Saturday, August 31, 2019

Terrorism at the Border

Terrorism. What is it? Can anyone define it? Is terrorism when someone hits two buildings with airplanes to kill thousands? Or is it when someone smuggles drugs to a country. Could terrorism be violence or just causing harm to people in some way? Terrorism is defined in so many ways. The United States today is so much more involved with fighting the war on terrorism in far away countries like Afghanistan, then looking at the threat that is lying along the United States border. The violence at the Mexico border is terrorism. It is not only terrorism to Mexico but terrorism to the United States as well.So many people have been terrorized by the violence that lies along the border of the United States and Mexico. The violence is stemming from the Mexico drug cartel’s who are smuggling drugs into the United States. There are not only innocent people being killed but there is also the members of the cartels that are being killed over the selling and smuggling of the drugs to the Un ited States. There are also police officers, soldiers and most shockingly news reporters that are being murdered (Carpenter, T G (02/2/2009). Terrorism is seen in many different ways.For example, in the Germany Holocaust, innocent people were killed because they were or thought to be Jewish. There were thousands of innocent people killed by one man who was attempting to gain control over a government. He used violence and chaos to eventually become president of Germany. How Hitler has so many innocent people killed is an act of terrorism (http://www. fff. org/freedom/fd0403a. asp). The killings of innocent people who are attempting to protect themselves from the cross fires of the Mexican Cartel’s are no different than the Jewish community attempting to hide from Hitler and his men.With all the people getting killed, whether it is a drug cartel member, an officer of the law, or an innocent family hiding from the gunfire, it is terrorism. It is terrorism because it is a group of individuals attempting to gain power by killing. The Mexico drug trade is estimated as a twelve billion dollar business a year. It is said that Mexico gets their cocaine from Columbia and also has its own operations of marijuana and heroin. ( War without end. (2004). In 2006 alone the United States seized 2,238,075 pounds of marijuana at the border of Mexico (Katel, P. (2008, December 12).The Mexico cartels are killing each other in brutal ways because they are fighting over areas along the border that are called â€Å"smuggling routes†. These routes are used to smuggle drugs from Mexico into the United States. (Carpenter, T G (02/2/2009). By the Mexico cartels getting the drugs into the United States and distributing them to the United States citizens that is terrorism. It is terrorism because it is causing harm to people and governing people who are addicted to these drugs. When a person is addicted to drugs they either have the mentality to stay addicted or get help off the drug.When a person is addicted to a drug and does not want the help to get off, they then contribute to the terrorism of the Mexico cartels by needing the cartels to transport the drugs into the United States. Would that consider Americans terrorists too? Are they terrorists because they are supporting or supplying the Mexican Cartel’s with the funding or addictions needed to run a successful drug business? In many ways it is terrorism. Think of a terrorist group as a successful business. A successful business needs to sell its product to grow.The more products it sells the more it can grow. By the cartel’s selling their drugs to the American people, the American’s are supporting terrorism. They are also supporting terrorism by selling the cartel’s the guns they use to do there terroristic acts of violence (http://www. nytimes. com/2009/02/26/us/26borders. html). But Americans are not the only ones who buy drugs from the Mexican Cartel’s. Terr orism is defined as â€Å"a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government† and it can also be defined as â€Å"violent and intimidating gang activity† from the web site Dictionary. eference. com. The Mexico cartels demonstrate both of those definitions. By being violent and intimidating gangs and having violent and intimidating activities. They also resist the government by continuing the violence and smuggling. The only way to stop the terrorism in Mexico would be to dismantle all cartels or close and secure borders. The Mexico drug war is stated as â€Å"the war without end† by an article called War without end. As long as drugs are being produced and smuggled there will always be terrorism at the Mexico border.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Critically Discuss the Contribution of the Work of Frederick W. Taylor

Grey offers a number of opinions on management thought in his book â€Å"A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organisations† (2009). He outlines his opinions through a number of themes within the book such as looking at bureaucracy and scientific management together, his views on human relations theory (HRT) and its links with people management, the theme of organization culture and post-bureaucracy and how it is effecting change management.The final theme I will discuss in my essay is fast capitalism and how it is ending management. While looking at the themes I will also be evaluating Grey’s arguments within them and try to relate them where applicable to Wren and Bedeian’s book â€Å"The Evolution of Management Thought† (2009). Grey views on bureaucracy are that he sees it as a highly efficient way of management in this book bureaucracy is not seen as red tape but a management type as put forward by Weber whereby rule s and regulation are used to become as efficient as possible. Relevant materials: Scientific Management Theory in NursingGrey tells us how Weber saw an emergence of an ideal called â€Å"rational legal authority† (Grey, 2009). Grey tells us how rationality links with bureaucracy using a number of examples such as formal or instrumental rationality the idea of this is to adopt a means to meet and end using the most efficient way possible. Grey uses an excellent example to illustrate this being the Nazi Holocaust it is as Grey (2009) says the extreme application of bureaucratic logic. It operated under a set of rules which were applied impersonally.This allowed it to be unbelievably efficient. Grey’s ideas on bureaucracy are linked to the ideas explored in Wren and Bedeian’s â€Å"The Evolution of Management Thought† (2009) both books emphasise how Weber did not mean red tape when he said bureaucracy, they also share similar views of the disadvantages of bureaucracy such as how workers will work to the rules and theref ore know exactly what they must do to stay in the job or to achieve something Grey’s view on scientific management as put forward by Taylor is that his ideas still define management today.The real leap for scientific management as explained by Grey (2009) was the use of it by Henry Ford the man who made Ford cars. He employed scientific management within his factory to increase efficiency and it did so hugely. Grey also recognises the problems caused by Taylor’s ideas. Such as the many strikes by workers as it left the workers with less power and the managers with all the power, one of the main problems with it as explained by Grey (2009) is it eroded working onditions, reduced autonomy and threatened unemployment. I feel that Grey’s view here focuses too much on the problems caused by scientific management he does give a few advantages of it but he doesn’t emphasise enough how scientific management really revolutionised the way in which factories and com panies operated such as how using Taylor’s ideas on scientific management thought companies such as General Motors and Du Pont have become two of the biggest corporations in the world thanks to it.Wren and Bedeian share similar views to Grey on scientific management however I feel they show more admiration for it when they say how scientific management paved the way forward for subsequent management development (Wren and Bedeian 2009). Grey (2009) expresses his view many people see scientific management as the bad guy and human relations theory (HRT) as the good guy. I agree with this and Grey uses the Hawthorne experiment example which I feel expresses this view correctly and helped me understand the inefficiency’s caused by HRT.He tells us of an experiment in a bank wiring room where workers were producing electrical components and rather than produce at maximum output which would earn them a bonus they choose to produce at a lower level. This was due to informal nor ms set around the workplace such as peer pressure and an unofficial gang leader. This shows us that the informal side of an organisation to some is more important than the formal side. This shows how HRT can be seen as inefficient as and not always better than scientific management.This can be linked to Wren and Bedeian’s (2009) conclusions drawn from the Hawthorne Studies, they conclude that these experiments showed us that workers were not driven only by money but also by social factors which can lead to increased and decreased productivity. People management and HRT are very similar in my opinion as HRT is the way in which we manage people. It is important for people to see a manager as someone who helps people and not just a person who exploits someone to get the best work out of them.Grey (2009) gives an example of how HRT has changed the way we view managers by using a son and father conversation. The child asks his dad what he does and he replies how he exploits people and dehumanises them by making them work as hard as possible. Under HRT thought he replies how he helps people and makes unhappy people see that he cares about them. This example by Grey is exceptional in my opinion and to me it personifies what HRT and people management is; it is type of thought whereby the manager’s aim is to care for and motivate his workers.The view of the manager is undeniably hugely important to motivating workers as if they are seen as caring and helpful it acts as an incentive to workers to work harder this view is also shared in Wren and Bedeian (2009) where they say the significance of effective supervision in maintaining employee’s productivity and job satisfaction is huge. Grey’s (2009) view on organisation culture is that its aim is to intervene and regulate being so that there is no distance between individual’s purpose and those of the organisation for which they work.I agree with what Grey is saying here organisation cult ure to me is simply making an organisation a place where the worker feels completely comfortable and for the worker to feel proud to work for the company. An example of this I can relate to is the bank RBS having done work experience with them I now understand how they create organisation culture. On all their leaflets, cards and employee videos they try to show their core values and company slogans to create a good organisation culture. Grey argues that managers who try to change organisation culture are completely unrealistic.I agree with what Grey says here as the example he uses shows us how it is not possible. He cites an experiment carried out by Ogbonna and Wilkinson (1988) where a supermarket told all its employees to make customer service their prime focus by smiling all the time and to make them feel valued. The study results showed they obeyed superficially because they knew they were being watched but they didn’t mean their shows of friendliness. This may seem lik e they are carrying out the organisation culture but actually they have failed as they don’t actually believe in it.In relation to Wren and Bedeian’s view on organisation culture differs to that of Grey they see it as more innocent and with less scepticism than Grey does. They (Wren and Bedeian 2009) believe technology, economics and political facets provide the framework for organisation culture. Wren and Bedeian don’t go into the areas that Grey goes into when discussing organisation culture such as how management tries to change organisation as I have discussed already. Grey (2009) argues that post-bureaucracy can and should be mocked.He gives examples of studies which have been carried out to show that it is a flimsy thought. He cites a study by Paul Thompson who used aggregate statistical evidence and individual cases to prove that job structures and work experience are mostly unchanged by the post-bureaucratic revolution. This study was similar to that of Delbridge (1998) who studied two factories one which had all the paraphernalia of a post-bureaucratic workplace and one which did not. He concluded that both still shared very similar forms of working.I agree with what Grey is saying here as if you walk into a workplace today such as a factory the methods of management are still evident of the bureaucracy model and yes there is some evidence of post-bureaucracy but not enough to claim it’s a new era of post-bureaucracy. On the theme of change management Grey (2009) argues that is almost always fails. He supports his claim using the example of total quality management (TQM) which is implemented for the first time in a certain industry. One organisation may adopt it and then others will see it and decide to adopt it to.Now no one has a competitive advantage and there is a conveyer effect where by the companies now want a new method and therefore change. This claim by Grey in my opinion is correct change management doesn’ t work as for it to work something has to be applicable from one industry to another but change management fails at this. Grey (2009) however does admit that post-bureaucracy and change management cannot be ignored and that it is a huge part of society today as they have a huge hold over the managerial role in today’s world. Grey (2009) tells us how the post-bureaucracy and change management attract huge attention in the media today.He gives us the example of policies past by the British Government in which all are based on post-bureaucracy. Grey (2009) says how it is now assumed that for an economy to do well it must be purged of bureaucracy and open to change. I agree with what he has said here all we here about in today’s news is the need to change everything and for rules and regulations to be got rid of. However all we have to look at is the current economic climate to show us what happened when there was less bureaucracy and lots of change. People took advantage of it and we are now stuck in a recession for a number of years because of it.To show what fast capitalism is Grey (2009) uses the United Kingdom as an example and many of the companies within it such as Jaguar, P&O and Body Shop what all these companies have in common is they once used to be British owned now however they are owned by international companies or consortia. This shows us how Britain has taken on the idea of fast capitalism this however can lead to problems whereby the international companies who buy these smaller firms most of the time only see the financial value of them and not what the company may offer to a community with generations of families who have worked in the same business.This can lead to employees not feeling the need to work as hard as now they are working for an international company and therefore in my opinion inefficiency will begin to take place. The argument that fast capitalism is failing and problematic is put forward by Grey (2009) using the e xample of the bank Northern Rock who began by simply taking in deposits from savers and lending to borrowers for house purchases. In 1997 they choose a new more risky route whereby they raised money by through short term borrowing on financial markets.They also began to give loans to those who had poor credit history and they didn’t take in their account to pay them back. This was all well and good until 2007 when poor credit risks and the inability to get short term funds caused the bank to nearly collapse with customers going to the banks to take out all their money. The bank was then nationalised in 2008. This story shows me how fast capitalism failed as those who ran Northern Rock tried to adopt a new style of management and thought within the business to keep up with fast moving capitalism and in the long run their ideas failed leaving the customers and shareholders to suffer greatly.Grey (2009) puts forward the argument that management is ending. He explores this idea u sing a number of examples. The example which explores it best is the one about the study he carried out with a number of colleagues on a set of managers. They interviewed them and none of them described themselves as managers. When ask why they didn’t they all said it was an overused word which didn’t denote any real seniority in today’s workforce and secondly they felt the word had a meaning of someone who was inflexible and bureaucratic. This was not to say the end of management just it has become a somewhat meaningless word.The final thought Grey (2009) has on this is that managers might be coming to an end but management itself is not and it is constantly evolving and I whole heartedly agree with this point that it is simply changing constantly. Overall I feel that the themes in Grey’s book â€Å"A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organisations† (2009) which range from looking at bureaucracy and scientific management together to his views on human relations theory (HRT) and its links with people management and the theme of organization culture and post-bureaucracy and how it is effecting change management.To the final one which I have explored; fast capitalism and end management have provided me with an insight into Grey’s thoughts on management and the arguments he has put forward about it. I also feeling my reading of this book has allowed me to relate it where applicable to Wren and Bedeian’s â€Å"The Evolution of Management Thought† (2009) and allowed me to compare some of the older views on management within this book to the more modern ones explored by Grey. However I do believe that Grey’s book is far more concise than Wren and Bedeian’s which I feel is too long winded and less interesting than Grey’s.Bibliography: Grey, C. (2009). A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organizations. London, Sage. De lbridge, R. (1998) â€Å"Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing† Oxford: Oxford University Press, Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. (1988) â€Å"Corporate Strategy and Corporate Culture: The View from the Checkout† Personnel Review, Vol. 19 Iss: 4, pp. 9 – 15 Wren, Daniel A . Bedeian Arthur G. December 2008,  ©2009. â€Å"The Evolution of Management Thought. 6th Edition†. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Law of Tort Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Tort Master - Case Study Example Stevenson (1932). It is well established that an employers owes a duty of care to his employee. In a negligence action, the employee will have to show that the employer's conduct fell below the standard that could be expected of reasonable employer. Because of the indirect relationship between Harry's wife and the three companies, the neighbour test should be considered. The courts will consider the interests of the victims whilst being fair to the said negligent parties. This brings in the question of sufficient relationship of proximity between the plaintiff and the defendant. 1 Proximity', does not mean physical. It is based on reasonable foreasibility. For example in Donoghue V Stevenson (1932). P's friend purchased a bottle of ginger beer manufactured by D and gave it to P. P drank most of the bottle but then noticed the decomposed remains of a snail in the bottom of the bottle. P subsequently became ill and sued D in negligence. D's defence was that he did not owe a duty of care to P because there was not contract between D and P. (Purchaser was P's friend) It was held that a contractual link should no longer be the unliquidated - damages determined by the court and previously not agreed by parties test for determining whether or not a duty of cares was owed. The House of Lords stated that a duty of care is owed to any person who we can reasonably foresee will be injured by our acts or omissions. The court described such persons as 'neighbours'. It was held that D could reasonably foresee that somebody apart from the original purchaser may consume his product and therefore P was held liable. 2 In the same argument, Betty could claim that despite not loving a contractual link with the three companies, they are liable for her injury. The plaintiff must show that as a result of breach of duty, she has suffered some damage: a) The damage must be caused to a substantial extent by the defendant's conduct. b) The damage must be sufficiently closely related to the negligent act, it must not be too remote. c) In most cases, the damage must be either physical injury to the plaintiff's person or property or economic loss consequential upon. The said breached duty of care by the three companies to Betty Bloke is arising due to their relationship with her husband, Harry. Harry worked for the three companies in a period of 35 years. He was employed by the companies. This implies there was a contract of employment between the companies and Harry Bloke, either expressly or otherwise. The contract of employment is a contract of service and not for services. Under a contract of service, a person places his/ her labour at the disposal of another and thus the relationship is constituted of employer and employee e.g. in the case of a chauffeur. In contract for services, the relationship is that of employer and independent contractor e.g. in the case of a taxi - driver. This distinction is important to determine general liability of torts within employment. (Dobson, P and Schnithoff, 1991). The employment protection (consolidation) Act 1978, (E.P.C 1978) S. 153 (1)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The role of race and class in the antebellum south Research Paper

