peelings with water but without pape rs measured 104 seconds and the water with papers but without banana peelings measured 96. 3 seconds. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND testimony Conclusion After conducting the experiment, the dried tobacco plant can be a good pesticide against cockroaches. And with that , it can minimized the consumers expenses in buying commercial pesticides. testimonial The researcher highly recommend further study in the project especially to the use of other dried tobacco leaves.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Religious and Thnic Groups Paper Essay

I picked Buddhism as my religious conclave. I am a Christian so this is interesting to me because if would feature stayed in Thai estate of the realm, Buddhism would be the religion that I would have learned and bankd in. Buddhism is a very unique religion and it differs from totally former(a) religion out there. They do not reckon in a God. Tak stated, We fall apartt call up in a god because we believe in man. We believe that each human being is precious and important, that all have the potential to develop into a Buddha a perfected human being. We believe that human beings bathroom outgrow ignorance and irrationality and see liaisons as they really ar.We believe that hatred, anger, spite and jealousy can be replaced by love, patience, generosity and kindness. We believe that all this is within the grasp of each person if they make the effort, guided and supported by fellow Buddhists and inspired by the example of the Buddha. As the Buddha theorises No whizz saves us e ntirely ourselves, No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path, But Buddhas clearly show the way (2011) The quaternary Noble Truths of Buddhism teach that life is a suffering, there is a cause of this suffering, it is possible to put an end to this suffering and the Noble Eightfold Path is the authority to end this suffering.Refuge in Three Jewels is the three components of Buddhism which protect a person from the unstable world as he progresses on the path to arrive a Buddhist. The Five Precepts lay down the m viva voce conduct to make human world a better place to live. These precepts prevent Buddhists from indulging in deeds that restrict spiritual growth and cause harm to others. The Three Marks of Conditioned Existence explain that everything in this world is impermanent, without substance and secure of suffering. They do not have a ten commandments, no judgment day, no creation myth, no prayers for ease or intervention, and lets tribe find their own path t hough life.There are no rewards or punishments on judgment day like others. Buddhism is strictly not a religion in the context of being a faith and worship owing allegiance to a supernatural being. Buddhism has been looked upon as opposite teaching from other and this makes Buddhism have a negative experience even though they feel that it is okay and that hateful things can not cut through their skin. This is what my brother had to say about his experience with others in diametrical religion, a member on Yahoo commented I have experienced hate form other who dont believe in what I believe in.And for the simple fact that I dont worship their god. People have been afraid and overturned and its sad that people are this way. Well people telling me that Im going to burn in hell is just one example. Mostly I get people coming up to talk to me and I get the whole, so are you a good Christian girlfriend thing, which makes me want to puke, and I say no Im Pagan. And most people dont even know what that means, but typically they substantiation talking and walk away. ( Philosoraptor, 2012) Buddhism has contributed little at a time and over time. Today we use meditation as a relaxation and even as a type of medicine.It is like yoga, has the same affect on the mind, body, and soul. The growth with Buddhism is even reaching contrary races, like for example Whites. Amanda Rivera said, I think the assembling comes from the fact that the Lotus Sutra emphasizes the absolute equality of all people to be able to attain buddhahood, to attain their enlightenment. The sources of prepossess and discrimination with any religious group is that people do not know and determine the group and which forethought and hate starts to set in. It is the peoples ignorance that causes the negative feelings and actions.When we talk about prejudice and discrimination a fine example would be two years ago in Kansas. The Lao-Buddhist Association Wat Lao Buddhasampham is trying to move its Ola the temple to a location along 119th Street in Olathe. But the Johnson County Board of Commissioners has so far denied the group a conditional use permit. Neighbors say that the area the Buddhists have chosen is zoned residential, but Lama Chuck Stanford of the Rime Buddhist Center says that discrimination is the real reason behind the opposition. This is clearly just ugliness of pagan and religious prejudice, said Stanford. Standord notes that Christian churches are common in residential areas, and that comments made by residents during a January zoning board meeting indicate fear and ignorance. At the meeting, people raised concerns about traffic, water pollution and animal sacrifices, along with noise from gongs, which Stanford says are no louder than church bells. Another example On Sept. 13, 2011 the U. S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the city of Walnut in Southern California because the city did not allow Chung Tai Buddhist Group, in the line from Taiwan, t o build a worship and meditation center.The Department of Justice accused the city government of violating federal law, which states that religious groups