Thursday, September 26, 2019

Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour Essay

Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour Party environment policy statement, 2009). Discuss in the context of British government and politics - Essay Example ons Reduction Target (CERT), which has provided a large investment in household energy efficiency between 2002 and 2008 and brought in carbon saving; delivering more seaward wind facility than any society in the globe; and implementing the world’s first long-term, legally binding greenhouse emission reduction programme (Carter 2007). Hence, in their environment policy statement in 2009, the Labour Party declared, â€Å"Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting† (The Labour Party 2010: para 5). However, this activities, campaigns, and achievements of the Labour Party have not been examined in the context of British government and politics comprehensively. This essay will attempt to contribute in this area of knowledge. The primary issue that will be addressed here is the role of the British government and its relationship with the people. These issues have gained a new significance. A decade into the existence of this Labour government, policy-makers seem to be certain that their mission has changed. Gordon Brown, as he reflects on his experience, addressed communities breaking new ground for elected legislators to pursue (Worley 2009). However, in one domain specifically, we oblige our policy-makers to lead rather than follow, and to take risks. That domain is the environment. The media response has been unsurprising. Conservative channels that were quick to criticise David Cameron’s demand for stricter aviation taxes are imploring that the electorate cannot take any more. They are incapable of justifying their standpoint beyond complaining about nursemaid states and fiddling with, or supporting, the assertions of climate-change denouncers (Worley 2009). Newscasters respond even more recklessly, with Channel 4 exposing a feature film that go against all the facts and with the BBC misinterpreting its demand to ‘balance’ by advocating discussion between the two parties, as if they embody corresponding bodies of evidence. Brown has taken

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