The role of race and class in the antebellum south - Research Paper Example Elite white southerners viewed the change as an abolition of slavery (Fertig, 95). They believed that slavery was necessary to promote the new economy established. As such, they implemented codes that disallowed the ability for African-Americans to own or lease land, sing labor contracts, serve on juries, to vote, and testify against whites in a court of law. African-Americans did not have access to public schools whereas orphans were returned to their native countries. The elite southerners attempted to create a new economy and society because they had a comparative advantage in the production of cotton. The slaves, free blacks, and poor whites felt inferior after such a change. They believed that their providence of habits did not match that of the elite whites. As such, the notion of being inferior had a permanent defect of character that would gradually enslave them if they were to remain in such a state (Valdez,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Exploring Employee Motivation at Bureau Veritas Dissertation

Exploring Employee Motivation at Bureau Veritas - Dissertation Example These studies were carried out over a period of nine years (i.e. from 1924 to 1932) by Elton Mayo (Dickson 1973). The Hawthorne studies found that monetary benefits are not the only factor to motivate employees working in an organization. In fact, employees are also in search of other attributes related to their jobs which in turn shape their behavior and develop an attitude towards work. In addition to this, the Hawthorne studies also initiated the examination of relationship between employees and management by way of developing a human relations approach to management. In this particular regard, the studies explained how the needs and motivational factors for employees are regarded as the major focus for management of an organization (Bedeian 1993). After the conduct of the Hawthorne studies and since the results of the studies were made public, a number of researchers focused on to develop understanding as to what motivate employees and how their motivation levels can be evaluated (Terpstra 1979). In this regard, there were many theoretical models developed amongst which major works included Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Adam’s Equity Theory and Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory (Lindner 1998). 1.2. Definition of Motivation While defining motivation, a number of contemporary authors have given their explanation of the concept. Following are the definitions of motivation given by different authors: The psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction (Kreitner 1995) A predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Bedeian and Lindner 1995) An internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need and the will to achieve (Higgins 1994, Bedeian 1993) Employee motivation is deemed to be important for the survival of the whole organization (Smith 1994). In the modern business world of today, where requirements of the organ izations, consumers and employers change continuously, it is extremely important that employees are motivated enough to cope up and follow these changes in the surrounding environment. Apart from the fact that motivation is important in making employees to be adaptable to changes and work towards the survival of the organization, it also helps in improving the productivity of employees. In this regard, it is very a matter of extreme significance that the management of an organization understands the factors which are responsible for improving motivational levels among employees. The importance of knowing motivational factors for employees for managers is also required to be considered because of all the responsibilities and duties of management, motivating employees is placed among the top priority tasks and is also regarded as a complicated and tough task for managers; as motivation levels for employees are prone to consistent changes (Bowen and Radhakrishna 1991). As for instance, researchers in the past have agreed that after becoming satisfied from the financial incentives and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Acc project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Acc project - Assignment Example The firm should also consider if it is within the maximum and minimum prices implied in the industry. The price of $3.70 should be neither beyond nor below the set maximum and minimum prices. Factors that to be considered about the market campaigns are the quality of the marketing campaign, whether it will accomplish the objectives of carrying it out. The method used to carry it out. Two methods of market campaigns are through either the media or using written forms like banners and pamphlets. The duration of the marketing, campaign and lastly, effectiveness and competence of the staff used in the campaign are paramount. Alternative two was to accept an offer from an overseas customer to purchase units at a cost of $3.00 each, and this would lead to additional administration cost of $5,000. The various factors to consider are The customer loyalty, this is very crucial as it prevents the issue of bad debts and losses from the sale. Some elements to consider in this case are; whether the customer pays his debts on time, and the duration that he has been in the company, and lastly the amount of goods that he normally purchases. The customer is overseas and therefore the management should determine the cost of exporting the goods to him according to the custom duty regulations. The cost of packaging is relevant. Packaging of the goods should be using the safest method to avoid the goods being damaged during transit and in a way that the customer has

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation Essay

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation - Essay Example We were amazed at the idea of this educational charity project, which transformed a clay mine into a garden where students and non-students alike can learn more about the environment. The gardens for instance, consisted of various plants that are found in various parts of the world, and are usually grown in different climates, but could still survive under England’s climate conditions. At the same time, the people behind the project also made sure that the experience was enjoyable, by incorporating culture, music and theatre arts in their education programme. Indeed, the Eden project is in itself, an excellent mix of science, technology, the arts, culture, horticulture and architecture. We found it particularly inspiring how the project also aims to reach out to various members of society- such as prisoners from the prisons in the South Western part of the country, wherein these prisoners are taught skills such as planting fruits and vegetables, marketing, sales, distribution and even construction and maintenance, so they can continue to develop and improve their abilities, and create employment opportunities for themselves in the future. The following pages of this report shall discuss what my team did during the whole trip, and the skills that we found to be useful in accomplishing our tasks. The Belbin Teamwork Framework Belbin (1983) established his teamwork framework in 1981, and since then, his framework is one of the most popular when it comes to developing and assessing team development. When it comes to achieving optimum performance for any organisation, Belbin believes that one of the first things to consider would be the composition of the team itself. In other words, it is crucial to take into account the roles that different members of the team play, and how each member interacts with the other members of the team. In an organisation, or a team, Belbin believes that there should be individuals who take on one of nine roles, or at least some of his nine roles. These nine roles are: 1) the shaper, 2) the implementer, 3) the completer-finisher, 4) the coordinator, 5) the team worker, 6) the resource investigator, 7) the plant, 8) the monitor-evaluator and 9) the specialist. All these roles are also supported by corresponding individual characteristics. For instance, the ‘shaper’ is one who is focused on the task, is highly motivated and is determined to achieve goals. His role is ‘shaping’ the other members of the team to fulfil this purpose. The ‘coordinator,’ on the other hand, is more interactive with the other members of the team. He/she is the one most likely to trust that the other members of the team can and will carry out their respective tasks. For the most part, coordinators are optimists, who are tolerant of the mistakes of others. At the same time, he/she may also be strict with rules. The ‘resource investigator’ is the one who is constantly on the lookout fo r information and thus may never be able to be found in one place. He/she may have the characteristics of a negotiator, and he/she is the one who actively takes on the task of exploring opportunities and meeting new people. The resource investigator is also likely to be the curious one of the team- always asking questions from others and adopting and modifying other ideas picked up from other individuals. The ‘implementer’ on the other hand, is characterised as a practical individual, who trusts easily and is respectful of traditions. They are more realistic and may also be conservative. They may not take too well to changes within the organisation. The ‘