have the same rights to use land as other building applicants, and of discriminating against the Buddhist group. The sources of prejudice and discrimination with any religious group is that people do not know and understand the group and which fear and hate starts to set in. It is the peoples ignorance that causes the negative feelings and actions in which then problems and issues occur instead of accepting that people are different and unique. I have been neutral with Buddhism but my brother believes in it.I do not judge him and I try to think critically if I speak but after doing the look I have a new understanding of my ethic religion of my biological parents. The main important thing I have learned is not asking which religion is better but what is different from what I believe in and what they believe in because that is whe n you can see how others think and view beliefs. Taking a look at ethnic group of pacific islander are different from others in the looking at that the Pacific Islanders live a very well-disposed lifestyle, in which family members, both immediate and extended, work together in a solidified community.Pacific Islanders oftentimes have difficulty balancing their traditional laid- keystone attitudes with the high pressure competitive demands of American pedagogy and marketplace economy. Pacific Islanders cultures follow customs and traditions base on antediluvian patriarch principles that promote living an honorable and noble lifestyle. Embedded deeply into the Polynesian culture are music, dance, and food. Traditional storytelling, music, and dance are ancient ways of passing down history from one generation to another.Thus teachers with students who are Pacific Islanders may want to use both written and oral instruction, particularly in areas of literacy. Pacific Islanders are in fact highly developed peoples. Our ancestors survived for centuries in remote and isolated communities having devised their own means of dealing with the elements and of maintaining social order. In the process of what is known as development, however, Islanders wrestle daily with individual demands in a market-driven world, while our consciousness continues to be haunted by a pervasive sense of our collective identity (Wickham).The main thing with interaction with other groups is that Pacific Islander are more laid back and they tend to not be up to par with the other social groups. This makes them to be dumb and no gas in the think tank. Pacific Islander has been a huge contribution to American culture in fields as varied as the arts, health care, business and military service, Asian Pacific Americans are central to our quality of life. Month of May has been declared Asian Pacific American Heritage Month which celebrates all of those that have entered into the United States an d help to develop where we are today as one.Prejudice and discrimination is part of history with Pacific Islander in the past. Taiwanese-American Wen Ho Lee, for example, was targeted by the U. S. government and suspected of espionage because of his ethnicity, according to many in the Asian/Pacific Islander community. In May, U. S. Rep. David Wu, an Oregon Democrat, was detained entering the Department of Energy building in Washington, D. C. , and repeatedly asked if he was an American citizen.July, 2009 in Seattle, a group of Asian-American youths, stopped by police for jaywalking, claimed they were harassed by an officer who repeatedly asked if they spoke English and allegedly remarked, Ive been to your country before, when I was in the Army. These types of prejudice and discrimination are all appearance wise and nothing more. The pure ignorance is the source for all these actions. The research was harder to do on Pacific Islander due to the fact of less records and development like other groups. The more I read the same information was being presented.I started to research other groups and I was able to find so much more information. So yes it did help me to understand them better but not to the point of really understanding them because of lack of information and data on them. Prejudice and discrimination on the two groups were similar because both of them were looked upon as physical appearance and judge by looks instead of getting to know the two and understand the two. They both been looked at as different and odd. In the beginning of the two in America they both been push around and forced into doing things that were not right at all.Harassment and anger seems to fill hate towards the two. They are different in ways of the one is being discriminated because of a practice and the other is a human being. There is not much to be different other than that. Discrimination and prejudice looks the same, acts the same, and smells the same. Not much differenc e because it is all out of uneducated assumptions, anger, hatred, and intolerance. References Philosoraptor, M. (2012). Yahoo Answers. Retrieved from http//answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20120229093706AAHWC2Q Swee, T. (2013).Buddhism-Major Differences. Retrieved from http//www. buddhanet. net/e-learning/snapshot01. htm Tak, Y. (2011). Comparing Buddhism With some other Religions. Retrieved from http//wfcs. buddhistdoor. com/OldWeb/passissue/9612/sources/comp. htm Rivera, A. (2011). Why Is American Buddhism So White. Retrieved from http//www. thebuddhadharma. com/web-archive/2011/11/9/forum-why-is-american-buddhism-so-white. html Wickham, A. WACC. Retrieved from http//www. waccglobal. org/en/19973-indigenous-communications/929-Hidden-perspectives-on-CommunicationCulture-in-the-Pacific-Islands-. html.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cinderella Man Film Essay

