Monday, December 30, 2019

Timeline of Josephine Bakers Career

Josephine Baker is best remembered for dancing topless and wearing a banana skirt. Baker’s popularity rose during the 1920s for dancing in Paris. Until her death in 1975, Baker was devoted to fighting against injustice and racism throughout the world. Josephine Baker was born Freda Josephine McDonald on June 3, 1906. Her mother, Carrie McDonald, was a washerwoman and her father, Eddie Carson was a vaudeville drummer. The family lived in St. Louis before Carson left to pursue his dreams as a performer. By the age of eight, Baker was working as a domestic for rich white families. At the age of 13, she ran away and worked as a waitress. Timeline of Baker’s Work as a Performer 1919: Baker begins touring with the Jones Family Band as well as the Dixie Steppers. Baker performed comedic skits and danced. 1923: Baker lands a role in the Broadway musical Shuffle Along. Performing as a member of the chorus, Baker added her comedic persona, making her popular with audiences. Baker also moves to New York City. She is soon performing in Chocolate Dandies. She also performs with Ethel Waters at the Plantation Club. 1925 to 1930: Baker travels to Paris and performs in La Revue Nà ¨gre  at the Thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre des Champs-Elysà ©es. French audiences were impressed with Baker’s performance—especially Danse Sauvage, in which she wore only a feather skirt. 1926: Baker’s career hits its peak. Performing at Folies Bergà ¨re music hall, in a set called La Folie du Jour, Baker danced topless, wearing a skirt made of bananas. The show was successful and Baker became one of the most popular and highest-paid performers in Europe. Writers and artists such as Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and E. E. Cummings were fans. Baker also was nicknamed â€Å"Black Venus† and â€Å"Black Pearl.† 1930s: Baker begins singing and recording professional. She also plays the lead in several films including Zou-Zou  and  Princesse Tam-Tam. 1936: Baker returned to the United States and performed. She was met with hostility and racism by audiences. She returned to France and sought citizenship. 1973: Baker performs at Carnegie Hall and receives strong reviews from critics. The show marked Baker’s comeback as a performer.   In April 1975, Baker performed at Bobino Theater in Paris. The performance was a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of her debut in Paris. Celebrities such as Sophia Loren and Princess Grace of Monaco were in attendance. The French Resistance 1936: Baker works for the Red Cross during the French Occupation. She entertained troops in Africa and the Middle East. During this time, she smuggled messages for the French Resistance. When World War II ended, Baker earned the Croix de Guerre and the Legion of Honour, France’s highest military honors. Civil Rights Activism During the 1950s, Baker returned to the United States and supported the Civil Rights Movement. In particular, Baker participated in various demonstrations. She boycotted segregated clubs and concert venues, arguing that if African-Americans could not attend her shows, she would not perform. In 1963, Baker participated in the March on Washington. For her efforts as a civil rights activist, the NAACP named May 20th â€Å"Josephine Baker Day.† Bakers Death On April 12, 1975, Baker died of a cerebral hemorrhage. At her funeral, more than 20,000 people came to the streets in Paris to participate in the procession. The French Government honored her with a 21-gun salute. With this honor, Baker became the first American woman to be buried in France with military honors.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

International Trade And The Global Economy Essay - 1801 Words

International trade refers to the exchange of goods, services, and capital across international borders. Sovereigns of countries have been involved in trade for centuries. Worldwide governments intervene with trade, taking it into their own hands to regulate, restrict and set specific standards to best fit their countries needs and demands. International trade policies dictate the terms and conditions that countries must adhere to before becoming fully integrated into the global economy. Globalization, technological advancements, industrialization, outsourcing, and multinational corporations impact the system of international trade. Through global trade and policies, countries can produce and export goods as well as services to other nations with minimal restrictions. International trade and policies improve and facilitate international relations, trading, technology sharing, consumption and real income of countries involved. The social, political, and economic importance of internat ional trade has risen significantly in recent years, increasing criticism on government policies worldwide. Governments around the world are coming to the realization of the benefits of retracting policies and barriers from international trade, as they realize their role should be more minimal. Trade policy is the laws surrounding the international exchange of goods/services between countries. It defines standards, rules and regulations that are applicable to trade relations internationally;Show MoreRelatedThe Global Economy and International Trade1357 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿The Global Economy and International Trade What Is International Trade International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries, such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Handling of Grievance Procedurin Organizations Free Essays