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Social Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Capital - Essay Example Parents have been known to use their wealth to gain social capital for their children over the years through various ways such as donating large amounts of funds to the school that their children attend among others. The question remains however whether this is right or wrong and should be acceptable within the society. The answer to this can be derived from looking at the pros and cons of this subject. There are a number of arguments that can be used to defend this act. One of them is the fact that by attaining this social capital for their children, the parents are ensuring a better future for them as they are guaranteed help with the trials they may face in the future (Putnam, 2006). Ensuring a better future for one’s offspring can be considered to be the right of every parent and is expected off them. Another pro is that the social capital gained by these children technically does not hurt anyone although it may give them an advantage over others in certain situations, it is not against the law to cultivate relationships that will be beneficial to an individual (McNamee & Miller, 2009). As there are two sides to every coin, there are also cons in assisting one’s child in gaining social capital. The main con can be considered to be the fact that by doing this, the child will not learn essential values such as the importance of independence and the virtue of hard work as they will not have to struggle for the things that they want (Doob, 2013). This can be considered to be a sort of negative education on the part of the parent as it does not help in building up a child’s character. Another con is found in the fact that by teaching a child that what they want can be achieved by money, they risk instilling a devious/delinquent attitude within the child as they are aware that the social capital gained will get them out of trouble (Brown & Iyengar, 2008). For example, a child

Mayor's management report department of homless services (NYC) Essay

Mayor's management report department of homless services (NYC) performance measures - Essay Example Homelessness has always remained a major concern for municipalities of towns and cities across the globe. New York City is a city with a staggering homeless population; experiencing a profound shortage of available housing at every rental level; a problem that has persisted throughout the city's history. To address this ill, chronic issue, in year 1993, the city government of New York City, established the Department of Homeless Services (DHS). Since then, all activities, resources and facilities; projects, inputs and workload; performance, statistical measurements and results of DHS, are published in annual Mayor's Management Report. The paper addresses the mission, goals and objectives of Department of Homeless Services. It quantitatively analyze the performance highlights of Mayor’s Management Report and discusses the DHS methodology in context to Six Sigma or the Theory of Constraints. Finally different features of performance measures are given. Department of Homeless Ser vices Homelessness is an ill and burgeoning phenomenon for human being; a disproportionate coercion against the health and well-being of masses who endure its deprivations. Homelessness badly upsets the most vulnerable group of society whose life chances and life expectancies are already reduced by poverty, discrimination, mental illness, substance abuse and other disabilities (Barrow 529)... For example according to a survey conducted by United Nations cyberschool bus (1985) an estimate number of homeless in Manhattans alone run as high as 90,000. 'This crisis can be best described as a national epidemic of homelessness that is destroying the family life and health of the poor, and affecting the most vulnerable section of the population- children' (Whyte 2004). In order to deal with this epidemic crisis, in 1993 the city government of New York established the Department of Homeless Services (DHS). "The mission of the Department of Homeless Services is to overcome the homelessness in New York City" (PMM Report 2007). After six years in 1999, DHS was given an independent Mayoral agency status. The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) instigated its course of action with following long-term goals as given in Mayor's annual reports. Prevent homelessness. Conduct outreach to street homeless individuals. Provide temporary emergency shelter for eligible homeless people. Work with homeless individuals and families to develop and implement independent. To pursuit these long term goals Department of Homeless Services set following critical objectives. Increase the number of people prevented from becoming homeless. Reduce street homelessness. Ensure the availability of temporary shelter for homeless individuals and families. Maintain shelter safety and cleanliness. Increase client engagement and responsibility in moving to permanent housing. Reduce clients' length of stay in shelters. Increase placements into permanent housing. Reduce re-entries into the shelter services system (PMM Report 2007). MMR Performance Measures Analysis Quantitative Analysis The statistics given in MMR against the key service area of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Human Resource Management - Essay Example City's stand on not bargaining for temporary employees is justified. This is so because the temporary employees are not full time employees and hence not unionized. Therefore the employer has full authority over them. However, this does not mean that they should be exploited. The temporary employees have their rights and the employer should strictly respect their rights. The union's refusal to bargain on the employee management committee is not in good spirit. The union should be involved in the bargain .The functions as of the committee as stated do not conflict with the functions of the union. The committee's duties are purely managerial. Owing to the set up of the committee it can be argued that the committee will not weaken the union in any way. In the actual sense the committee will only embark on issues pertaining to the efficiency of the company. It does not usurp any function or power of the union. However, if City implements the policies, the union is free to seek a court redress. Further the union can seek the assistance of the employees in stopping the implementation of the policies. The employees can be asked to go on strike. However, this should be according to the law which states that a notice of at least 21 days should be given before the strike. Secondly god turnover would also include invo... Q2 Good and bad turnover. Introduction From a performance standpoint, good turnover include people who have been fully trained but still do not meet expectations after a reasonable period of time. Secondly god turnover would also include involuntarily terms. This is based on the decision of an organization to terminate an individual. The individual might not be willing to leave but due to the decision of the organization he/she has to leave. On the other hand, bad turnover includes people who have been promoted but yet decide to leave the company. The company invests on an individual by training him/her and yet he/she leaves the company. This translates as a bad turnover on the side of the organization. Further bad turnover includes those leaving the company whether voluntarily or involuntarily. This can lead to organizations filling a Third Party Action (TPA) against an employee. For instance if an individual did not manage performance and provide feedback as was required of him/her and incur TPA as a result his/her cost of turnover goes up and that is not a good thing. Turnover is calculated as: Turnover = Number of employees leaving during the year. X 100.Average numbers employed during the year For example: If an organization has a total of 250 employed during the year and at the end of the year only 25 employees are leaving the turnover for the company is satisfactory as only 10 percent of the employees will leave. However, if 75 employees out of the total 250 employed during that year are leaving then the turnover is bad for the company as it amounts to 30 percent of employees leaving during the year. NOTE: The rate of 25% and less leaving the organization within one year is satisfactory (good

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A diverse and interesting learning environment for all students Essay Example for Free

A diverse and interesting learning environment for all students Essay Accepting attitudes towards all human beings creates a diverse and interesting learning environment for all students. I recall an incident while at a summer program a few years ago. We, the students, were staying overnight on a college campus to participate in seminars that would further our growth and readiness for the future. As part of the program, we were required to stay overnight in the dorm rooms. We were each paired up with one other person who would be our roommate for the two days. I come from a neighborhood that is primarily white so I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I would be sharing a room with someone who was from the Middle East. We quickly settled into our rooms and prepared ourselves for the first of two days of learning activities. My roommate awoke, got up and spread a blanket on the floor to pray. I watched my roommate kneeling on the floor saying words in a language that I didn’t understand. When finished, I asked my roommate about this practice and learned a little bit about the Muslim religion and why prayers are said several times daily. See more: Satirical essay about drugs I also had the opportunity to share a little bit about my own faith. I had a large amount of respect for my roommate because it isn’t easy to pray in front of other people let alone people one doesn’t even know. I also gained respect because my roommate wasn’t ashamed of praying or of the Muslim faith. This experience has helped prepare me for life in a world made up of people from all over the world with different values, viewpoints and religions. My own background and life achievements would add to the diversity of University because I too have valuable ideas and customs that would add to the interesting mix of University life. My ability to gain respect for people who have different life values enables me to be a student of a University that embraces acceptance for other cultures. Even though I would be considered the majority, I welcome the opportunity to learn alongside people from different places.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Machiavelli And Friedrich | A comparison

Machiavelli And Friedrich | A comparison It is interesting to note that Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) and Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) share a great deal of similarity, so that in fact, both have at one time been referred by the clergy of their times as the herald of the antichrist. Nevertheless, the similarity that exists between the two is mainly underpinned by their philosophical standpoints, given that Machiavellis and Nietzsches philosophical postulations were characterized by their antithetical standpoints towards Christian values, ethics and doctrines. Particularly, a case in point is Machiavellis maxim that the end justifies the means. In his II Principe, Machiavelli sees man as a political animal, but not because of mans gregarious tendencies as seen by Aristotle. To Machiavelli, man is a political animal in that in the quest for power, he has to act swiftly and be very cunning. Therefore, this brings in the concepts of competition which ensures that only those who are really determined and enthusiastic on whatever they are doing are able to keep up with the stiff competition. The divergence between Machiavelli and Christianity is further widened when he maintains that to seize and consolidate political power, it is necessary for the prince to move faster than his real and perceived enemies and crush them. The rationale behind this standpoint is that the person who moves fast and first emerges the victor, whereas the slow paced are victims (Machiavelli, 175). The similarity between the above standpoint and Nietzsches ideas is that both advocate against Christian ethics such as modesty and justice. Similarly, both disagree with the very fundamentals of Christian ethic as they both see man as an animal, whereas Christianity sees man as the most important being, with this importance being underpinned by rationality and morality. Therefore, the concept of seeing human being an important being they are regarded as civilized and are not intended to act like animals such as being not thoughtful. The main difference between human beings and animals is that human beings have conscious and are able to think and reason out in whatever they do unlike animals. Nevertheless, Nietzsches animal instincts of man is covertly mentioned, as he only refers to it, by critiquing Christianity for shutting its doors on pleasure, self, the natural and appetitive elements of man. In so assuming their controversial standpoints, both Machiavelli and Nietzsche postulate that the need to act towards self preservation, self actualization and self aggrandizement is paramount. This relegates man into likeness with the animal kingdom, given that the animal kingdom is merely driven by the need for self preservation, through instincts. As it were, the place for rationality in lieu of pure pleasure and self seeking is not given a big berth by both Nietzsche and Machiavelli. This is well proven by the fact that Machiavelli casts aspersion on the importance of values such as trust and mutual respect or agreement. Machiavelli argues that after fatally closing in on political enemies, the Prince must later on turn to his friends and eliminate them, since friends as confidants will have accrued a lot of political and administrative secrets adequate to turn against the Prince. However, it is important to take note of the fact that Nietzsche and Machiavelli had somewhat different reasons for assuming their controversial standpoints. While Nietzsche maintained his standpoint on the account that he saw Christianity a curse and God as being dead [non-existent] as the basis of his standpoint, Machiavellis concern was not concerned with atheism, theism or the concern over the existence of a deity. Machiavelli did not write his radical standpoint for the sake of dethroning Christianity, unlike Nietzsche. In respect to the above development, as a matter of fact, by conjoining ethics to Christianity, and criticizing Christianity for its moralist stands and its shunning of pleasure, debauchery and self seeking, Nietzsche basically made a dereliction on the importance of ethics and morality as important constructs that hold the society together. It is at the same time, this juncture that Machiavelli and Nietzsche part ways, as far as their philosophical standpoints are concerned. Despite his radical political standpoints Machiavelli sees the need for tampering political administration and rule with some elements of ethics. This standpoint is seen explicitly when Machiavelli urges the Prince to always make sure that he did not amass wealth and affluence by rapine. Similarly, Machiavelli argued that in order that the Prince realizes a peaceful and stable administration, it is important that he stayed away from mens women and wives. To Machiavelli, the failure to steer clear of mens wives and the failure to shun the temptation of wealth acquisition through larceny are the very factors that would drive men into vengeful tendencies and thereby sparking off a political resistance, and subsequently, instability. To any one analyst or careful reader, this is indeed a moralist standpoint. So moralist it is that many a world leader has not been able to keep. This is not the case with Nietzsche. In almost the same vein, Machiavelli does not see religion as being retrogressive or disposable to the domains under the Prince. As a matter of fact, Machiavelli reiterates to the need by the Prince, to desist from interfering with the Church and religious matters. To Machiavelli, the failure to do so would warrant the loathing by the masses. As a corollary to this standpoint, Machiavelli advised the Prince on the need to acquaint himself with the clergy, so as to be able to rule effectively. However, it must be remembered that Machiavelli advised the Prince on the need to ensure that the Church remained under the control of the state, since the Church existed under the auspices of his domains, and the Prince ought to know the developments taking place within his jurisdiction. On the other hand, Nietzsche in his condescending criticism against the Christian religion or faith, becomes blinded to the point of disposing off, any need for morality, ethics and self restraint. To him, the fact that God is dead has given man the liberty to indulge himself. This is the fatal mistake of Nietzsches works (Nietzsche and Mencken, 139). Conclusion There is no civilization that can exist in the absolute absence of ethics. In the same vein, it is not tenable, the idea of governance and administration of a people who have a totally laissez faire condition to do as they please. The veracity of this concept is well established by the law which seeks to control and ward off the excesses of man. Nietzsche fails to realize that removing the concept of absolute authority to which all are accountable is to issue a blank check on mans actions. On the other hand, handing man absolute rights will make life intractable, given that in seeking to exercise these absolute rights, the rights of others and the authority of the state to exercise its powers will have been compromised. In summation, it is important to realize that the main difference that lay in Machiavellis and Nietzsches works was that of purpose. While Machiavelli only sought to advise the Prince on the technicalities of politics, Nietzsche mainly sought to produce an atheistic t reatise.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Health Problems in Pakistan