Cinderella Man is a fritter away about The Great Depression. How is this period in history depicted in the film? The film Cinderella Man is based on a true story about a boxer James J Braddock, during the Great Depression in the 1930s. Braddock, his wife Mae and his three kids were actually well off, due to the fact that Braddock was doing very well with his boxing and winning lots of bear ons, which resulted in lots of money. This all changed very suddenly when Braddocks career was turned upside down when the Great Depression hit.The first scene in the film which shows that times were starting to impart tough is when there is a transition scene from 1928-1932, where there is a slow left pan fade starting from their dresser with lots of accessories much(prenominal) as jewellery, a photo in a nice frame, a watch and a stack of money which Braddock earned from winning a fight that night, and the pan ends with a shot of their dresser during the great depression which is clearly mu ch less accessorised with very little jewellery, a razor, a false tooth and the analogous photo but without the frame. As Braddock and his family were very well off before the great depression this scene really illustrated how tough the times were and there were many people much worse off than Braddocks family.Another scene in the film that portrayed the period of the Great Depression was the scene when Braddock went to the Docks to work. each(prenominal) day out of work men would wait at the gate and hope to get picked to work on the docks that day. This scene gives you as a viewer a sense of truth about the movie and when the men are stretching out their arms through the bars it demonstrates how desperate people are getting. after it shows the men begging to get picked to work it switches to a close up shot of a newspaper getting dropped on the ground with the title unemployed hits record 15 million. The close up shot of the newspaper really emphasises that the film is during t he great depression, and nearly everyone is unemployed and this shot works absolutely in depicting this point in time. The next scene which indicates the film is during the great depression I personally think is the most effective. Jim and Mae are so low on money that they cant afford to keep their three children, one who is sick at home and Mae sends them off without telling Jim and this leads to them fighting. later this is changes to a high angle close up on the EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION OF NEW JERSEY and hundreds of people filling out benefit application forms. The camera accordingly pans to Braddock when it is his turn and the muliebrity at the counter says to Braddock- I never thought Id see you here Jim. When the woman at the counter says this to Braddock it makes me as a viewer think that if Braddock is associated with wealth and he has lost everything, then what does the average person have left? As many other scenes in the film, this one really proves that the fil m is during the great depression and thousands and thousands of people are hardly surviving. The last scene I am going to talk about which represents the time of the great depression is probably the most effective in getting the message across that the film is during the great depression, and this scene is in Hooverville which is a place where lots of little shantys were built by homeless people during the great depression.This scene in the film is very loud and gruesome, with sounds such as police sirens, breaking glass, people yelling and people vomiting. The camera shows lots of people running around, bodies on the ground and small fires everywhere. This scene uses a hand held camera to emphasise the franticness of the people, and shows the occasional close up of individuals faces to show that they are scared. at a time after it shows a close up of Mikes face when he says tell Sarah Ill be late. it flashes straight to a close up of a coffin with a number on it and then another c lose up on Maes grief stricken face.Because mikes coffin lone(prenominal) has a number on it, it shows that NO one could afford a personalised coffin and all these people to the government were simply just numbers. At a glance this film is just about boxing, but as you watch it you learn that there is a deeper meaning to the film, and shows the story of one man, who went from having everything to nothing, and then struggled his way through the great depression, and in Braddocks words he was fighting for milk.

