Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in Sportswear Marketing Literature review

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in activewear Marketing on the Consumers perception of the Product and Overall Purchasing Decision - Literature review compositors caseCelebrity stock-purchase warrant Several suspensors make believe gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has make them be sought for purpose of nock image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who argon celebrities savour recognition from the public and hence ar at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotional material tools. Therefore image is enough to cause a spectacular and easy influence to targeted consumers (Kahle & Homer, 1985, pp.954-961). Celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the dodge when used as a path of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desir ing and reservation purchases (Damian & Admap, 2010, pp.42-43). Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a towering competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industry are fleck for the same consumers. Special considerations are fit(p) on attributes that are possessed by celebrities (Daneshvary & Schwer, 2000, pp.203-213). Different spate spend a penny different cultural basis which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and great deals way of life. Therefore it is important for the selected endorser to have vast qualities which are consistent and in line with consumers cultural expectations (Ohanian, 1991, pp.46-53). Practices done by the athlete should not provide a negative influence in that the products get to be despised cod to the unethical habits he displays (Walker, et al., 1992, pp.69-76). Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on... As the report stresses that several athletes have gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has made them be sought for purpose of brand image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who are celebrities enjoy recognition from the public and hence are at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotion tools. Image is enough to cause a great and easy influence to targeted consumers.This paper declares that celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the strategy when used as a form of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desiring and making purchases. Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a high competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industry are fighting for the same consumers. Special considerations are placed on attributes that are possessed by celebrities. Different people have different cultural background which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and peoples way of life. Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on characteristics which celebrity possesses before selecting him to be used in brand endorsement. Brands to be endorsed should fall within the area of expertise of celebrity so that one does not give contradicting messages to consumers which is opposite with how they are perceived to be.

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