Thursday, June 20, 2019

Professional ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Professional morality - Essay ExampleThe traffical ethics usually go in line with the moral ethics, placing confrontations to the members of the profession to act in a morally permissible manner.Examples of common professional ethics that cut across all professions include loyalty, transparency, integrity, honesty, among others. Some professionals such as medical practitioners have their own universal code of ethics which are observed world-wide by all the members of that profession. All medical doctors have to abide to the Hippocratic oath, which is their universal form of professional ethics.Professional ethics are very important not only for the professionals but also for the members of the public. They place well-nigh responsibilities on members of a certain profession in line with the training and expectations of the society from the professions. For example, professional ethics of a police officer give him or her responsibility of maintaining practice of law and order, pre venting crime and ensuring the general wellbeing of the society. It would thus be against the professional ethics of a police officer if a crime is affiliated in his presence and the officer does not respond to the situation. On the contrary, an ordinary citizen or member of another profession who has no training in law enforcement will not be held responsible for being unable to stop a crime in progress as that is not his/her responsibility.Professional ethics also aid in ensuring optimum service delivery by members of a profession by maintaining discipline within the profession. For example, professional ethics expect members of a profession always to strive to deliver as per the main objectives of the profession without looking for at monetary gain. This means that for one to be a member of a given profession, he or she must have a passion and will to serve the people as per what the society expects of them without looking at how much he/she will gain from doing so. For example , it is professional ethics that

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