Health Problems in Pakistan At the time of the independence, Pakistan inherited a health care delivery system that was a heritage of grand British period. This system was in the shape of public health services and some curative services In Pakistan the planning and formulation of health policies is dealt by federal government and the provincial government has the responsibility to ensure the proper implementation of those policies. Government is investing its limited resources in the development of medical colleges and universities rather than investing in improving the quality of health care by training medical professional by introducing public health schools and technicians training institutions. In Pakistan there is shortage of nurses, skilled midwives and birth attendants, dentists and pharmacists. The impact of government negligence towards health care on people of Pakistan can be seen from latest incident of Punjab.In Punjab many people have died after consuming harmful cough syrup and life threatening medicines. There is poor health care status of women which is a major reason of the problem of maternal mortality. A vast majority of women in the country suffer from anaemia and malnutrition which is quite dangerous during pregnancy. In the context of general neglect for health in Pakistan, the mental health represents an area of even greater neglect. The effect of poor public health system can be seen from the ever increasing cases of diarrhea especially in children. Therefore as a child may be dying of diarrhea there is high probability that childs father may be suffering from cardio-vascular disorders. Rich section of society has the better access to health facilities as they have more many and can afford private hospitals but poor on the other hand has no access to basic health facilities. The Government should ensure quality in delivering health services. It should provide better incentives to health professionals and should focus on designing training institutes to ensure the proper health care system in Pakistan as a healthy nation can ensure better productivity and healthy economy. Introduction: Access to health facilities is the basic responsibility of every citizen but unfortunately the Government of Pakistan has failed to fulfill its commitment with health sector. Hypothesis: Poor Public health care has negative effects on the people of Pakistan Brief History of the Health Care System At the time of the independence, Pakistan inherited a health care delivery system that was a heritage of grand British period. This system was in the shape of public health services and some curative services. It was basically designed to prevent large scale epidemic and provide medicinal services for the population in large and medium sized towns, many of which were along the lines of communication or political or strategic consequences. (1947-1955) during initial phase, most important foremost problem was the replacement of staff. With the support of UNICEF, BCG vaccination campaign was launched and to add more, medical schools were opened in the West Pakistan. Phase known as Five Year Plan from 1955 onwards, developmental activities were affected in phases of five year. Throughout (1955-1960) 1st Five Year Plan six new medical colleges were made, one for women were opened in both wings, a nursing school was attached to each of these medical schools. Postgraduate institution was also established at the same time. Throughout (1960-1965), 2nd Five Year Plan over the recommendation of a Medical Reform Commission, to cover 50000 populations by Rural Health Center scheme, two Health Technicians Training institutes were open, a malaria eradication program and family planning program were launched. Throughout 3rd Five Year Plan (1965-1970) in addition to extension of the abovementioned initiatives, l Tuberculosis Control Program and Small Pox eradication programs were launched and the major infrastructure of the public health care system was set up in the 1970. Launched by the World Health Organization Pakistan endorsed the health for all by 2000 initiative. Throughout 4th Five Year Plan (1970-1975), share of medicines was largely increased for major hospitals, generic name drug system was introduced to cut down the prices of medicines, eight publicly owned fair price drug shops were opened, three new nursing schools ,six new medical colleges , and one public health school were opened. (1978-1983) The 5th Five Year Plan was planned for 1975-1980, but to cover the deficiencies and to make a more practical plan, the slight shift was made. Under Country Health Program (CHP), that aimed at improving planning and management of health services was done. Throughout 6th Five Year Plan (1983-1988), government launched rural development program that provided base for Health for all by the year 2000. Throughout 7th Five Year Plan (1988-1993), new facilities like (Basic Health Units and Rural Health Centers) were established, female medical technician school was made, and laboratory facilities with health facilities were provided. Health facilities were linked with trained paramedics and semi-skilled termed as community health workers. (1993-1998) In 8th Five Year Plan (1993-1998), HMIS (Health management information system), SAP (Social action program), and Prime Minister Program for Family Planning and Primary Health Care were launched. Throughout 9th Five Year Plan (1998-2003) , public private partnership and privatization of health facilities were the areas of programming, Decentralized Planning, Levying user charges for financing were made. In latest initiatives taken by government it has planned to create Programmatic and Organizational and Management Reforms. These are to promote elimination of poverty agenda of government, under health sector reforms, devolution has acquired immediate importance and major impetus is on district health system. The Health care Policy of Pakistan considers health sector investment as a part of governments Poverty Reduction Plan. It gives more importance to primary and secondary health services in comparison to tertiary level health services in the past. To achieve quality in health sector government is making little efforts to improve governance in health sector. Organizational structure of public health care system According to the constitution of Pakistan health care is mainly the responsibility of provincial governments, except in the territories administered by federal government. The planning and formulation of health policies is dealt by federal government and the provincial government has the responsibility to ensure the proper implementation of those policies. The responsibility of the implementation of some vertical programs on AIDS and malaria, and extended program of immunization rests largely with the federal Ministry of Health. Health care sector in Pakistan consist of private and public sector. The private sector serves nearly 70% of the population, is primarily a fee for service system and covers the range of health care provision from trained allopathic physicians to faith healers operating in the informal private sector. Neither private, nor non government sectors work within a regulatory framework and very little information is available regarding the extent of human, physical, and financial resources involved. The public sector consists of more than 10,000 health facilities ranging from Basic Health Units (BHUs) to tertiary referral canters. Currently Basic Health Unit covers around 10,000 people on the other hand the larger Rural Health Centers (RHCs) cover around 30000-450000 people. In Pakistan, Primary Health Care (PHC) units consist of both BHUs and RHCs. At sub district level the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital covers the population while the District Headquarters Hospital serves a district as its name suggests. At present there are 22 Health Systems Profile- Pakistan Regional Health Systems Observatory- EMRO 28 tertiary care facilities in Pakistan, which are mostly teaching institutions located in the major cities. According to a study less than 30 % of the population has the access to the facilities of the PHC units and on average every person visits a PHC facility less than once a year. The reasons for their underutilization, as recognized by both the managers and consumers, are the lack of health care professionals and specially women, high rates of absenteeism, poor quality of services and inconvenient location of PHC Units. There are many organizations like the Pakistan Army, railways, departments of local government and many other independent organizations that are providing healthcare facilities to their employees and those employees form a major portion of the population. In Pakistan the planning for health care system has three main parts which includes a formal planning which resolves around the production of 5-15 year long term plans, short-term plans (ADP) and annual recurrent budgets. The Federal Ministry of Planning and Development which is commonly known as the Planning Commission in Pakistan is mainly responsible for long term and strategic planning of health care system and the Provincial Health Departments and the Ministry Of Health design their plans in line with the overall policies of the Planning Commission. Development of appropriate plans requires the clear knowledge and understanding of heath related issues and the needs of the society and the knowledge of indicators of social development. Evaluation of needs for health care programmes in Pakistan is usually based on the size of the population in a particular area. Unfortunately the government does not take seriously the detailed needs of those areas. There are many flaws in the implementation of healthcare programs and there is discrimination as well on the basis of locality. In posh areas people have better health care facilities. Villages At present the public health sector generates insignificant amount of resources through token user charges. The key source of financing of the public sector in Pakistan is the government. Through Annual Development Plans (ADPs) capital investment in the public sector is financed. The Annual Development Plans (ADPs) include external funding derived from foreign aid (overseas funding) from both bilateral and multilateral organizations. It is the responsibility of federal government to finances the development budgets of provincial governments. The provinces are independent when it comes to the allocation of funds over different sectors. As far as the non development budgets of provincial governments are concerned then those budgets are funded by provincial government revenues though the Federal Government covers existing deficits through non essential grants. Even though public sector expenditure on health has remained less than 1% of GNP for a long time, per capita health expenditures have improved a great deal in last decades. The sum total of percentage of GNP that government spends on the healthcare in Pakistan ranges between 3 and 4 percent with 2-3 percent of GNP directed towards private healthcare. Human Resource condition in Pakistans health sector: There is a shortage of clear sustainable vision for human resource development and the federal MOH or provincial DOH does not have a unit, responsible for such an important health system function. There is gender discrimination in health sector. Females are given priority when it comes to nursing. We hardly see male nurses. Government is investing its limited resources in the development of medical colleges and universities rather than investing in improving the quality of health care by training medical professional by introducing public health schools and technicians training institutions. Even though there is a increasing interest to address the problems in human resource in medicine in Pakistan including shortage of nurses, skilled midwives and birth attendants, dentists and pharmacists the future planning for tackling these issues of medical health concerning health professionals and their abilities in the countries is still unclear and the government is still unable to pinpoint the major areas of problem. Recently the Government of Pakistan has started a new national program for the training of community midwives by actually investing on it. The program has been launched to address the issue of incompetent and untrained midwives which are pretty dangerous to health sector. The government has announced that the first batch of trained community midwives will be ready soon. . Many new nursing and midwifery schools have also been launched by government in some districts and provinces. There are some academic institutes that are providing post graduate training in nursing in order to relieve the disaster in nursing which is generated by limited production and external brain drain. In the framework of health system development, there is an alarming shortage of skilled and qualified healthcare experts like human resource planners in health sector, health information experts, heath care system managers and healthcare economists. The governments ability to train the staff members is pretty limited to non-existent in the country. Unfortunately government is unable to fully train the medical staff and is still playing with the life of people. As far as the pre-service training of health experts is concerned conventional methods are being followed and there is a difference between educational objectives which are highlighted on hospital based care instead of addressing the needs of the communities for primitive, defensive curative and rehabilitative services. Due to many institutional ad professional reasons like lack of interest from the PMDC the attempts to establish strong rules and approaches including COME (community oriented medical education) have not been successful in medical schools . Another reason of its failure is the weak department of public health in medical schools and lack of commitment of government and heads of medical institutes. The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) has the responsibility of registration, licensing and assessment of the medical and dental practitioners, curriculum review, evaluation and approval of educational institutions. It is also responsible for many other regulatory activities. It has proved to be inefficient in its working by issuing license to the incompetent dental and medical practitioners which are practicing in the health sector. The role and responsibility of PMDC is questioned by the Ministry of health as it is unable to perform its functions well. It is not fulfilling its commitment to the health sector. The ministry of health has so far not taken any corrective measures in this regard. It is just asking questions and not finding answers which should be its priority. There is no system of structured continuous professional development and there is no way by which a medical professional is held responsible for its incompetence. Although the PMDC has made some attempts but they have not been materialized yet. The attempts made by PMDC have not materialized yet. There is a shortage of public health and community direction in the programs of medical and nursing schools. Graduates of these schools are not well prepared to practice in a public health care atmosphere while these needs are most important. Some organizations and medical schools have recently started course in nursing like Aga Khan University Hospital has recently started a degree program in nursing but we all know that it operates in private sector not in public sector. In 1990 under the Family Health Projects to develop programs a network of 4 provincial and 60 district health development centers was established for in service training of staff. These centers have not been properly institutionalized