Various organizations are aware about the diversification of the employees’ traits and characteristics. Instead of letting these individuals affects the culture of the organization, it is the corporate culture that tends to affect their behavior. Still, there are chances that within the organization, the collision and clash of ideas might turn into arguments. We will write a custom essay sample on Handling of Grievance Procedurin Organizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to bring back the harmony inside the organization, the management is engaged in handling the different faces of issues to maintain the life and the employees’ relationship. Background of the StudyThe issue of grievance within the organization is identified as the protest of the people against the application of the policies which is placed in an unjust or unfair manner (Hardeman, 2006). The organization sets rules or regulations which some of the employees’ finds faults or conflicts. In order to compensate their right to clarify the things, in which they believe that will affect them sooner, the employees do what for them fits and right. The grievance is the kind of procedure that values the idea and participation of the employees’ but often taken as a negative factor within the organizations.However, the organizations are still looking for an effective way in handling the grievances in their organization. Scope of the Study The scope of the study intentionally addresses the handling of the grievances inside the organization. The administration of the grievance is important in all types of organization. The creation of the study is meant for properly handling the grievances with administration’s judgment and the person or people involved should be addressed their on role and address their issue of grievance. Research ObjectivesThe first objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the grievance procedures within the organization. The second objective is to identify the appropriate techniques in handling the grievance within the organizations. With these two objectives, the respected organization can identify the right formula in handling the conflict such as grievance in the workplace. Literature Review In order to adjust the employees’ concerns, there are recognized procedures that applied by the organization in detailing the every inch of the problems.The grievance procedures are part in the specified area of labor in which the main concept is to implement the system regarding the various concerns and complaints. People are important for the business leaders and managers, and to minimize the conflicts and other problem within the workplace, they have to handle the issue with fair treatment. Historically, the grievance procedures can formulate the positive outcomes and contribute to for the effectiveness of the management. This can be another tool for the management to maintain the relationships with in the workplace. With the use of the system, the management can evaluate its own flexibility for the managers are capable in handling the arguments by providing therapeutic value. The grievance procedures provide the means of indentifying the appropriate practices, procedures, and administrative policies that can cause the employee’s complaints be considered (Bohlander, 1989). The creation of the grievance procedures began through the various conceptualizations of the people and their access in resolutions. The comparison of the female and male employees has difference means of grievance procedure.Mostly, women are anticipated in seeking justice but are lacked in the access in networks that are necessary towards the resolution. Meanwhile, the men are hesitant to embrace the formality of the grievance procedures for they were reluctant to damage their relationships with other people (Hoffman, 2005). There are recognized steps in handling the grievance which can be also applied in the process of the organizations. Firstly and maybe the most important, is to let the person or the people stand up and speak on what are the things they believed is wrong.Everybody has a right to be heard, and with the open communication, the problem can be easily resolved (Hardeman, 2004). The people who participated should be true to himself to let the organization what he truly desires regarding on the imposed regulations. Methodology The proposed method in the study is the use of the comparative case study which is related and concern regarding to the grievance procedures. With the aid of the past literatures and other related study, the current study can have the opportunity to compare and review the related study that emphasizes the handling of grievance and the procedures.In addition, the study can generate its own analysis and conclusion on what would be the best applied technique/s to handle and, therefore, resolve the recognized grievance within the organization. References: Bohlander, G. W. , 1989. Public Sector Independent Grievance Systems: Methods and Procedures, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 18, No. 3. Hardeman, T. , 2004. Complaint, Grievance, Whistle-Blowing Administrative Regulation [Online] Available at: http://www. faith. edu. ph/manila/uploads/file/policies/grievance-policy-web. df [Accessed 22 March 2010]. Hoffman, E. , 2005. Dispute Resolution in a Worker Cooperative: Formal Procedures and Procedural Justice, Law Society Review, Vol. 39, No. 1. Read more: http://ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2010/03/handling-of-grievance-procedures-in-organizations. html#ixzz17KYToojb Introduction Maintaining quality of work life for its employees is an important concern for the any organisation. The grievance handling procedure of the organisation can affect the harmonious environment of the organisation.The grievances of the employees are related to the contract, work rule or regulation, policy or procedure, health and safety regulation, past practice, changing the cultural norms unilaterally, individual victimization, wage, bonus, etc. Here, the attitude on the part of management in their effort to understand the problems of employees and resolve the issues amicably have better probability to maintain a culture of high performance. Managers must be educated about the importance of the grievance process and their role in maintaining favorable relations with the union.Effective grievance handling is an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive workplace. Positive labor relations are two-way street both sides must give a little and try to work together. Relationship building is key to successful labor relations. Precautions and Prescriptions The management should take care of following aspects to develop a culture of trust and confidence upon the employees. 1. Always ensure that the managers involved in the grievance handling procedures have a quiet place to meet with the complainant. . Always ensure that managers have adequate time to be devoted to the complainant. 3. Explain manager’s role, the policy and the procedures clearly in the grievance handling procedure. 4. Fully explaining the situation to the employee to eliminate any misunderstanding and promote better acceptance of the situation complained of. 5. Try to let employee present their issues without prejudging or commenting 6. Do use a positive, friendly ways to resolve the crisis than punitive steps, which disturb the system. 7.Do remain calm, cool, collected during the course of the meeting. 8. Always focus on the subject of the grievance than allied issues. 9. Don’t make threats manage the grievances. 10. Never make use of allegations against personalities. 11. Be aware of the staff member’s potential concerns to the possible repercussions of raising a grievance. 12. Don’t become angry, belligerent, or hostile during grievance handling procedure. 13. Do listen for the main point of arguments and any possible avenue to resolve the grievance. 14.Listen and respond sensitively to any distress exhibited by the employees. 15. Eliminating the source of the irritation or discomfort being complained of. 16. Reassure them that the managers will be acting impartially and that your hope is to resolve the matter if possible. 17. Don’t â€Å"horse trade† or swap one grievance for another (where the union wins one, management wins one). Each case should be decided on its merits. 18. Avoid usage of verbosisms like   â€Å"it will be taken care of. † 19. Ensure effective, sensitive and confidential communication between all involved. 0. Take all possible steps to ensure that no victimization occurs as a result of the grievance being raised. 21. The investigator or decision maker acts impartially, which means they must exclude themselves if there is any bias or conflict of interest. 22. All parties are heard and those who have had complaints made against others are given an opportunity to respond. 23. Try to look upon the problem on different angles for appropriate understanding. 24. Ensuring that there is proper investigation of the facts and figures related the problem under concern. 25.Consider all relevant information in the investigation process. 26. Ask the staff member their preferred resolution option, although it is important to make it clear that this may not be a possible outcome. 27. Be aware of the limits of authority of the person who involved in the grievance handling procedures. 28. If the manager feels that he/she is not the appropriate person (senior manager) to deal with the issue refer the complainant to the appropriate person as soon as possible. 29. Try to get a better idea of whether the alleged discrimination or harassment happened or didn’t happen. 0. Tell them exactly what they are supposed to have done, to whom and explain, why this may be seen as discrimination/harassment or as inappropriate. 31. Grievances are preferably to be settled informally at the level of the employee’s immediate supervisor. 32. Try the level best to involve team members to resolve the crisis at unit level itself. 33. Avoid as far as possible the union involvement in conflict resolution situation process. 34. Follow documentation the procedures, of all necessary steps taken to resolve the problem/complaint. ConclusionTo a great extend the aggravation of industrial problems depends on manager’s approaches and attitude in effective handling of employees grievances. Care should be taken in the way managers approaches the problem and perceiving the pros and cons of the situation. The conflict management approaches include the win-win strategy that help in the healthy organisational practices and which reflects the strong organisational culture. The cooperation from both parties is the pre-requisite to handle the problem and effective settlement of the grievances.Conscious use of professional self can help managers in the conflict handling situations grievance redressal process. References 1. European Trade Union Institute (1989) Collective Bargaining in Western Europe 2. Ozaki (1987), ‘Labour Relations in the Public Service,’ IL Review, July – Aug. 3. Schregle J (1991)’Workers Participation in Decisions Within Undertaking’   IL Review Jan – Feb. APSRACT A grievance is a sign of an employee’s discontentment with his job or his relationship with his colleagues.Grievances generally arise out of the day-to-day working relations in an organization. An employee or a trade union protests against an act or policy of the management that they consider as violating employee’s rights. One of the effective ways of minimizing and eliminating the source of an employee’s grievance is by having an ‘open door policy’. An ‘open door policy’facilitates upward communication in the organization where employees can walk into a superiors’cabin at any time and express their grievances. The National Commission on Labor suggested a Model Grievance Procedure, which lays down the sequence of steps to be taken whenever a grievance is expressed. Conflict occurs when two or more people or parties perceive an incompatibility in their goals or expectations. There are seven methods for achieving reconciliation of conflict. These methods are win-lose, withdrawal and retreat from argument, smoothing and playing down the difference, arbitration, mediation, compromise and problem solving. Of all these methods How to cite Handling of Grievance Procedurin Organizations, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Way Christian Counselors Approach Integration. free essay sample

