Thursday, January 23, 2020

Our Day Out by Willy Russell :: English Literature

Our Day Out by Willy Russell The play "Our Day Out" in based around the remedial class of an inner city Liverpool comprehensive. The children are the bottoms of the heap; they are not blessed with a well off families to support them. The two main teachers are Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs who views contrast and contradict each other throughout the play. On this particular day the "remedial class" are of on a school trip hence the title "Our Day Out" to Conway castle in Wales though this is not the only place the children get to see, the play takes us to a variety of different places (due to the fact that it was written for television broadcast). Russell primary idea may seem just to produce a play that is entertaining and suitable for a television broadcast. Though Russell provides with slice of life realism. I t could have a certain biographical side to it for Russell grew up in a similar area in Liverpool. Although at some points in the play the way Russell writes may seem biased trying to perform our opinions but he actually writes from different viewpoints providing us with an actual insight into the play. Russell major themes throughout the play are poverty, the lack of education and opportunity available; the social and cultural depravation suffered from living in such an inner-city area. It questions the ethics of bad parenting. The scenes I have choossen to anylais have great dramic importance to the play they are Kay. It focuses on a major aspect of the play: the depravation of the children. It proves again to us the yearning of Carol and the attitudes of both teachers. It provides a valuable insight into the play. Mrs Kay firstly asks Carol why she does not and go and look round the castle. To this Carol relies "Miss, I don't like it. It's horrible." At first you might think that she is referring to the castle building although later on in the scene she refers to the castle been a "nice" place. We already know that Carol is not an intellectual girl; she is still unable to read and write at the age of 13.Proving her lack of educational ability is the fact that she mistakes a lake for the see. Even though she is lacking in educational ability she is still aware of her surroundings in Wales and then back at home she is also aware of the differences between them. Though she is unable to express herself due to her low vocabulary and grammar skills. So when she uses the term "It's horrible" she is actually referring to the fact it's

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