beyond their project life and seem to fade out gradually. Homeopathic doctors and Yunani Hakims became almost non-existent under the regulation of private practitioners and different traditional categories of medical practices. Data on various categories of professionals are limited and fragmented. This situation is affected by the fact that registration is not up to date and in some cases professionals are practicing their work without being getting registered. However Pakistan is gifted with important training and research institutions and highly qualified professionals who can add in the design and implementation of a well expressed policy and strategies for human resource development. Young doctors Association- Punjab: The young doctors association in Punjab has been laying great pressure over government since last year to accept their demands. On 8th November 2012 the representatives of the Punjab government, including Adviser of the CM Salman Rafiq, chief secretary and health secretary they give surety to the YDA office-bearers that the CM would issue a notification about acceptance of demands within 48 hours, said YDA General Council Punjab Chairman Dr. Muhammad Haroon. He further said that the demands have been accepted by the government of the YDA regarding termination of an FIR drawn against four young doctors in the first week of July this year in Lahore during the young doctors strike that remained intact for 21 days. But the doctors are again showing their stubborn and non-professional attitude towards ailing humanity, as they are not continuing their duties by staying away from the government hospitals across the province of Punjab including Lahore. On Friday, the third day of protest they continued to press the government to immediately release all the arrested doctors and also pull out cases registered against them regarding Gujranwala incident (ÂÂ  Young doctors got beaten and injured the DHQ Hospital medical superintendent, senior doctors and journalists during their protestÂÂ  ). The young doctors have boycotted the out-patient departments, indoor departments and operation theatres as well as the OPDs. However emergencies are still functional, due to these patients are suffering. This time, not only patients but senior doctors, civil society and people from other walks of life are criticizing the young doctors for their wrong approach. They blamed the bureaucracy for playing politics with them and have asked the provincial government to stop harassing young doctors through registration of cases against them. Punjab Government decided to suspend and transfer young doctors: The Punjab government recently has released notifications regarding the suspension and transfer of many leaders of the Young Doctors Association (YDA). Healthcare facilities were restored in all government hospitals and the young doctors resumed their duties all over Punjab after the association gave a deadline of six days to the provincial government to accept their demands.ÂÂ  YDA doctors have warned the provincial government that they would go on strike again if their service structure is restored. Gujrawala incident has no justification where annoyed doctors over the arrest of the young doctors YDA leaders slammed into the office of Gujranwala District Headquarters Hospital medical superintendent and beat him up along with some journalists trying to cover the incident after that the YDA went on strike.ÂÂ   The Pakistan Medical Association and the Punjab government planned some strict measures against these young doctors and they had to give up for the doctors responsible for the manhandling of the MS and the strike was brought to an end. National Health Policy: Health policyÂÂ  can be defined as the decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specificÂÂ  health careÂÂ  goals within a society.According to theÂÂ  World Health Organization, an explicit health policy can achieve several things: it defines a vision for the future; it outlines priorities and the expected roles of different groups; and it builds consensus and informs people. National Health Policy Gillanis views: On 22nd April 2012 the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said that the effective and sustained implementation of the National Health Policy 2010 would go a long way in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs).The National Health Policy incorporates key priorities such as family planning, maternal and child health, workforce development and meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, he said while speaking at the inauguration of the newly expanded and renovated Accident andÂÂ   Emergency Department of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre (JPMC). The Governor Dr. Ishrat-ul- Ebad Khan, Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Parliamentarians, CMs Special Assistant Waqar Mehdi, Sindh Chief Secretary Abdus Subhan Memon were also present on that occasion. Yousuf Raza Gilani said that the National Health PolicyÂÂ  has been formulated on the basis ofÂÂ  recommendations by the Health Policy Task Force in consultation with all key stakeholders.ÂÂ  He further added that the health sector has traditionally beenÂÂ  a neglected area and it did not receive theÂÂ  attention it rightfully deserved. The vast vacuumÂÂ  existing between policy decision-making and operational levels impacted adversely upon the delivery of health related services.ÂÂ   The systematic flaws of our mixed health infrastructureÂÂ  resulted in wastage of resources, duplication of work and inability of health institutions responsible for spearheading the reform agenda.ÂÂ   The broader structural dimensions such as decentralization, efficiency, economical use of resources and mechanisms of social protection were also ignored, he remarked.ÂÂ  He said thatÂÂ  in 2008, he had ordered the establishment of a Health Policy Task Force to design institutional response to the problems of the health sector.ÂÂ   He announced an additional grant of Rs 55 million for the remaining work ofÂÂ   the on- going renovation and expansion project of JPMC for taking this immense project to a logical conclusion.ÂÂ   He said the abolition of the Concurrent List from the Constitution after the unanimous passage of the 18th Amendment and historic adoption of the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award has empowered the provinces politically, administratively and financially. Health and Education are now purely provincial subjects and it isÂÂ  for the provinces to rise to the occasion and make the differenceÂÂ  through innovative methods of implementation of policies.ÂÂ   I would like to urge the provinces to focus on building their capacity for effective delivery of health services at the grassroots level, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said.ÂÂ   Stating the Quaid-e-Azams message at Eid-ul-Azha on October 24, 1947 the Gillani read Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation.ÂÂ   Talking about the demand of JPMC staff for maintaining the status of the hospital as an independent body under the federal government, he said that he will ask the Chairman Implementation Commission Senator Raza Rabbani to visit the federal hospitals and discuss the issues with the Chief Minister, Governor and the administration. He appreciated the efforts and services of Executive Director JPMC Tasneem Ahsan and incharge of Emergency Department Dr. Seemi Jamali for achieving the goal of making the best and biggest A E department in a public sector institution in this country.ÂÂ   He said the Hospital has lived up to the expectations of people by responding to the health-related challenges, which should be encouraging for the management and staff of the JPMC.ÂÂ   Of late, Karachi, the financial hub of Pakistan, has witnessed the recurring incidents of terrorism and terrible bomb blasts.ÂÂ   The Hospital and its staff have commendably responded to the challenge of tending to the injured and thus added a glowing chapter of dedicated service, he said. His final remarks were: The people of Karachi are rightfully proud of you. Health Service Delivery in Pakistan: The infrastructure of public health service delivery of Pakistan consist of 5000 basic health units, 600 rural health centres, 7500 other first-level care facilities and over 100 000 lady health workers which are providingÂÂ  basic health careÂÂ  services across the country. As far as secondary care hospitals are concerned then there are 989 hospitals, atÂÂ  tehsilÂÂ  and districtÂÂ  levels which are responsible for the referrals. The responsibility of provincial department of health has increases after the devolution plan in health. Extensive WHO support for capacity-building is required to ensure that the provincial health authorities canÂÂ  deliver at the expected level to improve health conditions,ÂÂ  especiallyÂÂ  for population groups with the least access to health. The role of lady health workers: Through the deployment of 110 000 lady health workers covering almost 60% to 65% of the target population the community involvement has become a major feature of the extension of health care services to rural areas and urban slums Government has established the lady health worker programme. The main goals of the program are enhancement of maternal, newbornÂÂ  and child health, provision of family planning services and the integration of other vertical health programmes. For independent Expanded Programme on Immunization vaccinations lady health workers have been trained in selected districts Without recognizing the importance of family planning component, increasing competencies and skills of lady health workers, increasing their knowledge about health issues, sustained logistics and more robust management oversight and support we cannot guarantee the proper performance and quality of such programs. In the context of devolution the long term commitment and honesty for better service deliveryÂÂ  and capacity building of theÂÂ  lady health workersÂÂ  is required. Basic health services package: The WHO has undertaken the responsibility of development and costing of the basic health services package in Pakistan. The goal of which was to implement consistent integratedÂÂ  chief health care in first-level care facilities. This goalÂÂ  was associated to the draft of national health policy (2010)ÂÂ  for national implementation connected to overall approval of the policy. The concept of basic health services package has been implemented in Punjab as minimum service delivery standards. Nevertheless, Government needs to determine theÂÂ  requirements for the implementation of the basic health services package, including a costing examination.ÂÂ  This may also be a supporter for development of the total funding distribution of health in Pakistan. Private health care: Through a network of private providers the private health care sector accounts for 70%-80% of health care delivery.ÂÂ  On the other hand deficiency of standards and quality of care at all levels of service delivery andÂÂ  the lack of regulation compromise health care delivery outcomes in this sector. Effects of poor public health system on the people of Pakistan: The lack of information is one factor that hinders the Poor peoples use of health services. Poor access to social networks, inadequate services, and inability to pay are some of the other factors. Due to poverty and lack of awareness the lower income group of the society is compelled adopt inappropriate health seeking behaviors such as selecting a low standard hospital, untrained health care provider, self medication or even the discontinuation of treatment because of their low salaries and shortage of money. These actions worsen the financial and health status of the patient, thus creating a vicious cycle.ÂÂ   To afford the treatment such as major surgeries patients are forced to take loans. They adopt ex-post strategies. These are strategies to deal with the financial consequences of ill health including the costs of healthcare and loss of wage and production due to illness. Some people sell productive assets. These strategies reduce the saving capacity of individuals. People are usually compelled to sell their properties, cars and other furniture to save the lives of their loved ones as the quality treatment is pretty expensive. If you want a good doctor then you will have to pay a fortune for it. Some effects of poor health care system in Pakistan on its nation are stated below: Life threatening Drugs: The impact of government negligence towards health care on people of Pakistan can be seen from latest incident of Punjab. In Punjab 36 people have died so far, 25 of these in Gujranwala, whereas many are apparently in a very sensitive condition due to the consumption of harmful cough syrup during the last few weeks in the most populous province Punjab. ÂÂ   According to Medical Superintendent of District Head Quarter Hospital Dr Anwar Amanullah, 21 persons were brought from different areas who had consumed the alleged toxic cough syrup and drugs excessively. Seventeen out of 21 died including the former Councilor of Nadi Pur Town, Chaudhry Irfan. ÂÂ   It was the second wave of deaths from apparent cough syrup abuse since just over a month ago when up to 19 people died in Lahore. ÂÂ   In spite of the deaths in Lahore being highlighted by the media, the syrup was being sold without prescription at medical stores across Punjab. After drinking the syrup, the men fell unconscious and were brought to hospital. Doctors referred some of them to Mayo Hospital in Lahore. ÂÂ   Relatives of some of those who died alleged that many medical store owners were selling the killer syrup without asking for prescriptions. Effect on women: Another effect of poor condition of health sector in Pakistan is on women. It is difficult to measure the number of women who die while giving birth in Pakistan. The maternal mortality in Pakistan is expected to be anywhere in the range of 190 to 1,700 deaths per 100,000 live births whereas a 1990 estimate gives the national maternal mortality rate as 340. The continuing tragedy of maternal deaths in Pakistan is brought home in the analysis by Prof. S. Jafarey and Kotejos study of the women who were brought dead to one of the premier health institutions in the country. The major reasons cited by the study were delay in seeking care due to socio-cultural factors and inadequate medical services at the first-care level. These women did not come from some hard to reach corner of Balochistan, but these women lost their lives right in Karachi, literally within a stones throw from some of the most sophisticated tertiary care hospitals in the country.ÂÂ   In Pakistan we can see that there is poor heath care status of women which is a major reason of the problem of maternal mortality. A vast majority of women in the country suffer from anaemia and malnutrition which is quite dangerous during pregnancy. Supplements are very expensive and the women of low income group are unable to afford it. Many women are unable to recognize never their full growth potential which puts them at high risk of obstetrics difficulties. Higher fertility rates, child birth at early ages and high parity and negligent care of high risk pregnancies multiply their risks of sickness and death. (S. Mahmud and A. Aslam, Maternal Mortality in Pakistan: Policy Strategy). In most of the cases these kind of women die while giving birth which sometimes results in the death of new born as well. Some of the women in developing countries like Pakistan are affected by injuries and disabilities during pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these injuries go unspoken and untreated. It becomes unbearable for the women to live with such injuries as they are painful, humiliating and permanent. This results in the long t