Do attachment disorders have significant affect on the lives of adopted children? Some studies have linked the possible development of psychiatric disorders with insure attachment. What are the treatments and are the treatments effective? Will the adopted child gain the ability to trust or even love the adoptive parents? As we will soon discover, attachment disorder is more complex than the general public would ever consider. All adopted children suffer from type of attachment disorder. The most severe of the attachment disorder RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) is extremely challenging for the child and the adoptive family. The misdiagnosis of RAD delays treatment; early treatment is essential for these children. Lacher, Nichols, and May gives options on facilitating attachments in RAD clients through the stories of other children with RAD. We will explore the varying types of attachment disorder, treatment methods, and the effectiveness of the treatment. Introduction: The subject of Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children is personal for me. We will write a custom essay sample on Way Christian Counselors Approach Integration. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My inability to conceive, along with my desire to be a mother, prompted my husband and me to explore adoption. As I briefly research this disorder, I will attempt to simplify the psychological/scientific data in order for a prospective adoptive parent to understand. The state in which we resided at that time played on my emotional state. During this Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children2 time, my husband had a 17 year-old son from a previous marriage; therefore he was more objective than was I. My husband and I were never introduced to infants, even though we knew there were infants in the state system. We even met a couple who was given an infant only to find out that she had a relative who was a social worker for the agency. Believing there was no hope of getting an infant, my husband and I brought home a 9 year-old girl. One year later we were asked to bring in 18 month old twin boys as an emergency placement. After exploring the types of attachment disorders, treatments, and effectiveness of treatment, the prospective adoptive parent will have the information needed in order to make an informed decision. The information obtained in this presentation would have been extremely beneficial for us. We were made aware of her attachment disorder but no one explained it in detail. Our concept of attachment disorder at that time was that she had an issue forming some emotional ties. To my dismay, the attachment disorder she had was more intense. After approximately three years of caring for this child and not observing any signs of bonding from her, we relinquished our parental rights. I thought I would help her recover because I loved her. And as I believed, love would be enough. She was known in the city as a runaway and would get in the automobiles of anyone who would stop and talk with her. We relinquished our rights in order to protect her; this was my final act as a mother to this child. The relinquishing of parental rights came with several emotions, even though this child had not bonding with us, we bonding with her. We experienced loss, anger, and confusion; in other words we went through the grieving Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children3 process. With extra training and social workers explaining attachment disorder in detail, the placement would have had a better chance of survival. We had the twins for five and one half years with plans to adopt. The biological mother’s rights were terminated but not the biological father who is current serving time in the state penitentiary system. The twins have never met the biological father; he was imprisoned shortly after their birth. Our boys are away from us currently, but we are trusting God for the return of our sons. According to The Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition), attachment is the state of being personally attached (permanently fixed): fidelity: affectionate regard. Also, disorder is to disturb the regular or normal functions of. Therefore, attachment disorder is the disturbance of regular or normal functions of affectionate regards. As mentioned in the introduction, this definition is accepted by the laity and is not the full concept of the disorder. In all actuality attachment disorder is more complex than the aforementioned definition would portray. Attachment disorders can be observed in every stage of life; for this document we will focus on its effect on children (infants to pre-adolescents). Development of attachment during infancy/toddlers years is important in developing social interactions as the child journeys through life. When children experience attachment to a given person, they feel pleasure when they are with them and feel comfort by their presence in the times of distress. † (Feldman, 2010, page 179. Attachment disorder is more complicated than mere emotional ties. Attachment disorder is also influenced by the environment (thoughts and ideas). An example of Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children4 environmental influences is Christianity or secularism. The child may not have emotional ties to Christianity but the child has been exposed to this information in the home environment. An example of either prolonged experiences of mother-child separation or deprivation of maternal care (lack of attachment) was common among adolescents who had a history of stealingthis was also known as â€Å"affectionless† (Bowlby, 1944). There are three stages that an infant goes through related to attachment disruption: protest, despair, and detachment. Parental response to infant’s basic needs influences the infant’s attachment style. Sensitivity of the parent leads to a secure attachment; lack of sensitivity yields insecure attachment. Causes of Attachment Disorder What are the causes of attachment disorders? Attachment disorder occurs for many reasons. The primary cause is the inability of the child to consistently connect due to varying factors. Some factors which disrupt a connection are: (1) A baby’s immediate needs (hungry, wet, etc. ) are not attended to for hours. (2) No interaction (no one looks at child, talks to, etc. ), so the baby feels alone (3) Young child gets attention (positive or negative) only by acting out or displaying extreme behavior (4) Mistreatment of or abuse of child (5) A child is moved from one caregiver to another (due to loss of parent, foster Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children5 are or adoption). Help Guide. org Types of Attachment Disorders What are the types of attachment disorders? Avoidant, Anxious/Ambivalent, Disorganized and Reactive are a few. All of these disorders will have an affect on future relationships. Avoidant attachment occurs when children protect themselves by rejecting attachment. When a child does not trust the present attac hment this is known as anxious/ambivalent attachment. Disorganized attachment is difficult to understand by the child may move very rapidly between extreme closeness and extreme distance. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a severe form of insecure divided into two categories: Inhibited (emotionally withdrawn) and disinhibited (overly sociable with strangers, indiscriminately seeks affection and comfort. Signs and Symptoms What are some of the signs and symptoms of attachment disorders? In infants attachment disorders can be exhibited in avoiding eye contact, doesn’t smile, isn’t interested in playing, displays a lack of interest upon return of the caregiver, and doesn’t reach to be picked up. Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children6 Signs and symptoms of RAD (reactive attachment disorder) are for inhibitedextremely withdrawn, emotionally detached, acts out in aggression when other try to get close. Disinhibitedprefer other adults over parent figure even strangers, seek comfort from anyone, acts much younger than chronological age and appears chronically anxious. Most children with RAD are misdiagnosed. These children are given diagnosis of attachment disorder, defiant disorder, depression, ADHD to name a few. RAD clients may experience a myriad of symptom exhibited from numerous disorders as above. Self mutilation and self-defeating acts are prevalent (Lyon-Ruth, 1996). Lack of empathy, pathological lying, and professional manipulation are also characteristics of RAD. These three issues are the leading cause of failed placement. Affection is governed at the discretion of the child. The children react on the extreme polar ends (clinging to total avoidance). Treatment There are various methods of treatment. Treatments involve attachment parenting (Babywise), various conceptual therapies, physical concept (re-birthing), neurofeedback therapy, and other counseling methods. Babywise Parenting claims that parents can establish a rountine in their baby’s life from day one and stick to it no matter what. Parent-Directed Feeding (PDF) is an infant-management strategy designed to meet the nutritional, physical, and emotional needs of the baby as well as the needs of the whole Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children7 family (Ezzo and Buckman, 1995, page 38). Two related dangers threaten successful parenting: not understanding the significance of the husband-wife relationship in the parenting process and the hazard of child-centered parenting (Ezzo and Buckman, 1995, page 19). A conceptual therapy includes but is not limited to; a family service plan. A family service plan model phases with measurable goals. An example of the family service plan is phase one: ensure the safety of the child, increase feelings of trust for all involved family members, and immediately stabilize outburst; phase two: establish and maintain boundaries; phase three: develop cohesive relationship with home and school. With everyone actively participating in the therapy the child has a better chance of establishing an attachment. Re-birth has been used as a physical concept therapy. Re-birth is the physical reenactment of birth. Candace Newmaker (10 year old) suffocated during a re-birth treatment carried out by her therapist. Neurofeedback is using EEG’s to detect brain wave patterns along with a reward system to reduce some neurological occurrences (seizures, ADHD, etc. ). Psychologist Laurence Hirshberg reflecting on a treatment stated, â€Å"You take a child with RAD who struggled for years with expressing any feeling of warmth and affection. You do five or six (neurofeedback) session, and suddenly, the parents report, ‘O my God, he’s showing warmth and affection. ’ He sits next to them on the couch, he smiles. One model for treatment is early diagnosis, placement in a secure environment, specialized parenting training, family functioning and coping skills and working with the child and family in a natural environment and less in client environment. The most significant application in a successful outcome is quality Attachment Disorders of Adopted Children8 training of the adoptive parents. The parents must be â€Å"thick skinned† which means unshakable or immovable. Above love, the family must have an insurmountable amount of patience. Essentially, these parents will be coming non-professional expert therapist.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Paintings by El Greco

