Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Youth Justice in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

offspring referee in the UK - Essay ExampleBetween arrest and sentence, it could take anywhere between 70 to one hundred seventy days. In spite of the efforts of schools and parents, training and employment, services for tackling drug and alcohol abuse, as part of the developed strategy, young person crime have not fallen much. Crime and Disorder Act 1998, sections 37 to 43 finagle with crime, warnings, punishments, rehabilitation and various programmes to improve a lot of young person offenders. In spite of many efforts and Acts, youth justice had not been achieved in the UK.United Nations has taken steps for worldwide youth justice. UN Youth splashiness like websites encourages youth online participation. UN General Assembly defined youth as persons between the age base of 15 and 24, both inclusive and according to this definition, UN says that approximately 1 billion youth live in the world today and 85% of them are in developing countries and 60% of them are in Asia alone . UN identifies as priority issues of youth are education, employment, hunger and poverty eradication, health, environment, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, leisure-time activities, girls and young men, the full and impressive participation of youth in the life of society and in decision making. UN hopes that Governments of the world take apportion of these matters. UN believes in empowering youth in development and peace, keeping in mind their aspirations, and that they are the key agents for kind change economic development and technological innovation. UN recognizes that it is necessary to encourage their imagination, ideas, energy, and vision musical composition noting that they represent societys hope, further have uncertain future. Their intellectual contribution and ability to mobilize support is not overlooked. UN tries to maximize the resources, funding, obviate inequalities of economic, social and political conditions, ethnic prejudice and unemployment. UN is working against gender discrimination, insecure livelihoods, conflict, exclusion, homelessness, continuous deterioration of the environment, hunger, malnutrition, affection and lack of education and employment opportunities. In 1965, UN has asked the Member States to endorse the Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the ideals of Peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples. In 1995 it strengthened its commitment by directing international community to address youth problems like drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, and social development under ordinary Declaration of Human Rights, which also cover rights of health, education, and employment along with disability support. Global Youth Conferences maintain on empowering youth for action and that youth issues should be tackled from local, national, regional and international levels. Youth should be treated as a challenge and a resource and should be allowed for economic, social, cultural and political participation. UN reite rates working for and with Youth while laying stress on inter-cultural, inter-regional and international interactions to promote World Youth Forum of the United Nations System.

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in Sportswear Marketing Literature review

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in activewear Marketing on the Consumers perception of the Product and Overall Purchasing Decision - Literature review compositors caseCelebrity stock-purchase warrant Several suspensors make believe gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has make them be sought for purpose of nock image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who argon celebrities savour recognition from the public and hence ar at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotional material tools. Therefore image is enough to cause a spectacular and easy influence to targeted consumers (Kahle & Homer, 1985, pp.954-961). Celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the dodge when used as a path of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desir ing and reservation purchases (Damian & Admap, 2010, pp.42-43). Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a towering competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industry are fleck for the same consumers. Special considerations are fit(p) on attributes that are possessed by celebrities (Daneshvary & Schwer, 2000, pp.203-213). Different spate spend a penny different cultural basis which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and great deals way of life. Therefore it is important for the selected endorser to have vast qualities which are consistent and in line with consumers cultural expectations (Ohanian, 1991, pp.46-53). Practices done by the athlete should not provide a negative influence in that the products get to be despised cod to the unethical habits he displays (Walker, et al., 1992, pp.69-76). Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on... As the report stresses that several athletes have gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has made them be sought for purpose of brand image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who are celebrities enjoy recognition from the public and hence are at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotion tools. Image is enough to cause a great and easy influence to targeted consumers.This paper declares that celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the strategy when used as a form of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desiring and making purchases. Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a high competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industry are fighting for the same consumers. Special considerations are placed on attributes that are possessed by celebrities. Different people have different cultural background which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and peoples way of life. Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on characteristics which celebrity possesses before selecting him to be used in brand endorsement. Brands to be endorsed should fall within the area of expertise of celebrity so that one does not give contradicting messages to consumers which is opposite with how they are perceived to be.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Counseling paper on short term premarital relationships (why do they Research