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Dark Humor of Hamlet Essay -- GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Dark Humor of Hamlet  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet's black humor is a direct result of too much anger: it leads to the alienation, and finally the death of the people who know him, and eventually causes his own death. First, Hamlet's reaction his mother's marriage right after Old Hamlet's funeral shows that his anger alienates him from his mother. Second, his reaction to Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern is his indirect anger to the world, because Hamlet feels that everyone is betraying and using him. Lastly, the anger towards Gertrude is expressed in conversations with Ophelia which eventually leads to her death.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet tells Horatio that the food served in the funeral will be the same served in his mother's wedding. " The funeral baked meats Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables." (Act 1, Scene 11, Line 180) It shows that Hamlet is really disturbed about his mother marrying his uncle the day after his father's death. Later on in the story, he loses his temper with his mother. "Mother, for your love of grace, Lay not the flattering unaction to your soul, That no...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Periodical Review Of Human Com :: essays research papers

This is a review of Human Communications Research (HCR) journal. It is published quarterly beginning in September (Fall) and ending in June (Summer). The review being done is on Volume 22, which extends from September 1995 to June 1996. The journal takes a behavioral science perspective in its research of human communications. Research areas include Interpersonal, organizational, mass communication, methodology, information systems and persuasion. HCR is a periodical that recognizes that the world is constantly evolving and that communications research must do the same in order to develop a more clear understanding of the important issues and situational demands that are at hand. In maintaining this approach, HCR focuses on exploring new research areas as well as taking a more theoretical approach. They are also trying to acknowledge more international research studies. Methodologically speaking, they seem to remain open to possibilities and try to promote discussion through their ac ceptance of articles. The new senior editor Cindy Gallois, in her editorial best describes the general direction and intent of HCR. One of the main goals is to encourage diversity so that HCR will have something of interest for every reader. She also says that HCR is moving with a general trend that is away from the databased research studies towards more theory-based research and rigorous interpretations of results. Although they are trying to increase the variety of topics, they are still maintaining a behavioral science approach to communications. Gallois also welcomes the expansion of methods on research and is a firm believer in the idea that a good researcher is one that is capable of choosing the approach and methodology that best fit the research question. It is also her belief that HCR will develop more of an international flavor because the present volume marks the first time it has been edited by a non-U.S. resident. This will allow for a greater recognition of the active communication research studies being done in many countries. Upon review of articles in HCR, I found quite few having similar topics. These included: Communication in the workplace, persuasion, deception, and communication support systems. These topics all deal with important aspects of human communication and are consistent with what is trying to be achieved by HCR. The intent of this journal is to improve human communication in areas that it would be widely useful consistent with the changing world. By researching different perspectives of issues, HCR hopes to get a better understanding of what the obstacles have previously been in order to try and improve communication relationships.

Censorship in Public Schools Essay -- essays research papers fc

because he thinks they might contain "obscenities or offensive sexual references" (Berger 59). -A Vermont high school librarian is forced to resign because she fought the school board's decision to remove Richard Price's The Wanderers, and to "restrict" the use of Stephen King's Carrie and Patrick Mann's Dog Day Afternoon (Jones 33). -An Indiana school board takes action that leads to the burning of many copies of a textbook that deals with drugs and the sexual behavior of teenagers (Berger 61). These cases of censorship in public schools are not unusual and there is evidence that such challenges are increasing (Woods 2). These challenges are actually typical of the ones being leveled against school libraries today. These challenges can come from one person or a group concerned with the suitability of the material in question. In almost every case, the effort to ban books is said to be "justified by fear of the harmful effects that the books may have on young children" (Berger 59). The result of these censorship attempts has been two opposing sides: one side believes that "more suitable materials can usually be found from among the wealth of materials available on most subjects (Woods 1), and the other side believes that students' "intellectual freedom" can be upheld only if students are allowed to examine "any available relevant materials in order to gain the insights needed to reach their own conclusions" (Woods 1). In the simplest terms, the debate is between censorship and the freedom to read. The most important question when discussing censorship deals with its constitutionality; does censorship violate the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech? Censorship advocates actually use the words of the First Amendment to make their point; "the amendment reads, 'Congress shall make no law...", it does not say, "There shall be no law...'" (Berger 69). They believe that, although the federal government is forbidden to censor, it is not unconstitutional for states and local communities to pass censorship laws (Berger 69). Also, since the US Supreme Court does not believe the First Amendment protects all forms of expression (child pornography, etc.), then proponents of censorship believe that censorship laws are constitutional (Berger 69). Anti-censorship has the upper-hand, constituti... ...ensors react when they find anything they deem objectionable in the school. Why will people react emotionally, even violently, to certain spoken or written words, while in many cases having mild reactions to the actions described by the words? While D.H. Lawrence has seen considerable censorship due to his affinity for sexual content, Shakespeare has enjoyed relative peace even though Othello and his lover made "the beast with two backs" (I.I, 119-120). I, myself, will continue to struggle against the censors who seek to control written expression in our schools while waving the banner of freedom, for it is censorship that we must fear, not words, and hope that in the future, the true obscenities of the world (poverty, hunger, war) will be what we shall strive to censor. Works Cited Berger, Melvin. Censorship. New York: Franklin Watts, 1982. Jones, Frances M. Defusing Censorship: The Librarian's Guide to Handling Censorship Conflicts. Phoenix: The Oryx Press, 1983. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1945. Woods, L.B. A Decade of Censorship in America: The Threat to Classrooms and Libraries. London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1979

Saturday, August 17, 2019

School Leisure events & sport festival

Sport festival at our school is one of the most important events. Annual preparations have just began and there will be many leisure activities which are supposed to make the festival even better and more attractive. Because it is all about fun, relax, leisure and friendship so all the leisure events are just as important as the sports competitions. This year no one will be bored, no one will be sad because there will be something for everyone. This is the list of the most important and biggest leisure events we prepared this year: o Bandstand music- during the whole sport festival bands will play a variety of music. Beginning with rock, jazz, pop and ending with hip-hop and metal. There are also going to present new bands which were created among our students. Everything is for free and everyone is invited. o Sports games- every student will be able to try their sports skills and not only watch school athletes. It is very important so that everyone during the sport festival play sports and encourage them to go in for sports every day. There will be table tennis, basketball, streetball and badminton. Yet the main competition will be the 3km run where every student regardless of age can participate. o Computer games- there are many students who prefer playing sports on the computer then in the real life. There will be also an opportunity for them to show off and use their skills in playing FIFA and NBA. o Dance- for many people dance is also sport and we know that in our school there are many great and stunning dancers who for sure want to present their talents. There will be a special tent with the floor and DJ where the dance competitions will be held. o Firework finale- at the end of the sport festival everyone will witness a beautiful firework show with a great party for every student from the school. The more people will participate the more and better leisure events will take place next year. Moreover there are many awards to win in every competition and event. Leisure events are prepared for You mainly to make the time more attractive but also to create a possibility for everyone to win an award and feel the spirit of sport. We welcome all who wish to watch the Sport Festival but also those who want to have a great time with their friends.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Enders Game Essay

Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, is the story of Andrew â€Å"Ender† Wiggin, a third born child in a prejudiced, futuristic world, as he is recruited to train at battle school to fight the â€Å"buggers†, an alien species that previously tried to wipe out the human race. Little does he know that Colonel Graff, the commander of battle school, is the puppet master of a scheme to brutally train Ender to lead the human armies to wipe out the buggers; which he unknowingly does. To avoid political repercussions and the greedy hands of his older brother, Peter, Ender and his sister, Valentine, move to lead and populate the new colonies; this is where Ender finds the last bugger queen pupa and works to make it his personal quest to find a place for the species to repopulate and live in peace. The theme of Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game is that sometimes you have to sacrifice the few for the sake of many. CHARACTERS AND POINT OF VIEW: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card is the backdrop to many in-depth characters that are essential to the plot. The story is written in the third person omniscient point of view but the reader really only hears the thoughts of Andrew â€Å"Ender† Wiggin, the child protagonist of the story. Ender is a round and dynamic character because throughout the story, you watch him grow up fighting prejudices and overcoming challenges that have been placed in his way by the secondary antagonist, Colonel Graff. The reader empathizes with Ender and feels his pain as he is given so many challenges that he almost breaks. The secondary antagonist is Colonel Graff, a flat but dynamic character who acts as a puppet master, controlling, isolating, testing, challenging, and ultimately molding Ender into a commander that can save the human race from the main antagonist, the Buggers. Graff is a dynamic character because at first he seems to only care about getting another kid through to see if they are the leader they need but later decides that he actually likes and cares for Ender. The reader feels a bittersweet empathy for Graff because of his disgustingly cruel acts upon Ender that will eventually lead to the saving of the human race. The main antagonist are a group of aliens that humans call â€Å"buggers† which is a flat, but dynamic race of alien which previously tried to wipe out the human race and have kept the humans in fear for over 70 years. This group is dynamic because when we are first introduced them, they are trying to kill the humans but later try to befriend Ender when they realize that he understands them and they leave their only chance for survival in his hands. Another key character is Ender’s brother Peter. Peter is the cruel older brother of Ender but is also the fuel to why Ender is tough on himself. Peter is a round, static character. He is a round character because we know all about him and his actions that make him who he is. The reader dislikes Peter because he is somewhat of an enemy to the main character and does not care for others. The final character is Ender’s loving sister, Valentine. Valentine is the older sibling of Ender and is his encouragement throughout the story. She is a round yet static character. While we know her very well and her true intentions, she never changes her stance on things or who she is. The reader likes Valentine because she is trying to encourage Ender and love him. LITERARY DEVICES: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card uses several literary elements throughout the book to help us understand what is happening. Symbolism, when on object or character is used to represent something else, is used throughout the book. One example is when Ender is back on Earth and is talking with Valentine about how much Ender despises himself. Ender says, â€Å"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment do I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them-â€Å". (238) This is a symbol because in this novel there is a frequent amount of love-hate relationships. Another literary device is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is when something is said or done that hints at what is to come. Each chapter usually begins with a conversation between Colonel Graff and Anderson. The discussions that take place usually hint at things to come in the story. In the beginning of chapter three, Graff is having a conversation with Anderson and says, â€Å"Persuade him that he wants to come with us more than he wants to stay with her† (16). This is an example of foreshadowing because it hints to us that Graff will eventually convince Ender to come with him. The final literary device is irony. Irony is when what is said or done is opposite of what is expected. Ender’s Game shows dramatic irony when it tells us the conversation between Graff and Anderson in Chapter eight. Graff says, â€Å"†¦. Think of every impossible, unfair star arrangement you can. Think of other ways to bend the rules. Late notification. Unequal forces. Then run the simulations and see which ones are hardest, which easiest. We want to bring him along†. (97) This is dramatic irony because we know that these bad things will happen to Ender but Ender himself will not know. HOW READERS MAY RESPOND TO THIS WORK: The novel Ender’s Game is a complex, intricate story designed for teenage and adult readers who like sci-fi stories. This group of people would like this book because they could understand and empathized with the characters. The ending leaves the reader filled with confusing emotions. It leaves you feeling happy for Ender finally finding peace with himself but you still feel sad because you realize that while that is making him happy, he will never find true happiness with himself.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Foundation and Empire 22. Death On Neotrantor