Introduction Work of art refers to an artistic creation, which can take a form of fine art like painting, photograph, fine work of architecture, design, or an interactive game.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Paintings by El Greco specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the foregoing description, formal analysis is used to analyze an artwork by El Greco which is a painting done in between 1575-76. It presents a story of a blind man from the Bible called Bartimaeus crying out to Christ to heal him of his blindness. â€Å"The story is covered in the four gospels: Matthew 9:27-34, Mark 8:22-25, Luke 18:35-43 and John 9:1-22. Christ mixed his saliva with soil to make mud, which he used to heal the blind man.†1 Line and form This story forms the theme of the painting. The collation and visualization of the texts are in the form of contemporary Venetian setting. The figures of Jesus and the man he heals occupy the f oreground, off-center to the left, and form the central part of the composition. A group of people witnessing the miracle stand in the right with two men sitting in the center. There is a city square seen in the background, which is receding towards the gateway. Behind the blind man and Christ, there are stooping figures and a group of four people who are unaware of what is happening. â€Å"The extensions of lines that the blind man is using for gesture together with the figure, which is on the right side with his back to the viewer, convene at the end of the point in the center of the gateway, placed slightly left of center in the picture.† 2Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The line of the arch behind him reinforces the act of Christ moving his hand in the direction of the blind man. The foreground part between the sniffing dog and the two men conversing in the middle dis tance is demarcated by receding lines and left empty, while the groups in the foreground are crowded on either side. The viewers’ attention is attracted to both the right and the left sides of the composition, while lines of perspective construction created by the paving draw their attention to the vanishing point. Space and Shape El Greco succeeded in the use of deep space in the utilization of the floor space, where he made maximum use of the foreground. The foreground figures, which are in a lower level, are meant to create space on the front edge while the groups make up the composition. Their presence shows that space extends beyond the foreground and some figures in the center to the left towards the direction the youth is pointing. The sense of space moves beyond the picture and creates a sense of spatial confines of stage. The sequential arrangement of colored shapes shows good use of space. Color El Greco used luminous colors and created structured architectural sett ings for the figures. He used a rich variety of colors and tints. Balance and emphasis The composition has a calculated formal balance shown in the grouping and actions of the figures. Those to the right of Christ are more gracefully than those to the left. The frontal aspects of Christ emphasize the outline of his figure, simplification of the fold and texture of his robes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Paintings by El Greco specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The parallel lines of the bent elbow of the two main figures, protruding and receding, are pictorially balanced. The atmosphere surrounding this place is calm creating an impression of balance. The emphasis laid on Christ’s figure advancing right knee is minimal, and his pose is more statuesque. El Greco applied perspective focused on straight and diagonal lines in the setting. Contrast In contrast, there is a restless movement framed by the differe nt forms in the background architecture. This contrast ensures that they are the main center of the composition. The following is the picture-forming basis of our discussion: Bibliography Prnjatovic, Mladen. Elements of Formal Analysis in Architecture. London: University of New South Wales, 2008. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York: Pearson, 2010.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Footnotes 1 Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. (New York: Pearson, 2010), 14. 2 Prnjatovic, Mladen. Elements of Formal Analysis in Architecture. (London: University of New South Wales, 2008), 34. This essay on Paintings by El Greco was written and submitted by user D0m1n0 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

WH Auden essays

WH Auden essays Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone This piece of text is a poem revolved around funeral blues, and the grief people feel when a loved one dies. Stop all the clocks was written by W. H. Auden and was first published as Song IX FROM Twelve Songs printed in England, in 1936. It was reprinted under its present title in Tell me the truth about love printed in America 1976. The purpose of the text is, due to its emotive nature, an outlet for Audens grief about the death of one of his close friends. W. H. Auden uses a wide variety of language techniques in his poem to impact on the reading of the text. His use of tone, the use of emotive language and word choice, concepts in the text, and the content of the text very successfully portray change in the text. The tone of the poem is a very negative depressed one. This is due to the fact that the poem is about a funeral, and how some people feel when someone close to them has died. By using this tone, Auden shows the change he has undergone into depression due to the fact that someone close to his has died. For example: The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good. The extent of his sadness is also shown through the language he uses in the above stanza. For nothing now can ever come to any good Auden has obviously undergone a change since the death of his friend, and the change must have been a very intense and painful one as the language and tone used is very emotive. The use of imagery in reference to nature (also in the above stanza) adds to what extent Auden is changing. This imagery is in relation to very large ideas (the oceans, moon and sun) and this reflects the extent of Audens grief, which is obviously very large. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mystic River Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mystic River - Essay Example Other players could carry the potential to make the story a whodunit. However, actors in the film evoke genuine pain as they make the story actually deep. The director sets the film a blue-colour Boston neighbourhood. The plot that makes the Mystic River develops gradually. This gives the audience humble time to engulf the dynamism of the story with the aim of providing a solution to the crime. However, it is essential to mention that over its two and quarter hours flow, it stagnates at intervals. The film Mystic River offers solid performances from the first scene through to the last act. Tim Robbins treats the audience to a convincing presentation of the mentally crippled Boyle who fails to recover fully from his ordeal. Acting as the emotional wife to Boyle, Harden provides a hitherto performance. It is possible for every viewer to step into her shoes and empathise after feeling what she goes through. Among other issues, there is conflict, development of fear, and distrust in the process of struggling with the doubts about the connection of the murder to her husband. Sean Penn presents the most extraordinary performance in the entire family. Penn acting as DeNiro’s look-alike merges his souls and character coming out as Markum. In my opinion, the performance where Markum discovers that the daughter is dead presents the most wrenching part of the movie. Keeping him out of the scene of crime requires the effort of six police officers. The performance by Sean Penn is exemplary. Penn is settled in life and he boasts of a daughter named Emmy Rossum but acting as Katie out of his marriage. His lovely daughter dates Tom Guirry appearing on stage as Black Hawk Dawn, a boy from the neighbourhood albeit secretly. Ironically, for reasons not clear, Danny prefers hating the boy. He immediately comprehends half of what Jimmy puts forward that they belong to the world of hurt. As much as the film Mystic River tries