Monday, May 20, 2019

How Businesses in Puerto Rico Are Using Social Networks Essay

Social Media Gives industrial Companies Competitive Advantage, Says doubting doubting Thomas Industrial Network Report March 29, 2012 New York, NY Industrial companies that hesitate to embrace cordial media, believing that competitors ar not using these platforms, are in danger of losing business opportunities, according to recent research from Thomas Industrial Network. In fact, seven out of 10 small and midsize suppliers (68 percent) are already engaging with prospects through and through these channels, gaining a competitive advantage over those who have yet to start. More than 3,000 respondents to Thomas surveys say that they routinely physical exercise fond media to market their products and services, generate leads, answer questions, conduct research, and gain new business. Thomas study the behaviors of suppliers (i.e., manufacturers and distributors) through its Industrial Marketer survey, and buyers through its Industrial Purchasing Barometer (IPB).The research focused on their use of platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, industry forums, and blogs. The responses paint a picture of an industrial sector that has made social networking a mainstream business practice. Buyers regularly rely on social media to conduct research on companies, and to strain others opinions on particular suppliers. Indeed, 56 percent of buyers now recommend that all suppliers establish a social media presence if they want to do business with them. In response, suppliers are jumping onto the social media bandwagon to provide breeding on their reacherings (41 percent), find new prospects (27 percent), and hold in what customers have to say about their companies (20 percent).The industrial sector is awakening to the fact that social media isn t simply a passing consumer fancy, but an essential part of whatever branding and marketing program, said Susan Orr, Senior Director, Strategic Marketing, Thomas Industrial Network. Savvy suppliers also gain that the most effective social media programs need constant care and feeding. To influence prospective buyers, suppliers need to continually update their social media content, and to be actively engaging in and initiating conversations. But for m any(prenominal) industrial suppliers, dedicating the resources and having the in-house expertise to manage social media is a challenge. In response, Thomas Industrial Network recently launched a new, represent effective program to help them take advantage of this important new channel.The Social Media Program helps suppliers piss prospects who are seeking randomness and advice for their businesses through channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs, Facebook and Google+. Thomas takes the work off their hands, handling everything from strategy sessions and goal setting, to writing and posting quaint content for each company. We re stir to offer a turn-key and affordable program that leverages Thomas 115 years of experience bringing buyers an d suppliers of industrial products and services together, said Phil Paranicas, Director of Digital Media, Thomas Industrial Network.We have made it easy for any supplier to participate in social networking, and to begin reaching and influencing those prospects who regularly use these platforms. For more information on Thomas Social Media Program, please contact Mr. Paranicas at 212- 629-2134 or Thomas has also just published a new, free white paper, Why industrial businesses need to have a social media presence and how to get started, which includes additional results of its surveys, and provides social media best practices. To download a complimentary copy, please chew the fat http// Thomas Industrial Network Thomas Industrial Network is an innovative information and applied science company that helps industrial businesses to connect, collaborate and grow. We help companies to develop a complete web str ategy, enabling them to piece of land product entropy through all of their sales channels. As a result, we help industrial companies to gain sales, improve customer relationships and expand into new markets. One of our key offerings is, the premier website for product sourcing and supplier husking and selection. We also provide strategic website development, tools and technology for industrial businesses to manage and share product and service data internally and externally. They include WebCAD publishing, and syndication of detailed product data to channel partners.Custom SPEC was designed for the ridiculous needs of custom manufacturers. Additionally, we offer social media programs and search engine optimization services to help these businesses arrive at brand awareness and generate leads. Our Navigator Platform is the hub through which we help our customers to manage their information. Our focus on the industrial sector for more than a century gives Thomas In dustrial Network a unique perspective to anticipate and deliver new solutions that help industrial businesses grow. Visit us today to learn more.Home Supplier Search Product Search Product News CAD Drawings About UsSiteMaps Categories Featured Companies Featured Categories Featured ProductsCommunity Log In to MyThomas Sign Up for MyThomas Contact ThomasNet give up Feedback Forums CareersAdditional Resources Guides White Papers Resources Press Room Testimonials FAQs Tools & Gadgets Job Board Deal of the Day gain ground Your Business Free Listing Advertising Services Log In to Client Center 2013 Thomas Publishing Company. All rights reserved. See Terms and Conditions or Privacy Statement. Website Last Modified January 31, 2013. Thomas usher and Thomas Regional are part of ThomasNet Is A Registered Trademark Of Thomas Publishing Company.http// intelligence operation/social-media-gives-industrial-companies 1/31/2013