NEOTRANTOR The small planet of Delicass, renamed after the Great Sack, was for nearly a century, the seat of the last dynasty of the First Empire. It was a shadow world and a shadow Empire and its existence is only of legalistic importance. Under the first of the Neotrantorian dynasty†¦ Encyclopedia Galactica Neotrantor was the name! New Trantor! And when you have said the name you have exhausted at a stroke all the resemblances of the new Trantor to the great original. Two parsecs away, the sun of Old Trantor still shone and the Galaxy's Imperial Capital of the previous century still cut through space in the silent and eternal repetition of its orbit. Men even inhabited Old Trantor. Not many – a hundred million, perhaps, where fifty years before, forty billions had swarmed. The huge, metal world was in jagged splinters. The towering thrusts of the multi-towers from the single world-girdling base were torn and empty – still bearing the original blastholes and firegut – shards of the Great Sack of forty years earlier. It was strange that a world which had been the center of a Galaxy for two thousand years – that had ruled limitless space and been home to legislators and rulers whose whims spanned the parsecs – could die in a month. It was strange that a world which had been untouched through the vast conquering sweeps and retreats of a millennia, and equally untouched by the civil wars and palace revolutions of other millennia – should lie dead at last. It was strange that the Glory of the Galaxy should be a rotting corpse. And pathetic! For centuries would yet pass before the mighty works of fifty generations of humans would decay past use. Only the declining powers of men, themselves, rendered them useless now. The millions left after the billions had died tore up the gleaming metal base of the planet and exposed soil that had not felt the touch of sun in a thousand years. Surrounded by the mechanical perfections of human efforts, encircled by the industrial marvels of mankind freed of the tyranny of environment – they returned to the land. In the huge traffic clearings, wheat and corn grew. In the shadow of the towers, sheep grazed. But Neotrantor existed – an obscure village of a planet drowned in the shadow of mighty Trantor, until a heart-throttled royal family, racing before the fire and flame of the Great Sack sped to it as its last refuge – and held out there, barely, until the roaring wave of rebellion subsided. There it ruled in ghostly splendor over a cadaverous remnant of Imperium. Twenty agricultural worlds were a Galactic Empire! Dagobert IX, ruler of twenty worlds of refractory squires and sullen peasants, was Emperor of the Galaxy, Lord of the Universe. Dagobert IX had been twenty-five on the bloody day he arrived with his father upon Neotrantor. His eyes and mind were still alive with the glory and the power of the Empire that was. But his son, who might one day be Dagobert X, was born on Neotrantor. Twenty worlds were all he knew. Jord Commason's open air car was the finest vehicle of its type on all Neotrantor – and, after all, justly so. It did not end with the fact that Commason was the largest landowner on Neotrantor. It began there. For in earlier days he had been the companion and evil genius of a young crown prince, restive in the dominating grip of a middle-aged emperor. And now he was the companion and still the evil genius of a middle-aged crown prince who hated and dominated an old emperor. So Jord Commason, in his air car, which in mother-of-pearl finish and gold-and-lumetron ornamentation needed no coat of arms as owner's identification, surveyed the lands that were his, and the miles of rolling wheat that were his, and the huge threshers and harvesters that were his, and the tenant-farmers and machine-tenders that were his – and considered his problems cautiously. Beside him, his bent and withered chauffeur guided the ship gently through the upper winds and smiled. Jord Commason spoke to the wind, the air, and the sky, â€Å"You remember what I told you, Inchney?† Inchney's thin gray hair wisped lightly in the wind. His gap-toothed smile widened in its thin-lipped fashion and the vertical wrinkles of his cheeks deepened as though he were keeping an eternal secret from himself. The whisper of his voice whistled between his teeth. â€Å"I remember, sire, and I have thought.† â€Å"And what have you thought, Inchney?† There was an impatience about the question. Inchney remembered that he had been young and handsome, and a lord on Old Trantor. Inchney remembered that he was a disfigured ancient on Neotrantor, who lived by grace of Squire Jord Commason, and paid for the grace by lending his subtlety on request. He sighed very softly. He whispered again, â€Å"Visitors from the Foundation, sire, are a convenient thing to have. Especially, sire, when they come with but a single ship, and but a single fighting man. How welcome they might be.† â€Å"Welcome?† said Commason, gloomily. â€Å"Perhaps so. But those men are magicians and may be powerful.† â€Å"Pugh,† muttered Inchney, â€Å"the mistiness of distance hides the truth. The Foundation is but a world. Its citizens are but men. If you blast them, they die.† Inchney held the ship on its course – A river was a winding sparkle below. He whispered, â€Å"And is there not a man they speak of now who stirs the worlds of the Periphery?† Commason was suddenly suspicious. â€Å"What do you know of this?† There was no smile on his chauffeur's face. â€Å"Nothing, sire. It was but an idle question.† The squire's hesitation was short. He said, with brutal directness, â€Å"Nothing you ask is idle, and your method of acquiring knowledge will have your scrawny neck in a vise yet. But – I have it! This man is called the Mule, and a subject of his had been here some months ago on a†¦ matter of business. I await another†¦ now†¦ for its conclusion.† â€Å"And these newcomers? They are not the ones you want, perhaps?† â€Å"They lack the identification they should have.† â€Å"It has been reported that the Foundation has been captured-â€Å" â€Å"I did not tell you that.† â€Å"It has been so reported,† continued Inchney, coolly, â€Å"and if that is correct, then these may be refugees from the destruction, and may be held for the Mule's man out of honest friendship.† â€Å"Yes?† Commason was uncertain. â€Å"And, sire, since it is well-known that the friend of a conqueror is but the last victim, it would be but a measure of honest self-defense. For there are such things as psychic probes, and here we have four Foundation brains. There is much about the Foundation it would be useful to know, much even about the Mule. And then the Mule's friendship would be a trifle the less overpowering.† Commason, in the quiet of the upper air, returned with a shiver to his first thought. â€Å"But if the Foundation has not fallen. If the reports are lies. It is said that it has been foretold it can not fall.† â€Å"We are past the age of soothsayers, sire.† â€Å"And yet if it did not fall, Inchney. Think! If it did not fall. The Mule made me promises, indeed-† He had gone too far, and backtracked. â€Å"That is, he made boasts. But boasts are wind and deeds are hard.† Inchney laughed noiselessly. â€Å"Deeds are hard indeed, until begun. One could scarcely find a further fear than a Galaxy-end Foundation.† â€Å"There is still the prince,† murmured Commason, almost to himself. â€Å"He deals with the Mule also, then, sire?† Commason could not quite choke down the complacent shift of features. â€Å"Not entirely. Not as I do. But he grows wilder, more uncontrollable. A demon is upon him. If I seize these people and he takes them away for his own use – for he does not lack a certain shrewdness – I am not yet ready to quarrel with him.† He frowned and his heavy cheeks bent downwards with dislike. â€Å"I saw those strangers for a few moments yesterday,† said the gray chauffeur, irrelevantly, â€Å"and it is a strange woman, that dark one. she walks with the freedom of a man and she is of a startling paleness against the dark luster of hair.† There was almost a warmth in the husky whisper of the withered voice, so that Commason turned toward him in sudden surprise. Inchney continued, â€Å"The prince, I think, would not find his shrewdness proof against a reasonable compromise. You could have the rest, if you left him the girl-â€Å" A light broke upon Commason, â€Å"A thought! Indeed a thought! Inchney, turn back! And Inchney, if all turns well, we will discuss further this matter of your freedom.† It was with an almost superstitious sense of symbolism that Commason found a Personal Capsule waiting for him in his private study when he returned. It had arrived by a wavelength known to few. Commason smiled a fat smile. The Mule's man was coming and the Foundation had indeed fallen. Bayta's misty visions, when she had them, of an Imperial palace, did not jibe with the reality, and inside her, there was a vague sense of disappointment. The room was small, almost plain, almost ordinary. The palace did not even match the mayor's residence back at the Foundation – and Dagobert IX – Bayta had definite ideas of what an emperor ought to look like. He ought not look like somebody's benevolent grandfather. He ought not be thin and white and faded – or serving cups of tea with his own hand in an expressed anxiety for the comfort of his visitors. But so it was. Dagobert IX chuckled as he poured tea into her stiffly outheld cup. â€Å"This is a great pleasure for me, my dear. It is a moment away from ceremony and courtiers. I have not had the opportunity for welcoming visitors from my outer provinces for a time now. My son takes care of these details now that I'm older. You haven't met my son? A fine boy. Headstrong, perhaps. But then he's young. Do you care for a flavor capsule? No?† Toran attempted an interruption, â€Å"Your imperial majesty-â€Å" â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"Your imperial majesty, it has not been our intention to intrude upon you-â€Å" â€Å"Nonsense, there is no intrusion. Tonight there will be the official reception, but until then, we are free. Let's see, where did you say you were from? It seems a long time since we had an official reception. You said you were from the Province of Anacreon?† â€Å"From the Foundation, your imperial majesty!† â€Å"Yes, the Foundation. I remember now. I had it located. It is in the Province of Anacreon. I have never been there. My doctor forbids extensive traveling. I don't recall any recent reports from my viceroy at Anacreon. How are conditions there?† he concluded anxiously. â€Å"Sire,† mumbled Toran, â€Å"I bring no complaints.† â€Å"That is gratifying. I will commend my viceroy.† Toran looked helplessly at Ebling Mis, whose brusque voice rose. â€Å"Sire, we have been told that it will require your permission for us to visit the Imperial University Library on Trantor.† â€Å"Trantor?† questioned the emperor, mildly, â€Å"Trantor?† Then a look of puzzled pain crossed his thin face. â€Å"Trantor?† he whispered. â€Å"I remember now. I am making plans now to return there with a flood of ships at my back. You shall come with me. Together we will destroy the rebel, Gilmer. Together we shall restore the empire!† His bent back had straightened. His voice had strengthened. For a moment his eyes were hard. Then, he blinked and said softly, â€Å"But Gilmer is dead. I seem to remember – Yes. Yes! Gilmer is dead! Trantor is dead – For a moment, it seemed – Where was it you said you came from?† Magnifico whispered to Bayta, â€Å"Is this really an emperor? For somehow I thought emperors were greater and wiser than ordinary men.