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Microbiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Microbiology - Essay Example This will be achieved by pulling off the skin covering penis or vagina with your hand to avoid infecting the culture. The container in which specimen is being collected may contain some pathogens which may infect the culture (Levin and Feldman (2006). To prevent this from happening, samples should be collected in properly sterilized and tightly covered containers. According to Levin and Feldman (2006) antibodies are proteins generated by B cells and forms defense system of the body. They operate within their specific antigens to demolish pathogens which may otherwise cause diseases in the body. Antibodies assist to strengthen the ability of the body system to resist activities of the foreign bodies. Antibodies react to specific antigens by binding them and preventing them from gaining entry into body cells or destroying the body cells. They may also cause other body immune systems to react against specific antigen and damage it. Finally, antibodies may cover pathogens and cause these pathogens to be gotten rid of by the macrophages and other body cells (Levin and Feldman,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Applying MBTI to understand and resolve conflict Essay

Applying MBTI to understand and resolve conflict - Essay Example At the beginning of the project there were people who believed that we should have started the project then analysed it later depending on the outcome of our first trial. They proposed that if anything turned out wrong after the first trial, we could come up with ways to improve it in a second trial. There were others who wanted to brainstorm about the best way to go about the project before attempting to carry on with it. The project needed to be done in two shifts: night and day shift. Work was always being assigned randomly without due regard to the workers’ preferences, personalities and abilities. It was assumed by management that those who had lower abilities would catch up with their peers with time and had to be pushed towards greater performance and under tight supervision. The employees were not comfortable with the way duties and shifts were being assigned by the management. As a result of this many of the employees were arriving late or even completely failing to show up for work. On the other hand, others were performing their duties poorly due to lack of interest, low morale taking its toll on most workers. Instead of analyzing the situation as it was and listening to the employees, the management opted to fire some employees believing that this would be an example to other employees. The situation improved slightly owing to the fact that many employees did not want to lose their jobs. However, productivity remained low as the employees only exerted effort in the presence of their supervisors. In their absence, work was performed sluggishly unless it was going to earn the employee more cash during overtime. This presented a situation that demanded critical thinking. As the group leader I had to come up with a solution that everyone in the team was comfortable with. However, this was not a simple task especially after taking into account the fact that people had varying problems, sometimes

Friday, November 15, 2019

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges Digital marketing entails interaction with known customers and others in the marketing channel, on a one to one basis, often in real time, to maintain value-laden relationships and to generate a measurable response and/or transactions using electronic network tools and technologies (Kotler et al. 2008, p525). This essay will focus on the discussion of the opportunities and challenges in organizations which are will use digital marketing techniques and discuss the ways that they can plan and implement digital marketing tools in their marketing activities. This essay will also provide two organizations that have introduced and adopt digital marketing. Moreover, this essay will give an analysis of comparison between two organizations which use digital marketing concept. The intention of discussion is to know more about the digital marketing concept in some organizations and also opportunities and challenges of using digital marketing. Besides, this essay also intention to compare which is the best digital marketing strategy. The concept of digital marketing has increasing in many organizations and become more popular and important than before. But there are some opportunities and challenges in order to using this concept in organizations. Many writers has different evaluate in these concept, according to Klososky (2012, p45) Social technology tools are multi-faceted, and have the ability to change an economy that it is in chaos to one that is manageable and predictable. That statement means that digital marketing has opportunities and challenges in business to manage and helps some company to increase their sales by using social technology, such as social networking, social media, and social relevance. More specifically is explained by Cristian et al. (2008, pp983-4) digital marketing opportunities for organizations is separated to pull and push digital marketing, which is the pull digital marketing are includes blog marketing, advertising and personal interactive television and smart advertisement on th e web. While the push digital marketing is includes mobile marketing, text messaging marketing, multimedia messaging and the broadcasting of recent news (RSS). Moreover, Rapson (2010, p25) stated A common problem in this wealth of technology options, is choosing the right solution for specific marketing goals and data needs. This statement tells about the challenges of digital marketing which is understand digital marketing tools and common trend using different tools. In overall, many people agree that opportunity of digital marketing is in electronic channels which are related to social technology and the challenge is about its digital marketing tools. These points of view is clearly clarified what is opportunities and challenges that facing the digital marketing. Digital marketing tools are considered so valuable in marketing activities, especially in some organizations that depend on technologies. Moreover, digital marketing tools give many advantages to company, for example to increase their revenues. As though stated by Klososky (2012, p42) Social tools can be compare to web itself, inasmuch as there are benefits for every department. There are some ways to get those benefits. First, building productive websites is important for people to get an admission to record information or control business dealing; it is purpose to not maximize a continuous connection (Klososky 2012, p42). Second is providing social technologies, it is needs to make good relationship with customers and increase their beliefs (Klososky 2012, p42). Third, mobile tools is necessary for all of organizations because can make an easily communication with clients (Klososky 2012, p43). Fourth is driving online traffic, it is very important to make business more famous and t here are so many steps to do it, for example some advertising, make a consistent and brand for the business, add favorite bookmark for business website and others (Klososky 2012, p43). The last is measurement systems is use for make decisions for results in organizations and it is to make an improvement (Klososky 2012, p43). In addition, digital marketing tool is growing and it is often used by organizations such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and crowdscribing, the similarities between them is their ability to tap into the power of the internet herd to get work done less expensively, faster and with more innovation (Klososky 2012, p44). Many organizations has adopt digital marketing concept to their marketing activities and they also have introduced it. There are some way to introduce such as by using E-service, it is explained by Rowley (2008, p527) E-service is deeds, efforts or performances whose delivery is mediated by information technology (including the Web, information kiosks and mobile devices). Such e-service includes the service element of e-tailing, customer support and service, and service delivery. E-service is often used by many organizations for examples newspapers are apply their information by technology tools and it is called digital newspaper. Newspaper has made an alteration from traditional print medium to use internet, this change is also influences the concept of digital marketing because in newspaper there are also an advertisement, banners (or leader boards), expanded banners, skyscrapers, mid page banners, etc. (Christopher 2008, p10). Organizations that had been adopted digital marketing on their digital newspaper are which is the official website of Malaysias biggest Chinese media group. Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd, and the one of most popular Chinese Web sites in Southeast Asia (Christopher 2008, p10) and the second is Gatehouse which has many community newspapers approximately 480. First, has five different tools to introduce digital marketing which are AdText (hyperlink advertising on editorial-based homepage), AdWord (a dynamic editorial tool that delivers advertising inside the text of news content), AdQuote (expanded version of AdWord concept but placed at the bottom of the article) and AdTrend (an automatically displayed advertising message based on the current market trends and nature of the business news and current events: the stock market, banking, sports, weather) and last is AdBlog, the most recent format in which one advertiser per month is featured. This AdBlog can include video/flash with advertising and blog articles, etc ( Christopher 2008, p10). In the other hand, the Gatehouse is specifically on websites and use web 2.0 as their platform. Moreover, they also use Zope which is an open-source content management system, for the relaunch as well as to build dozens of others (Christopher 2008, p10). Gatehouse is also like google and uses it to advertise their website to make many visitors. They also participate in Google print program and google hotjob recruitment network.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lights, Camera, Action...Going for My Dream :: Personal Narrative Acting Actress Essays

