Friday, November 15, 2019

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges Digital marketing entails interaction with known customers and others in the marketing channel, on a one to one basis, often in real time, to maintain value-laden relationships and to generate a measurable response and/or transactions using electronic network tools and technologies (Kotler et al. 2008, p525). This essay will focus on the discussion of the opportunities and challenges in organizations which are will use digital marketing techniques and discuss the ways that they can plan and implement digital marketing tools in their marketing activities. This essay will also provide two organizations that have introduced and adopt digital marketing. Moreover, this essay will give an analysis of comparison between two organizations which use digital marketing concept. The intention of discussion is to know more about the digital marketing concept in some organizations and also opportunities and challenges of using digital marketing. Besides, this essay also intention to compare which is the best digital marketing strategy. The concept of digital marketing has increasing in many organizations and become more popular and important than before. But there are some opportunities and challenges in order to using this concept in organizations. Many writers has different evaluate in these concept, according to Klososky (2012, p45) Social technology tools are multi-faceted, and have the ability to change an economy that it is in chaos to one that is manageable and predictable. That statement means that digital marketing has opportunities and challenges in business to manage and helps some company to increase their sales by using social technology, such as social networking, social media, and social relevance. More specifically is explained by Cristian et al. (2008, pp983-4) digital marketing opportunities for organizations is separated to pull and push digital marketing, which is the pull digital marketing are includes blog marketing, advertising and personal interactive television and smart advertisement on th e web. While the push digital marketing is includes mobile marketing, text messaging marketing, multimedia messaging and the broadcasting of recent news (RSS). Moreover, Rapson (2010, p25) stated A common problem in this wealth of technology options, is choosing the right solution for specific marketing goals and data needs. This statement tells about the challenges of digital marketing which is understand digital marketing tools and common trend using different tools. In overall, many people agree that opportunity of digital marketing is in electronic channels which are related to social technology and the challenge is about its digital marketing tools. These points of view is clearly clarified what is opportunities and challenges that facing the digital marketing. Digital marketing tools are considered so valuable in marketing activities, especially in some organizations that depend on technologies. Moreover, digital marketing tools give many advantages to company, for example to increase their revenues. As though stated by Klososky (2012, p42) Social tools can be compare to web itself, inasmuch as there are benefits for every department. There are some ways to get those benefits. First, building productive websites is important for people to get an admission to record information or control business dealing; it is purpose to not maximize a continuous connection (Klososky 2012, p42). Second is providing social technologies, it is needs to make good relationship with customers and increase their beliefs (Klososky 2012, p42). Third, mobile tools is necessary for all of organizations because can make an easily communication with clients (Klososky 2012, p43). Fourth is driving online traffic, it is very important to make business more famous and t here are so many steps to do it, for example some advertising, make a consistent and brand for the business, add favorite bookmark for business website and others (Klososky 2012, p43). The last is measurement systems is use for make decisions for results in organizations and it is to make an improvement (Klososky 2012, p43). In addition, digital marketing tool is growing and it is often used by organizations such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and crowdscribing, the similarities between them is their ability to tap into the power of the internet herd to get work done less expensively, faster and with more innovation (Klososky 2012, p44). Many organizations has adopt digital marketing concept to their marketing activities and they also have introduced it. There are some way to introduce such as by using E-service, it is explained by Rowley (2008, p527) E-service is deeds, efforts or performances whose delivery is mediated by information technology (including the Web, information kiosks and mobile devices). Such e-service includes the service element of e-tailing, customer support and service, and service delivery. E-service is often used by many organizations for examples newspapers are apply their information by technology tools and it is called digital newspaper. Newspaper has made an alteration from traditional print medium to use internet, this change is also influences the concept of digital marketing because in newspaper there are also an advertisement, banners (or leader boards), expanded banners, skyscrapers, mid page banners, etc. (Christopher 2008, p10). Organizations that had been adopted digital marketing on their digital newspaper are which is the official website of Malaysias biggest Chinese media group. Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd, and the one of most popular Chinese Web sites in Southeast Asia (Christopher 2008, p10) and the second is Gatehouse which has many community newspapers approximately 480. First, has five different tools to introduce digital marketing which are AdText (hyperlink advertising on editorial-based homepage), AdWord (a dynamic editorial tool that delivers advertising inside the text of news content), AdQuote (expanded version of AdWord concept but placed at the bottom of the article) and AdTrend (an automatically displayed advertising message based on the current market trends and nature of the business news and current events: the stock market, banking, sports, weather) and last is AdBlog, the most recent format in which one advertiser per month is featured. This AdBlog can include video/flash with advertising and blog articles, etc ( Christopher 2008, p10). In the other hand, the Gatehouse is specifically on websites and use web 2.0 as their platform. Moreover, they also use Zope which is an open-source content management system, for the relaunch as well as to build dozens of others (Christopher 2008, p10). Gatehouse is also like google and uses it to advertise their website to make many visitors. They also participate in Google print program and google hotjob recruitment network.

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