† Bayta motioned him quiet. She said, â€Å"If your imperial majesty would but sign an order permitting us to go to Trantor, it would avail greatly the common cause.† â€Å"To Trantor?† The emperor was blank and uncomprehending. â€Å"Sire, the Viceroy of Anacreon, in whose name we speak, sends word that Gilmer is yet alive-â€Å" â€Å"Alive! Alive!† thundered Dagobert. â€Å"Where? It will be war!† â€Å"Your imperial majesty, it must not yet be known. His whereabouts are uncertain. The viceroy sends us to acquaint you of the fact, and it is only on Trantor that we may find his hiding place. Once discovered-â€Å" â€Å"Yes, yes – He must be found-† The old emperor doddered to the wall and touched the little photocell with a trembling finger. He muttered, after an ineffectual pause, â€Å"My servants do not come. I can not wait for them.† He was scribbling on a blank sheet, and ended with a flourished â€Å"D.† He said, â€Å"Gilmer will yet learn the power of his emperor. Where was it you came from? Anacreon? What are the conditions there? Is the name of the emperor powerful?† Bayta took the paper from his loose fingers, â€Å"Your imperial majesty is beloved by the people. Your love for them is widely known.† â€Å"I shall have to visit my good people of Anacreon, but my doctor says†¦ I don't remember what he says, but-† He looked up, his old gray eyes sharp, â€Å"Were you saying something of Gilmer?† â€Å"No, your imperial majesty.† â€Å"He shall not advance further. Go back and tell your people that. Trantor shall hold! My father leads the fleet now, and the rebel vermin Gilmer shall freeze in space with his regicidal rabble.† He staggered into a seat and his eyes were blank once more. â€Å"What was I saying?† Toran rose and bowed low, â€Å"Your imperial majesty has been kind to us, but the time allotted us for an audience is over. â€Å" For a moment, Dagobert IX looked like an emperor indeed as he rose and stood stiff-backed while, one by one, his visitors retreated backward through the door – to where twenty armed men intervened and locked a circle about them. A hand-weapon flashed- To Bayta, consciousness returned sluggishly, but without the â€Å"Where am I?† sensation. She remembered clearly the odd old man who called himself emperor, and the other men who waited outside. The arthritic tingle in her finger joints meant a stun pistol. She kept her eyes closed, and listened with painful attention to the voices. There were two of them. One was slow and cautious, with a slyness beneath the surface obsequity. The other was hoarse and thick, almost sodden, and blurted out in viscous spurts. Bayta liked neither. The thick voice was predominant. Bayta caught the last words, â€Å"He will live forever, that old madman. It wearies me. It annoys me. Commason, I will have it. I grow older, too.† â€Å"Your highness, let us first see of what use these people are. It may be we shall have sources of strength other than your father still provides.† The thick voice was lost in a bubbling whisper. Bayta caught only the phrase, † -the girl-† but the other, fawning voice was a nasty, low, running chuckle followed by a comradely, near-patronizing, â€Å"Dagobert, you do not age. They lie who say you are not a youth of twenty.† They laughed together, and Bayta's blood was an icy trickle. Dagobert – your highness – The old emperor had spoken of a headstrong son, and the implication of the whispers now beat dully upon her. But such things didn't happen to people in real life- Toran's voice broke upon her in a slow, hard current of cursing. She opened her eyes, and Toran's, which were upon her, showed open relief. He said, fiercely, â€Å"This banditry will be answered by the emperor. Release us.† It dawned upon Bayta that her wrists and ankles were fastened to wall and floor by a tight attraction field. Thick Voice approached Toran. He was paunchy, his lower eyelids puffed darkly, and his hair was thinning out. There was a gay feather in his peaked hat, and the edging of his doublet was embroidered with silvery metal-foam. He sneered with a heavy amusement. â€Å"The emperor? The poor, mad emperor?† â€Å"I have his pass. No subject may hinder our freedom.† â€Å"But I am no subject, space-garbage. I am the regent and crown prince and am to be addressed as such. As for my poor silly father, it amuses him to see visitors occasionally. And we humor him. It tickles his mock-imperial fancy. But, of course, it has no other meaning.† And then he was before Bayta, and she looked up at him contemptuously. He leaned close and his breath was overpoweringly minted. He said, â€Å"Her eyes suit well, Commason – she is even prettier with them open. I think she'll do. It will be an exotic dish for a jaded taste, eh?† There was a futile surge upwards on Toran's part, which the crown prince ignored and Bayta felt the iciness travel outward to the skin. Ebling Mis was still out; head lolling weakly upon his chest, but, with a sensation of surprise, Bayta noted that Magnifico's eyes were open, sharply open, as though awake for many minutes. Those large brown eyes swiveled towards Bayta and stared at her out of a doughy face. He whimpered, and nodded with his head towards the crown prince, â€Å"That one has my Visi-Sonor.† The crown prince turned sharply toward the new voice, â€Å"This is yours, monster?† He swung the instrument from his shoulder where it had hung, suspended by its green strap, unnoticed by Bayta. He fingered it clumsily, tried to sound a chord and got nothing for his pains, â€Å"Can you play it, monster?† Magnifico nodded once. Toran said suddenly, â€Å"You've rifled a ship of the Foundation. If the emperor will not avenge, the Foundation will.† It was the other, Commason, who answered slowly, â€Å"What Foundation? Or is the Mule no longer the Mule?† There was no answer to that. The prince's grin showed large uneven teeth. The clown's binding field was broken and he was nudged ungently to his feet. The Visi-Sonor was thrust into his hand. â€Å"Play for us, monster,† said the prince. â€Å"Play us a serenade of love and beauty for our foreign lady here. Tell her that my father's country prison is no palace, but that I can take her to one where she can swim in rose water – and know what a prince's love is. Sing of a prince's love, monster.† He placed one thick thigh upon a marble table and swung a leg idly, while his fatuous smiling stare swept Bayta into a silent rage. Toran's sinews strained against the field, in painful, perspiring effort. Ebling Mis stirred and moaned. Magnifico gasped, â€Å"My fingers are of useless stiffness-â€Å" â€Å"Play, monster!† roared the prince. The lights dimmed at a gesture to Commason and in the dimness he crossed his arms and waited. Magnifico drew his fingers in rapid, rhythmic jumps from end to end of the multikeyed instrument – and a sharp, gliding rainbow of light jumped across the room. A low, soft tone sounded – throbbing, tearful. It lifted in sad laughter, and underneath it there sounded a dull tolling. The darkness seemed to intensify and grow thick. Music reached Bayta through the muffled folds of invisible blankets. Gleaming light reached her from the depths as though a single candle glowed at the bottom of a pit. Automatically, her eyes strained. The light brightened, but remained blurred. It moved fuzzily, in confused color, and the music was suddenly brassy, evil – flourishing in high crescendo. The light flickered quickly, in swift motion to the wicked rhythm. Something writhed within the light. Something with poisonous metallic scales writhed and yawned. And the music writhed and yawned with it. Bayta struggled with a strange emotion and then caught herself in a mental gasp. Almost, it reminded her of the time in the Time Vault, of those last days on Haven. It was that horrible, cloying, clinging spiderweb of horror and despair. She shrunk beneath it oppressed. The music dinned upon her, laughing horribly, and the writhing terror at the wrong end of the telescope in the small circle of light was lost as she turned feverishly away. Her forehead was wet and cold. The music died. It must have lasted fifteen minutes, and a vast pleasure at its absence flooded Bayta. Light glared, and Magnifico's face was close to hers, sweaty, wild-eyed, lugubrious. â€Å"My lady,† he gasped, â€Å"how fare you?† â€Å"Well enough,† she whispered, â€Å"but why did you play like that?† She became aware of the others in the room. Toran and Mis were limp and helpless against the wall, but her eyes skimmed over them. There was the prince, lying strangely still at the foot of the table. There was Commason, moaning wildly through an open, drooling mouth. Commason flinched, and yelled mindlessly, as Magnifico took a step towards him. Magnifico turned, and with a leap, turned the others loose. Toran lunged upwards and with eager, taut fists seized the landowner by the neck, â€Å"You come with us. We'll want you – to make sure we get to our ship.† Two hours later, in the ship's kitchen, Bayta served a walloping homemade pie, and Magnifico celebrated the return to space by attacking it with a magnificent disregard of table manners. â€Å"Good, Magnifico?† â€Å"Um-m-m-m!† â€Å"Magnifico?† â€Å"Yes, my lady?† â€Å"What was it you played back there?† The clown writhed, â€Å"I†¦ I'd rather not say. I learned it once, and the Visi-Sonor is of an effect upon the nervous system most profound. Surely, it was an evil thing, and not for your sweet innocence, my lady.† â€Å"Oh, now, come, Magnifico. I'm not as innocent as that. Don't flatter so. Did I see anything like what they saw?† â€Å"I hope not. I played it for them only. If you saw, it was but the rim of it – from afar.† â€Å"And that was enough. Do you know you knocked the prince out?† Magnifico spoke grimly through a large, muffling piece of pie. â€Å"I killed him, my lady.† â€Å"What?† She swallowed, painfully. â€Å"He was dead when I stopped, or I would have continued. I cared not for Commason. His greatest threat was death or torture. But, my lady, this prince looked upon you wickedly, and-† he choked in a mixture of indignation and embarrassment. Bayta felt strange thoughts come and repressed them sternly. â€Å"Magnifico, you've got a gallant soul.† â€Å"Oh, my lady.† He bent a red nose into his pie, but, somehow did not eat. Ebling Mis stared out the port. Trantor was near – its metallic shine fearfully bright. Toran was standing there, too. He said with dull bitterness, â€Å"We've come for nothing, Ebling. The Mule's man precedes us.† Ebling Mis rubbed his forehead with a hand that seemed shriveled out of its former plumpness. His voice was an abstracted mutter. Toran was annoyed. â€Å"I say those people know the Foundation has fallen. I say-â€Å" â€Å"Eh?† Mis looked up, puzzled. Then, he placed a gentle hand upon Toran's wrist, in complete oblivion of any previous conversation, â€Å"Toran, I†¦ I've been looking at Trantor. Do you know†¦ I have the queerest feeling†¦ ever since we arrived on Neotrantor. It's an urge, a driving urge that's pushing and pushing inside. Toran, I can do it; I know I can do it. Things are becoming clear in my mind – they have never been so clear.† Toran stared – and shrugged. The words brought him no confidence. He said, tentatively, â€Å"Mis?† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"You didn't see a ship come down on Neotrantor as we left?† Consideration was brief. â€Å"No.† â€Å"I did. Imagination, I suppose, but it could have been that Filian ship.† â€Å"The one with Captain Han Pritcher on it?† â€Å"The one with space knows who upon it. Magnifico's information – It followed us here, Mis.† Ebling Mis said nothing, Toran said strenuously, â€Å"is there anything wrong with you? Aren't you well?† Mis's eyes were thoughtful, luminous, and strange. He did not answer.