Counseling on short line prenuptial relationships (why do they succeed or fail) - Research Paper ExampleKeywords short term prenuptial relationships Short terminal Premarital Relationships As long as time has existed so has existed the idea of marriage and matrimony the harmonical existence of ii people living with each other and spending the persist of their lives together. A rival is supposed to signify emotions of trust, loyalty as well as affection and dear towards each other. harmonise to ancient traditions all around the world, in various cultures and countries, marriages are very sacred and are considered to be a blessing from heaven. The union of two people along with their families and friends is considered to be a gift from preceding(prenominal) for the purpose of sharing love and mutual accord. However, if one looks into the past, one open fire easily see that love developed among people without being given a chance love is non an emotion that waits to happe n, it good happens between people and then they need to explore it and find out whether or not the two chosen ones are good enough for each other. (Mueller, W) The problem was that in olden times, people were not given the opportunity to try and test out methods and carry out such experiments of short term relationships in order to scrutinize and record a second person. Such a relationship was looked upon as a taboo. Divorce rates and break ups were not high at the time because of fear of being frowned upon by society. People were under pressure to be with people whom they did not want to spend the rest of their lives with as well. That is why, as more and more people began to look upon this emotion as a burden, thoughts began to start out more open and people understood the need for giving time to get to know a person before jumping into an eternal bond with them in the form of marriage. In todays world nonetheless, the concept of being with someone has changed quite a bit. Fall ing in love is a very easy aspect of peoples lives because of the kind of openness and broad mindedness that people suck learnt to associate themselves with in the modern day and age. Being in a relationship with someone can range from being a long term to a short term process, depending on the understanding that two people are able to create for each other. It also depends on how well a person is able to adjust and absorb himself into the others space. Thus, the best way to understand another(prenominal) person is to find out his or her character and comprehend their personality in order to be able to fit into their lives. This can only be done if time is spent trying to understand someone and getting to know their likes and dislikes. For the most part therefore, couples today have begun to seek a premarital relationship which acts as a rehearsal for the main long term relationship. This involves living together as husband and wife but also knowing that in the eyes of law and on p aper, they are still not bound to each other by holy matrimony. (Stahmann, R. F) Short term premarital relationships refer to live in relationship between people which last for a short period. umpteen people who get into such relationships are afraid of an everlasting commitment and thus are in it for a short time period. Being in such a relationship has both its pros as well as its cons, which have been further discussed within the purview of this

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Marxist Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Marxist Analysis - Essay ExampleThere is Lewis Anderson, an go through negotiator from the global parent union. Anderson warns the workers to call off the strike since in his opinion, they will not win. Anderson is rightly when the employees refuse to compromise, the corporation simply provides their job to replacement employees. The situation was almost identical in the youthful Caterpillar strike. American Dream provides a catastrophic picture of a State in which the school of thought of unionism of employees standing by other employees is dying off.The Marxist theories on capitalism comprise the succeeding(a) a falling rate of profit, a reserve army of the unemployed, business crises, increasing despair of the proletariat, and escalating submergence of industry into few firms. In the Marxian model, the capitalist is the main player in the economic process. The capitalist calculate for earnings and response to adjusting rates of profits largely explains the dynamics of the c apitalist system. In the Marxist model, capitalists rationally and intentionally pursue their economic benefits and implant seeds of their own destruction. According to Marx, capitalism generates undesirable social outcomes, for example, the events portrayed in the movie (Marx 762).In the Marxian model, augmented capital accumulation will raise the labor demand. profit in demand for labor raises the wage rates. Increasing wage rates lead to diminishing unembellished value and profits. Marx explains this scenario using the concept of the reserve army of the unemployed. In Marxist view, there is continuously an bare labor supply in the market, which has the influence of lowering wages and maintaining the profits and surplus value positive. In search of profits, capitalists introduce new machines in the production process. Direct unemployment in the reserve army occurs as a result of replacement of employees with new technology (Marx