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Feminism and Sexism: the Scarlet Letter

Anaysa Viviana Arce Professor Dr. simulate Macon English Literature 1302 21 April 2013 Feminism & Sexism The Scarlet earn In Heavens own time, a new truth would be revealed, in order to establish the whole congenator between art object and woman on a surer ground of mutual happiness (ch. 24). The Scarlet Letter where there is a woman, a keep up, and a lover. A story where wo workforce atomic number 18 downgraded, humiliated, punished, and judged for their actions. It is an obvious that eras ready changed as well as customs, women now fix a say in our government.Therefore, we mainly focus on two political issues that have affected our society, feminism and sexism. We go in depth of researching how their definitions have changed through step forward time and how they have affected our society solely in the United States. The Scarlet Letter, is a grave representation of how feminism and sexism was affected in the era of the Puritans. Within the story, women were thought of as l esser than men. Womens purposes were to raise children and give them good morals and values.Women did not have jobs they wore the plainest clothes, and sat quietly by their husbands sides. temper and happiness were considered to be a sin in the Puritan faith. Hester Prynne, (the main character in the story), has to crucify m all obstacles in the novel, emotionally, socially, and psychologically. Living in a Puritan Society, where they had strict rules that everyone had to abide by, the society showed that men overruled women, and women were subjects to men. Hesters place within Puritan society changes within the novel, where she defies male authority.Feminism in its definition jibe to Barbara Smith in This Bridge Called My Back (1981) means Feminism is the political theory and practice to vacate all women women of color, working-class women, poor women, physically challenged women, lesbians, old women as well as white economically privileged hetero sexual women. Anything less t han this is not feminism, unless merely female self-aggrandizement. (Web. Vanderbilt. edu) Hester Prynne was hale to wear an embroidered A on her bodice of every garment as a signification of adultery. Women then, were punished more for such sexual transgressions.Unlike men, according to the Puritans women were considered to be ruled by their emotions, while men were considered to be governed by reason (Web. Public. gettysburg. edu). Therefore, we could bring to an end that women were humiliated and had no contribution to their society feminism was at its minimal. Women then in the United States started flake back, which lead to The Womens Movement. This organized feminism first initiated in 1848 (Web. Feminisim. eserver. org). From this movement several branches formed such as the Abolition of Slavery, the Social Purity and Temperance movement.Furthermore, after 70 years (1928) women were granted to pick out and finally have a word in society. Therefore, in comparison with T he Scarlet Letter and feminism, women have significantly evolved to become great idols in society. They have freedom and are at the level of a males authority. There is no such humiliation or judgment for committing any sin, women are allowed to be happy, independent and be with whomever makes them happy. Commonly, in todays society it is most popular that women are single mothers with a stable career to support their child.Consequently, women today are not forced to wear such embellishments like Hester Prynne, binding the before-and-today comparison on feminism and the impact it has on women today. Sexism, as previously mentioned has also been a political issue in women. Sexism means the prejudice, stereotyping, or dissimilarity, typically against women, on the basis of sex. The main overview of The Scarlet Letter is that Hester gets punished for committing adultery and conceiving a child out of marriage. In reality the only reason why Hester gets punished and forced to wear an A is because she is a female.Dimsdale, Hesters lover, being a pastor is suffering internally as the community is rising against Hester. Although the community doesnt know of his crime, he is remotely thinking of his rejection as a pastor in the case they ever do find out. Even then, the community go forth not severely punish him, judge him or make him wear an embroidered A solely because he is male. Just like feminism, sexism also presents itself as a discrimination and it is still being seen in todays society even with feminism reformations. It whitethorn be less than the puritan era, but questions such as Why dont we have a female president? arise. Overall in reality, unlike feminism, sexism will always be present. The discrimination of because she is a woman will still influence many points of view in people. Why do women commit adultery? What cause them to take such step? Questions that we wonder but at time have no answer. Although in Infidelity Facts. com we find a con implan ting answer as to why Statistically, women dont cheat for the sake of sex. Its of secondary concern for them. The 1 reason why they cheat is for an emotional connection.And this is in particular true of women over the age of 30. In more than a few instances, women wont even cheat physically. They will carry on emotional topics where theyll fall in love and experience emotional liberty with a men, while never taking it to the physical level. Its these type of involvements that can continue on for years, without ever being detected, and often leaving a wake of destruction in their path. Studies have found that in long-term relationships, women, whether they work outside of the house or not, often find themselves shut out emotionally.Over 70% of women are still the unproblematic caregivers for their children while also being the cook and the maid whether or not they have a full or part-time job. This leaves them precious little time for themselves to harbor a womans natural urge to grow emotionally. An urge typical ignored by men whose primary interest is physical contact. Thus the longing for a man who can see who they really are begins. And in the weeks, months or even years that follow, they will usually find such a man or think theyve found one.An interesting point to takeaway of this female need for an emotional attach affairs initiated by women generally last 3 times long than those initiated by men. We then refer back to the novel and as readers we discover a connection with what is presented and with Hester. Hester did not commit the affair because of sex. She was looking for love, love that Dimsdale had for her. Technically she did have a child out of marriage, but she did not have her because she was prostituting herself Hester had Pearl from deep intimate love and passion. All she wanted was someone to be by her side and love her for the person she was.Obviously in the Puritan community, adultery was a great sin but in todays society it is an o pen common issue. Some statistics on adultery complicate That over a third of married men will cheat on theirwives That nearly a quarter of all married women will cheat on their husbands And that more than 50% of all marriages will be impacted by one of the spouses being unfaithful. Back in the 1960s it was usually the husband who was unfaithful. Today, researchers are finding that women are just as likely as men to have an affair (Web. Kellybonewell. com).

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beijing & population

When we consider the ever increase global existence in nowadayss realness there are many factors which influence the kinetics of race product. In the past population dynamics was only a matter of live births, deaths and migrations. Life expectancies among the populace were low due to famine war and disease organism common factors keeping most populations from growing.However with the advent of modern technology these issues are no longer the threat they once were. Developing countries get to now established that the continued population reaping in a country can be a hindrance to their economic development.However an effort to categorize the population growth in the form of population dynamics is far more difficult today due to various extraneous factors that exist. This topic will take Beijing as an example to instance the complications in this subject. It is important to note first that China is the first country in the world with a billion people as its constituents. The population growth of China was in the first phase of elective transition during the late 19th century meaning they had a noble birth rate and a high death rate due to widespread famine at the time.However, the Chinese government realized that their country was in the second phase of democratic transition during the 20th century. Meaning they would had a high birth rate and a low death rate with a high rate of birthrate which the government surmised would be a huge blow to their economy. In order to counteract this government began enforcing the ace child-policy offering incentives for those parents who had one child and taxing those who had more than one. They also encourage sterilization, abortions and kept a exigent record of the parents who had children while discriminating against those who had two or more.They started family planning programs which were geared towards voluntary fertility reduction. Migration was also encouraged for youths who wished to leave the country for seek new economic opportunities. While all these factors lend themselves to being calculated by the formulae set by population dynamics. In the case of Beijing these dynamics cannot be calculated due to the immense population which resides there. It should also be noted that most of the population which participates in these voluntary fertility reduction programs are those from the middle class.While those individuals from the get off class not only have more children than the middle class they are also harder to document due to the fact that most of the lower class population is involved primarily in the field of agriculture. Their lower social economic get over lends them to being uneducated and undocumented thus creating a problem in ascertaining the factors of population growth. Additionally the increasing technological progress has also increased the life expectancy in China creating an environment where high populations of the Chinese people are close to sixty years of age.Documenting the growth activities of such a huge population is not only time consuming and costly. It also creates new complications for the population dynamic that whitethorn be unforeseen in a controlled simulation. Economics may increase causing greater emigrations or vice versa, new diseases such as swine flu may strike the elderly portion of the population causing a fundamental decrease, the government may successfully implement greater controls to ensure population decrease, etc.Thus, it is inevitable that the population dynamics of a billion people would reveal certain problems in categorizing the growth potential of a country. However, we must realize that more than anything else this is simply due to the inherent unpredictabilitys of the biological and environmental factors at play. References Sociology Online. (2005). Population Patterns And Trends. Retrieved May 20, 2009, from Sociology Online http//www. sociologyonline. net/text/intro/main/c4b543n. htm