Lights, Camera, Action...Going for My Dream For as long as I can recollect, I have always wanted to act. When I was younger, I would watch the Disney channel and wondering why I wasn't on one of the shows. My desire to act was strong, only my parents made it clear to me they didn't want me to get engrossed in the entertainment industry until I was older. Each year I reminded my parents that I was getting older in hope that they would get me agent, but they insisted that I wait until I turned eighteen. Since my parents wouldn't let me set foot into the crazy world of the entertainment industry, I performed in various school plays and performed with a local ballet company. Inevitably, I convinced my parents to sign me up for an acting class in Westwood, called Mode Dion. I loved performing in my school plays, dance performances and acting class but I felt like I was not completely satisfied. I wanted to perform on television, but my parents insisted that I wait. Finally the day came, my eighteenth birthday. I decided to go to a local Extra Casting Company. I signed up with Cenex Casting located in Burbank. I kid you not, I walked into the building and before I even got a chance to sign up one of the casting agents was trying to get me to work on Clueless the next day. The first show that I ended up doing was Teen Angel. Then I worked on other shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Boy Meets World, Love Boat the Next Wave and my all time favorite Party of Five. While working on these various shows I earned all the necessary vouchers to become eligible to join the Screen Actors Guild. I became a member of SAG in March. Working on the different shows was a completely exhilarating experience. I never knew how much time and effort went into creating one episode of a show. I finally understood my parents reasoning for having wait. For the most part, the experience I have had with acting has only been through drama classes at school, acting lessons, performing with the Dance Company and extra work on the set. This may seem like many experiences; however, I still had questions on how to pursue my dream as an actress. At that point, I decided to turn to the Internet to get some resources on how to

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Creating a Storyboard Essay

Assignment Your assignment is to work collaboratively to transform a section of a printed text into a storyboard. You will also include a written explanation of the intended effects of your cinematic choices. Steps Planning 1. Revisit a short story from this unit that you could imagine as a film. As a group, select a small passage to transform into a storyboard of at least 20 shots. You will not be able to capture the entire story in your storyboard; choose a compelling section that contains many visual elements. 2. As director, decide how you would like to show your version of this text and the effect you want it to have on your audience. Present your ideas to your group, and reach a consensus about your focus. Drafting 3. Brainstorm a sequence of shots. Consider framing, camera movement, lighting, sound, and editing in each shot. Use sticky notes to sketch out or describe each shot on the Storyboard Graphic Organizer. Be sure to consider the effect you are trying to create with each shot and the words or phrases that communicate your vision. Share this draft within your small group. Even if you plan photographs for your final draft, you should sketch what your photos will look like for this first draft. Decide how to share the responsibilities of producing each element of the storyboard. Create a draft. Refining 4. As a group, share your ideas with another group. Solicit feedback on †¢ Clear sequence of ideas †¢ Effective use of cinematic techniques in relation to the story †¢ Accurate identification and application of cinematic techniques Use the notes generated during the peer group discussion, and revise your storyboard. Add an explanation of the intended effect of your choices. Be specific in terms of your framing, lighting, sound, and other choices, and be sure that your effect is consistent with your cinematic choices. Support your explanation with textual evidence from the short story. Revising and Editing for Publication 5. Prepare your final draft. Choose a presentation method, such as mounting your frames onto poster board or creating a slide show. Label each frame with all the information required (shot type, angle, lighting, and sound), including intended effect of each shot.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Molting Process for Insect Growth

The Molting Process for Insect Growth Molting,  known technically as ecdysis, is literally a period of growth for insects. In humans, an analogy can be drawn to molting as a period of personal transformation, such as the shedding of ones old self and the emergence of a new and improved person. Insects grow in increments. Each stage of growth ends with molting, the process of shedding and replacing the rigid exoskeleton. People often think molting is the simple act of an insect breaking out of its skin and leaving it behind. In truth, the process is complex and involves several parts. When Insects Molt After egg hatches, the immature insect feeds and grows. Its exoskeleton is like a shell. Eventually, the larva or nymph must shed its unyielding overcoat to continue its development. The exoskeleton which serves as its  external backbone is used for protection and support. Without an  exoskeleton, the insect could not survive. An old exoskeleton is shed when a new one is ready underneath, a process that can take days or weeks. Understanding the Exoskeleton To understand how molting occurs, it helps to know the three layers of the insect exoskeleton. The outermost layer is called the cuticle. The cuticle protects the insect against physical injury and water loss, as well as provides rigidity for muscle. It is this outermost layer that sheds during a molt. Underneath the cuticle is the epidermis. It is responsible for secreting a new cuticle when it is time to shed the old one. Underneath the epidermis is the basement membrane. This membrane is what separates the insect’s main body from its exoskeleton. The Process of Molting In molting, the epidermis separates from the outermost cuticle. Then, the epidermis forms a protective layer around itself  and secretes chemicals that break down the insides of the old cuticle. That protective layer becomes part of the new cuticle. When the epidermis has formed the new cuticle, muscular contractions and air intake cause the insect’s body to swell, thus splitting open the remains of the old cuticle. Finally, the new cuticle hardens. The bug squeezes out from the outgrown exoskeleton. The insect must continue to swell and expand the new cuticle, so it is large enough to allow room for more growth. The new overcoat is soft and much paler than the former one, but over a few hours, it becomes darker and begins to harden. Within a few days, the insect appears to be a slightly larger copy of its former self. Pros and Cons of Molting For some insects, a  big benefit to having a system of molting for growth is that it allows damaged tissue and missing limbs to be  regenerated  or substantially reformed. Complete regeneration may require a series of molts, the stump becoming a little larger with each molt until it is a normal or nearly back to normal size. A  major disadvantage to having to molt  as a system of growth is that the animal in question is entirely incapacitated during the process. An insect is completely vulnerable to a predator attack while undergoing molting.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Buddhist