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Big data technology optimizes and stores the user generated data in Essay

Big data technology optimizes and stores the make utilise ofr generated data in exabytes utilise the distributed backup mechanism which significantly increases the performance and storage space in the softw be industry - search ExampleIn recognition of the magnitude of the problems involved in the management of big data, many companies are investing considerable amounts of money in researching better methods of big data management. These companies seek reliable ways of organizing, storing and managing their machine, user and application data, which is rapidly growing in size to exabytes and petabytes. The volumes of big data are well large, such that many organizations find it difficult to process, store and access the data they need using the traditionalistic databases and systems of storage (BVT, n.d.).Further complexity comes about in the now common scenario, where companies dispatch teams to different places more or less the world, yet the nature of their work requires th em to collaborate on the same data since they are involved in the same project. This highlights the need for data solutions that allow these companies to change, add, check in content and modify them without creating problems for other employees inwardly the organization (Kumar, 2012).Conventional systems of storage typically require revision of the systems or tech refreshes every ternary years (sometimes four) so that the company can keep up with new requirements and growth. This, in many instances, requires expensive and disruptive data migrations, replacement of void storage capacity and regular upgrades of software licenses (Leavitt, 2013). This paper looks into how companies use big data technology to store data generated by users in exabytes by making use of the distributed backup method.The distributed backup method of storage provides companies with the opportunity to store more data in a scalable way across storage node networks. It is imperative to note that the main pur pose of musical accompaniment up data is so that an organization can have at least a imitation of what may the company may consider as important. In the event that there is a bankruptcy in the storage systems within an organization,

Friday, April 26, 2019

EBay in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EBay in Asia - Essay Example22).EBay has been trying to draw and quarter its focusing into the Asian markets. It has been noticed that the Ameri throw out companies have had to face some problems in making their slipway into the Asian markets. However, Starbucks has been successfully working in Asian markets since many years.Cultures have an influence over the markets so making them cultural markets and these ar the chief(prenominal) factors that are to be understood. EBay has been a failure in discretion the culture of Asian markets (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2005, p. 23).Gunaxi is the term that American companies should be familiar with. This explains the basic nature of dynamics mixed in the personal ne twork of influence and this concept runs in the Chinese society. This explains the dealing between two good deal in which one of the persons performs an act of service. EBay has failed to learn the fact that the Chinese, after the Africans, are corrupt people and bribery is a co mmon factor in the Chinese society. To excel in the Chinese society, EBay has failed to beat notice of the shipway in which Chinese people could be handled so as to curb ways in the markets. EBay had to make sure that right officials were bribed so as to make way into the markets (The University of California, 2006, p. 33).Marketing is an compound communication based process wherein it is understood that the needs of the customers can be satisfied through prissy communication. Marketing orientations play an important role in the marketing strategy. The product orientation is where the firm is come to with the quality of the product. The sales orientation, customer orientation, production, marketing and organizational orientations are the main orientations that firms have to keep in mind.For proper marketing the 4 Ps are known to the marketing world. The four Ps are necessary to understand the basic requirements for international marketing. The four Ps are inclusive of the Pro duct deals with stipulation related to the products as well as the needs of the customer. Pricing includes the prices as well as the discounts world offered on the products. Placement or distribution refers to the ways in which a product reaches the customer. Promotion is the way in which a product is marketed in the market so as to attract customers. These are the four main points that EBay has to keep in mind when reaching out to the international markets (Freeman and Bartels, 2004, p. 33).These are the four points which make up the marketing mix for any organization. Apart from these four points the other issues that should be kept in mind while reaching out to the international markets are the cultural differences with the other countries. These are the main errors that have been committed by EBay when making their ways into the international markets, especially Asian markets. In admission to this the expansion and entry into foreign markets can be achieved successfully by fol lowing the four mechanisms. exportation is the mechanism by which an international market can be reached in a proper modality by selling the product in a foreign market. The property of the licensor for product production can be used by the mechanism of