Friday, May 17, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Peoples actions and their individual perceptions can influence and develop change in another(prenominal) persons character. In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Guy Montag, makes a contend metamorphosis with the help from his neighbor Clarisse, his wife Mildred, and his boss Beatty. In the beginning of the novel, he despised the substantial thought process of reading, had no thoughts or questions almost(predicate) his life, and was just release through the motions of life. He changes from a coarse character, incognizant of the activities of his surroundings, to a conscious person of.So enlightened, by the new foundation he is undefendable to, he comes to the realization that there is more life than what meets the eye. There are many stimuli in Montags society that help him change. The one who began this new outlook and the one to al directions leave him thinking deep about other possibilities and ways to see the world was his neighbor, Clarisse. She was a in truth positive influence on him charge though she was a young, teenage girl. She is classified to be unremarkable and who does the opposite of what the others do.She is also precise perceptive and she likes to watch peopleand just wants to figure out who they are and what they want and where theyre passing play (32-33). Clarisse teaches Montag to look around him, look at the people for who they actually are, and to notice that all of society is brainwash to thinking about nothing. This is something he had not noticed before. She enjoys talking to Montag, asking him questions about himself, and she loves to talk about the world and its wonderful possibilities that others fail to observe.Clarisse helps him look around and distinguish that others are not taking the time to actually see that the White blurs are houses and Brown blurs are cows(83) and everyone is just going through life to quickly and not actually looking at anything in detail. Montag never a deep thinker is num b to his surroundings and emotions. He begins to pullout of his complacency as Clarisse gives the gift of pellucidity and helps him pay attention to what is really important in life, just not what his society tells him to see. Montags Wife, Mildred, is a nix influence on him, trying to push him outside(a) emotionally and physically.She does not know who she really is and lives in an illusionary world with her obsession of television shows and believing they are real. He is so composite because she tries to ignore it ever happened thinking about all the bad things fire, sleeping tablets, men disposable tissue, coattails, blow, wad, burster Rain. The storm. The uncle laughing The whole world pouring down (19). After this incident he looks at Mildred in a different light and is someone who he cant relate to. Another way she separates herself from Montag is through her family, which is a television show.Montag constantly asks Millie if that family loves her love her with all their heart and soul (83). Her world isnt based in reality they are clearly on different paths. Hers is one of illusion and his is bonnie that of a totally self- cognisant person. She blocks everything and everyone out that is around her and lives within the show. Mildred opens Montags eyes to the real world and shows him that most people are uncaring and narcissistic. Another influencing character is Beatty, his boss and chief of police who is very knowledgeable.He finds out that Montag has books in his possession and that is when the start of the climax. Beatty is an unintentional influence, meaning he has no idea that he is changing Montag. He pushes and pushes Montag to his limits and Montag rebels. He tries to tell Montag that books arent good and that nothing is good about them. At least one fireman gets an itch. What do the books say, he wonders.Oh, to scratch that itch, eh? Well, Montag, take my word for it, Ive had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the boo ks say nothingYou come away lost. (66). Beatty really wants to discourage Montag from books, but it just makes him go in the opposite direction. Beatty helps Montag change for the better without even noticing. Many people influence us in our lives. They can be positive influences, or negative influences. Montag changes for the better in the novel Fahrenheit 451, because of the people around him. At the end of the book, after he escapes the authorities, he is reborn into a whole different person. He becomes a better person aware of the real things in life.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Kafka’s Metamorphosis: Transformations in Gregor’s Family Essay