like Spanish or Italian. For the language itself, the Chinese language is very different then any other language in the word. But u can say the same thing for every other language in the word because not one language is the same. But still the Chinese language is still very strange. The Chinese language is spoken in a lot of smaller Chinese languages but not as well known like mandarin and Cantonese. For example most people from Taiwan, which is the republic of china, speaks Taiwanese also. But still most Chinese peopl... Free Essays on Buddhist Free Essays on Buddhist The country being studied now is China. China’s culture is very different from the other types of cultures of the world. I picked this country because it is where my parents and family was born, this is giving me a chance to explore my roots and see where my family had experienced while they were there growing up. The Chinese language is very different from English or Spanish or most countries around the world. Because even if you have the word on a piece of paper you might not even know what it means. But if someone says the word out loud then people might know how to say it. The form of writing is very complex to write, there are a lot of lines and curves you must write in order to write one word in Chinese. It is even hard to pronounce the Chinese words because some words can sound the same but also mean something completely different. The numbers ancient Chinese people used were not the ones we use in our western civilization, the numbers even looks like the words except t he number of lines drawn to show the number is a lot less. There are actually two types of Chinese characters, the first is the way to pronounce the word itself and this form of Chinese writing is a lot similar to the western civilization’s way of the alphabet. The other form of Chinese writing is the words itself, the words are written very differently then in the western civilizations. The writing doesn’t use our alphabet to make up the words like Spanish or Italian. For the language itself, the Chinese language is very different then any other language in the word. But u can say the same thing for every other language in the word because not one language is the same. But still the Chinese language is still very strange. The Chinese language is spoken in a lot of smaller Chinese languages but not as well known like mandarin and Cantonese. For example most people from Taiwan, which is the republic of china, speaks Taiwanese also. But still most Chinese peopl...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Management of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management of Quality - Essay Example This compelled the organization to reinforce the quality of the process that every step. A consultant was hired who recommended the use of bespoke quality management in the organization that will facilitate in incorporating major quality improvement programs (Nobel 2011; Kuballa 2007; Kanji 1995). This was a top down approach in which the significant projects were identified and were controlled by trained team. It is quite significant for the senior management to implement bespoke quality management system with instructive and constructive quality management that allows the employees to contribute towards the improvement of the organizational functions. Quality management should not be procedural like for instance the ideas that are brought by the employees should be turned down by the managers. In the top down approach of quality management, the effort made towards the quality development is cascaded down to other levels of the organization. In the top down approach of quality manag ement the senior level managers are only involved. The top down approach has certain advantages that are discussed below: In the top down approach the senior management is involved, which signifies quality management is a time taking process and senior management will be aware of it. This will make the availability of time and financial resources for the process. Any changes in the organization require proper mentoring from the senior officials. In this method the employees will get proper monitoring from the higher officials. Figure 1: Top down Approach Sources: (Author’s Creation) However, this method is not free from limitations. The primary limitation in this method is: Unnecessary delay is caused if the senior officials are not fully operational related to the changes in the quality management required. Enhancing the quality process requires use of different techniques and tools. It also requires interaction of the top management with the middle management on an everyday basis, which is unrealistic, and counterproductive (Schiller, Kovach and Miller 1994). The employees who are directly dealing with the process are seen to possess better knowledge as compared to the members of the top management. Thus, they can implement the quality changes better. Quality management system was implemented by the organization in the second stage. It is the system in which both the quality objectives and policies required to achieve those objectives are decided (Williams and Buswell 2003). The main advantage of this system is that it involves the officials of the top management and the employees from every level. This signifies the involvement of all the people from different levels of the organization. The problems in this system is that it requires a high amount of effort and documentation, often focuses on third party certification rather than business improvement and hinders business if it is self-fulfilling (OECD 2001). Figure 2: Quality Management system Sourc e: (Author’s Creation) Answer 2: A Quality management system (QMS) is a management technique that is used to communicate with the employees regarding how they can produce the desired quality of services and products. Along with this, it also looks at influencing the employee action related to the quality specification in completion of the task. There are two types of quality managemen

Friday, November 1, 2019

Modelling of optical parameters for optimum collection of concentrated Dissertation

Modelling of optical parameters for optimum collection of concentrated solar radiation for photovoltaic devices - Dissertation Example Much has been utilized from our important ecosystems such as the forests, fisheries, wetland, fresh water resources, and that we have to move fast and change our course of actions to save the environment and the planet as a whole. The world’s program of action has not improved these past decades because we still depend on fossil fuel; specifically eighty per cent of energy comes from fossil fuels. The threat posed by climate change and global warming is pushing mother Earth to its near end. Industrialisation, consumerism in America and globalisation, among other drivers of change, have pushed and motivated scientists to find ways to address environmental problems which have continued to plague humanity. Constructions of buildings, new inventions and new technologies, have become a race for supremacy among big international organisations. Environmental problems of the world today have been worsened by technology. But we can use technology to save the environment. Fossil fuels a nd coal can be depleted. There will come a time that we’ll lack resources for these forms of energy source. In other words, there must be a way to produce a substitute for fossil fuels and coal, something that is not harmful to the ozone layers and the environment as a whole. Solar energy and other forms of environmentally friendly energy using the wind, the tidal waves, hydro, and other similar forms, must be tapped. The DESERTEC website says that a few hours the earth receives power from the sun is equivalent to a year it can use for its requirements to run factories, industries, businesses, homes, and offices. The deserts of Africa and Arabia can absorb much heat from the sun using mirrors to heat water to produce steam and convert this into energy. With this technology, solar energy is convertible into High Voltage DC current; the technology uses AC current converted into Direct Current using gargantuan transformers and components that store electric currents like capacit ors. (Desertec Foundation, 2009) This paper aims to provide studies and research on solar radiation and how to ‘catch’ the rays of the sun to provide electricity. With this, we focus on what seems to be an emerging, but is quite becoming popular, technology – photovoltaic concentrator

