Sunday, August 25, 2019

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation Essay

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation - Essay Example We were amazed at the idea of this educational charity project, which transformed a clay mine into a garden where students and non-students alike can learn more about the environment. The gardens for instance, consisted of various plants that are found in various parts of the world, and are usually grown in different climates, but could still survive under England’s climate conditions. At the same time, the people behind the project also made sure that the experience was enjoyable, by incorporating culture, music and theatre arts in their education programme. Indeed, the Eden project is in itself, an excellent mix of science, technology, the arts, culture, horticulture and architecture. We found it particularly inspiring how the project also aims to reach out to various members of society- such as prisoners from the prisons in the South Western part of the country, wherein these prisoners are taught skills such as planting fruits and vegetables, marketing, sales, distribution and even construction and maintenance, so they can continue to develop and improve their abilities, and create employment opportunities for themselves in the future. The following pages of this report shall discuss what my team did during the whole trip, and the skills that we found to be useful in accomplishing our tasks. The Belbin Teamwork Framework Belbin (1983) established his teamwork framework in 1981, and since then, his framework is one of the most popular when it comes to developing and assessing team development. When it comes to achieving optimum performance for any organisation, Belbin believes that one of the first things to consider would be the composition of the team itself. In other words, it is crucial to take into account the roles that different members of the team play, and how each member interacts with the other members of the team. In an organisation, or a team, Belbin believes that there should be individuals who take on one of nine roles, or at least some of his nine roles. These nine roles are: 1) the shaper, 2) the implementer, 3) the completer-finisher, 4) the coordinator, 5) the team worker, 6) the resource investigator, 7) the plant, 8) the monitor-evaluator and 9) the specialist. All these roles are also supported by corresponding individual characteristics. For instance, the ‘shaper’ is one who is focused on the task, is highly motivated and is determined to achieve goals. His role is ‘shaping’ the other members of the team to fulfil this purpose. The ‘coordinator,’ on the other hand, is more interactive with the other members of the team. He/she is the one most likely to trust that the other members of the team can and will carry out their respective tasks. For the most part, coordinators are optimists, who are tolerant of the mistakes of others. At the same time, he/she may also be strict with rules. The ‘resource investigator’ is the one who is constantly on the lookout fo r information and thus may never be able to be found in one place. He/she may have the characteristics of a negotiator, and he/she is the one who actively takes on the task of exploring opportunities and meeting new people. The resource investigator is also likely to be the curious one of the team- always asking questions from others and adopting and modifying other ideas picked up from other individuals. The ‘implementer’ on the other hand, is characterised as a practical individual, who trusts easily and is respectful of traditions. They are more realistic and may also be conservative. They may not take too well to changes within the organisation. The ‘

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