While it is ap conjure up that the term transfiguration chiefly pertains to the unexplainable alterations that Gregor Samsa faced. it may in any event be said that the new(prenominal) characters get it ond a transfiguration of their ain. Specifically. despite Gregors bad luck and eventual death. considerable alterations have manifested for the benefit of Gregors firm such as his male elicit recovering enthusiasm in work ( Mallison 15 ) . To farther explain. Gregor Samsas sudden alteration in an insect has caused his household to alter their ways in order to last.Taking into considerateness that Gregor chiefly provided for the removes of his household prior to his vicissitude. it was decidedly no longer a pick for his male parent. feminine parent. and child to pass their yearss lazily or fruitlessly. In add-on to such alterations. their mode of perceptual experience was altered throughout the patterned advance of the recital either bit good. In quaint. a metabolism besi des occurred in how they perceived Gregor Samsas humanity and being. Therefore. it is so incontrovertible that Gregors father. female parent. and sister all infrawent a procedure of metabolism as good albeit non in visual aspect further instead in footings of their actions and beliefs.Gregor provided for the demands of his household wholly. as they no longer had to busy themselves with any signifier of perseverance and labour. As noted in the narrative. Gregor felt a great pride that he was able to furnish a life like that in such a nice place for his sister and parents ( Kafka 22 ) . However. upon recognizing that holding no 1 to back up the household due to Gregors unfortunate transmutation into an insect. Gregors father knew that he had to alter his ways and peerless time at a time more(prenominal) move to do a life.This was non an easy undertaking though as Gregors male parent. holding suffered from defeated concern chases in the yesteryear was lacking in ego confidence ( Kafka 28 ) . However. the male parent that Gregor one time knew. who ever acted and presented himself in a laid back mode. has undergone a considerable metabolism of his ain. Not merely did Gregors male parent get a occupation at a banking house. hence explicating a alteration in facets of vesture. a genuinely across-the-board transmutation is signified by holding piercing dark eyes. that looked out fresh and alert ( Kafka 36 ) .With such great alterations. it becomes unequivocal that by the terminal of the narrative Gregors male parent was no longer a cock-a-hoop male haunted by failure. but alternatively embodied deserving and gained a renewed hunger for achievements. In add-on to his fathers transmutation. Gregors female parent and sister underwent metabolism every bit good. First. it may look that Gregors female parent. being faced with a serious wellness status would non be able to alter her ways or to presume more duties.Particularly. Gregors female parent suffered from asthma and it was a strain for her merely to travel about the home ( Kafka 28 ) . However. as brought Forth by the alterations in their family. in add-on to perchance seeing the notable transmutation of his hubby. she was besides able to populate a more productive life style. Interestingly. the undertaking that Gregors female parent accomplished in order to farther procure the fiscal stableness of her household required negligible physical strain she sew fancy underclothes for a manner shop ( Kafka 39 ) .Grete. Gregors sister. on the other manus unfeignedly got a proper occupation. following the stairss of her brother as she had taken a gross revenues job ( Kafka 39 ) . Albeit antecedently non seeing the demand to procure duties of her ain. her metabolism really foremost occurred when she felt the demand to care for her brother holding to carry through the most prefatory jobs without fail. even though she neer became accustomed to his brothers new signifier.Throughout the poin ts mentioned above. it becomes clear that the other members of Gregors household underwent a metabolism in their actions or more specifically in their duties and chases. Regardless. it transformations in footings of belief or perceptual experience should non be disregarded. To elaborate. the mode in which they believed or perceived Gregor as a household member. despite his abhorrent province. has besides undergone a metabolism throughout the narrative.Once earlier. Gregors mother even questioned the impression of taking all furniture from Gregors room. claiming that itd be go around to go onward the room precisely the manner it was before so that when Gregor comes back to us once more hell happen everything unchanged ( Kafka. 32 ) . With such words. it is obvious that there is even-tempered a belief that Gregor is so the insect before them. merely holding gone through a temporal metabolism. a mere ordeal which would shortly go through. However. as Gregors household shortly becam e more self-sufficing. their perceptual experiences sing Gregor finally changed.In the terminal. even Gregors most darling sister exclaimed the pursual I dont want to name this monster my brother. all I can convey is we have to seek and acquire rid of it ( Kafka. 49 ) . The metabolism of each member of Gregors household would non hold been possible if his ain metabolism has non occurred. Hence. metabolism in this sense may besides be pertained to as an exchange or tradeoff between luck and bad luck. or between skill and debasement. Particularly. such a position would most be most interesting to farther emphasize in the context of Grete.As Hill specifically references in a unfavorable judgment of Kafkas work. the narrative unhappily implies that merely false semblance can go a redemptive ideal. merely under its clasp can life blossom ( 162 ) . Even though non faced with a desperate demand to gain or to accomplish fiscal success. as other members of the household have gained proper occupations. Grete still aimed to prosecute similar ends. It is decidedly challenging to larn that she has acquired a similar occupation to that his brother one time held. connoting that she may be seeking to finish the spread left by her brother as a gesture of regard.In decision. Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis is non simply a narrative sing peculiar alterations experienced by an single but most significantly Tells of how such alterations may convey forth a myriad of possible results for others. Works Cited Hill. Stanley. Kafkas Metamorphosis. Explicator 61. 3 ( 2003 ) 161 162. Print. Kafka. Franz. The Metamorphosis. Vista. Calcium Boomer Books. 2008. Print. Mallison. Jane. Book heady Your Essential Reading List for Becoming a Literary Genius in 365 Days. natural York. New york McGraw Hill Companies. 2007. Print.

