Friday, February 28, 2020

Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from Essay

Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from ideologies and attitudes toward other social issues. To wh - Essay Example For instance, the role or significance of alcohol has changed extensively while the ways in which it is made have remained relatively rigid. This paper outlines that attitudes towards the consumption of alcohol are linked to specific attitudes and ideologies in the society. Alcohol consumption has been taken to imply other social perspectives in different cultures and eras. This will be expounded upon in the paper to identify what influenced these perspectives and what the consequences were to the consumption of liquor. The perspectives that some may have held towards alcohol may differ to those of other in another culture or within the same culture but with different views. Alcohol and Social Occasions Many Christians or those knowledgeable about the bible may be aware of an occasion where Jesus turned water into wine. The occasion was a wedding and the people had run out of wine. This had the potency to ruin the party. In history, alcohol has been associated with celebrations parti cularly those fully endorsed by the society such as weddings or the birth of a baby. The society would come together during such occasions and drink together, an action that had a deeper meaning that many would apprehend today. It was a way of bringing the community closer, in a way that it would bond and become more united towards achieving tasks. In those times, the community worked as one towards performing specific roles which may be equated to the family set up today. Consumption of alcohol was not as straight forward as it is today. It had to be consented by the â€Å"form of leadership† in the community and done in public by all those permitted to drink. This usually took place during occasions that had the theme of celebration such as after a hefty harvest or during a union between a man and a woman. It was hence impossible to separate such occasions and alcohol, particularly so because it was preserved for such occasions. People would be waiting for them to come and would not miss. It also performed pivotal roles in bringing together the community, this one of the most important unit that determined prosperity or failure. A community that would not come together to drink and rejoice after a favorable occasion was feeble and would not accomplish much. Alcohol and Social Status As stated earlier, the decision to brew beer (one of the most common form of alcohol at the time along with grape wine) was made by the community. This is not to say that the entire community would deliberate over the matter, rather the select few with the obligation to made decisions for the community as a whole. This meant that these individuals had a higher power (status) as compared to the ordinary civilians. This community set up is mutual to many cultures, which means that this group of was given different names and obligations. What is common in almost all cases is that social gatherings such as the one that would require the provision of alcohol were deliberated by these individuals. It is factual to assert that alcohol was largely linked to social class. Decisions on whether to drink, even on an individual level were dependent on whether those of a higher social status agreed to the idea. As this form of community slowly disintegrated and alcohol was incessantly availed to everyone at a cost, only those of the upper social class that could afford it continued to control it. In some way, it may be viewed that much did not change. Alcohol continued to be

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