Limiting Financial Executives' Compensation Term Paper

Limiting Financial Executives recompense - Term Paper ExampleWhile the financial innovations helped the stock markets grow at a humongous pace in the 1990s and early 2000s, they similarly brought about a false euphoria and when the pass off burst, the current slowdown was imminent.The 1980s heralded many changes in the banking and securities exchange sectors the world over. It was an era of deregulations and wanton flow of currency.Due to changes in policies related to the stock market like bond trading, invention of securitization, interest-rate swaps, and credit-default swaps, bankers could increasingly beat huge profits in the stock markets in the past two -three decades. Financial services also benefitted from higher investments made in securities by the increasingly wealthy population, encouraged by the IRA and 401 (k) plan.With everyone qualification money, there seemed to be clout surrounding the financial experts, and the growth of private banks was considered synonymou s with economic growth. fit to Simon Johnson, the great wealth that the financial sector created and concentrated gave bankers enormous political weight-a weight not seen in the U.S. since the era of J.P. Morgan (the man).In the same article, the chart showing the percentage of financial industrys profits as a share of U.S business profits indicates a slow increase fr

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Freges Puzzle of Identity Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Freges Puzzle of Identity Statements - Essay ExampleFriedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege, a German philosopher, was one of the founder fathers of establishing a systematic and analytical approach to the philosophy of language. He instituted the idea of logically proving the quantified narrations. In Freges philosophy of language he found two puzzles, of which one related to the identicalness of statements. Frege says forthwith if we were to regard equality as a relation between that which the names a and b designate, it would seem that a = b could non differ from a = a (i.e. provided a = b is true). A relation would thereby be expressed of a thing to itself, and indeed one in which each thing stands to itself but to no other thing (Bencivenga E, 1993).Here, he observed that mere representation of names and descriptions does not convey the data content of a statement or a sentence in terms of logic and means. He further probed and found that a minimum of two relations are required for significant grounds of the language. In the subsequent paragraphs we will discuss the Freges Puzzle of identity statements in detail and reasonably prune the solution of the puzzle as suggested by Frege himself.Identity statements are the expressions that equate the objects on both sides of the identity sign (Geach, O. and Black, Max, 1960). For example, (2+3) = 5, Clint is Eastwood and John is Peters father. All these statements essentially belong to the alike clan of winsome a= b. The statement a = b can only hold true when a and b both represent the same object or an individual. Now, consider a statement of mannikin a = a. This statement also requires the same truth condition as required for the statement of kind a = b. For both the cases, object or the individual is same and also, the denotations represent the same individual or the object. However, the meaning conveyed in the two cases is varied. This appears to be a paradoxical situation as the representations of a uniq ue object or an individual have a difference while macrocosm true at the same time. The Freges puzzle states that when the difference in the representations, that is, a or b is not established by the two cases under consideration, then how we can find the difference in meaning or cognitive significance between the two true identity statements (Fiengo, Robert and May, Robert, 2006).Cognitive Significance of the leaving of Identity StatementsTo resolve the issue of difference, we first understand cognitive significance of a name or a statement. Cognitive significance of a statement, as brought out by Frege, can only be described by two important aspects of the statement, namely, sense and reference (Zalta, Edward N, 2005). Here, the sense of the statement conveys more information then its interpretation by mere visual inspection (Schirn, M, 1976). Moreover, sense is the integral part of the name and different names are associated with different sense (Zalta, Edward N, 2005). A group of two or more statements may indicate or refer to a singular object but each statement has a unique sense of its own.Next, we obtain the property between the

Monday, May 13, 2019

Research Report Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Report Proposal - Essay modellingIt get out enquire into if there provide be some impact on the efficiency and feel style of the female might staff if they are provided with the massage facility in order to dress the level of stress in imparting their too heavy pedagogical duties.3. In what ways does enfolding in the holistic health alternative practice of therapeutic massage treatments improve the quality of vivification of female faculty working in the Teacher Education program at this (Name) UniversityThe (Name) University female faculty across schools and departments will benefit from knowing if perceived stress is reduced and quality of life change as a result of participating in a perceived Quality of Life and tensity survey and three massage therapy treatments designed to relax and revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. The information will be use to increase awareness of the stress female faculty encounter in the Teacher Education program. The findings may result in the development of holistic health programs that improve higher education environments. The information will be shared and published with the Massage Therapy Foundation of the American Massage Therapy Association.The population for this study will consist of thirty female faculties working in the Teacher Education program at a (Name) University.