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice Essay

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice - Essay Example Employment Law for Human Resource Practice James Franklin’s attributes of attendance problems to a cavalier attitude of employees of Millennial Generation is discriminatory based on age. Any action directed to this group of staff will, therefore, be viewed to carry a discriminatory intent tailored to punish a particular group of personnel. Every employee has a contract with the employer whether written or not. Employers are legally obliged to furnish their employees with statements of terms and conditions of engagement. Changing the terms of engagement without the employee’s agreement as did Happy Valley Incorporation is an outright breach of contract (Walsh, 2016). After the enactment of the new attendance policy, it was not communicated to all employees but one, Mr. Allen who did not share with the rest beside being directed only to a faction group of employees. Second, they did not seek the employees on the best ways to deal with the attendance problem. Large forms such as Happy Valley Incorporation must inform and consult employees or their representatives, in this case, P.O.O before making significant changes or redundancies. Even in the absence of this requirement, it is a prudent and ethical business practice to keep employees informed and involved in major decisions affecting them. P.O.O has two alternatives of justice to pursue, Consultation with the Happy Valley Management and seeking a legal redress.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Essay People being indiscriminate based on partial and inexact information by sources as television, cartoons or even comic books This is a description that seems to go against many public standards. The above words are the exact description of stereotypes. Stereotypes as implicit from the description, goes mostly hand in hand with media only not the standard meaning of the blameless media we know. Media propaganda is the other form of media that is somewhat described as media treatment. In this paper, the subsequent will be discussed: first, how stereotypes of ethnic groups operate in propaganda, why does it function so satisfactorily, and finally, the consequences of these stereotypes on the life of Egyptians in particular in society. A fair inspection will be conducted on this example of stereotypes through clarification examples and research consequences from researches conducted from reliable sources. The real association between Egyptians’ stereotypes and propaganda discussed in this paper shall magnify the suggestion of stereotypes and propaganda in common. It seems essential for this paper to start with some clarification of the circumstances related with propaganda. Propaganda can be thought of as a foster parent for stereotypes. Propaganda is recognized to be the planned manipulation of public opinion through concealed messages in advertisements and other media functions. Thus, propaganda uses numerous techniques to be able to consign theses hidden messages to the public and influence their view. Fear, brainwashing, name calling, glittering generality, misinformation and much more are some of the ways that propaganda uses to persuade and manipulate the opinions of the masses. Propaganda finds the usefulness of stereotypes in the fact that it’s easy, quick and direct to the public. In the case of stereotypes about ethnic groups, Egyptians in this case are being portrayed as uneducated, unethical, ignorant, desert animal raisers, terrorists and uncultured ethnic group. These name calling and misinformation techniques are what propagandists use to contrive the society to portray Egyptians as humans of the underworld and Egypt as a deserted country that hunger and ill health are its residents. The preceding are all stereotypes that are propagandas of the media to convince such generality into truth and facts. Racial stereotypes particularly function usually through propaganda of the media, due to the improbability of every man travelling to every country, with the technique of ‘misinformation’ through movies, shows, and news reports. Egyptians have been stereotyped as desert residents for many years regardless of the reality and actual state of Egypt as a country. For instance, the stereotypes pointing that Egyptians are mostly uneducated due to their ignorance of the importance of education is proven false by studies of trustworthy sources. Among those studies, the one conducted by the American university in Cairo, Egypt. Al-Ahram weekly, a credible newspaper known all across the Arab world, has posted in its October issue of 1998 the following: â€Å"According to Sahar El-Tawila, the essential researcher on the team, interviews conducted with girls and boys nationwide demonstrate convincingly that work and marriage were rarely stated by boys and girls respectively as reasons for departing school†¦ These may be options for those who have already left school, but they are not the impetus behind their decision to leave† (Al-Ahram 1998). Therefore, according to an American research, Egyptians are not uneducated conceited nation. After all, there is at least an American University known worldwide built in Cairo where many Egyptians have gotten their Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s from. Still, the media has successfully manipulated the public opinion to reason Egyptians as desert wonderers. Now that the first concern, of how such Egyptian-bashing stereotypes work in propaganda, has been discussed, an interesting question then must be asked: how did it come about so successfully for the public of North America to view Egyptians in such state of mind? Media being a powerful information source to the majority of North Americans, and sometimes the only source of information about specific ethnic groups, has the ability to convince the public viewpoints and opinions. Of course with stereotypes powered by propaganda in movies is very thriving in view of that American films are the most favored and appreciated media function. Openly, in one of the movie reviews now on a review website about the movie â€Å"The Mummy† which takes place in Egypt from start to end, the subsequent sentence was stated: â€Å"The Mummy is a lot of fun. So the story is unsophisticated and the characters are all stereotypes (particularly the Egyptians, who are either noble desert warriors or smelly illiterate pig-things). Who cares? The special effects are truly spectacular. † (Jennifer Mellerick, 1999). Easily, stereotypes are even expected by who understands them and the media propaganda generates more and more. To attest that such depiction is a stereotype and not fact, the website ‘Egypt WWW Index’ has a list of all universities in Egypt (an estimated thirty educational institutions in total), many links to political and governmental committees and services, business, commercial, and entertainment facilities, as well as links to political women figures in the Egyptian society. More than the average North American could even imagine of Egypt , and it is all owed to the media propaganda that produced this image of Egyptians. People being indiscriminate based on partial and inexact information by sources as television, cartoons or even comic books This is a description that seems to go against many public standards. The above words are the exact description of stereotypes. Stereotypes as implicit from the description, goes mostly hand in hand with media only not the standard meaning of the blameless media we know. Media propaganda is the other form of media that is somewhat described as media treatment. In this paper, the subsequent will be discussed: first, how stereotypes of ethnic groups operate in propaganda, why does it function so satisfactorily, and finally, the consequences of these stereotypes on the life of Egyptians in particular in society. A fair inspection will be conducted on this example of stereotypes through clarification examples and research consequences from researches conducted from reliable sources. The real association between Egyptians’ stereotypes and propaganda discussed in this paper shall magnify the suggestion of stereotypes and propaganda in common. It seems essential for this paper to start with some clarification of the circumstances related with propaganda. Propaganda can be thought of as a foster parent for stereotypes. Propaganda is recognized to be the planned manipulation of public opinion through concealed messages in advertisements and other media functions. Thus, propaganda uses numerous techniques to be able to consign theses hidden messages to the public and influence their view. Fear, brainwashing, name calling, glittering generality, misinformation and much more are some of the ways that propaganda uses to persuade and manipulate the opinions of the masses. Propaganda finds the usefulness of stereotypes in the fact that it’s easy, quick and direct to the public. In the case of stereotypes about ethnic groups, Egyptians in this case are being portrayed as uneducated, unethical, ignorant, desert animal raisers, terrorists and uncultured ethnic group. These name calling and misinformation techniques are what propagandists use to contrive the society to portray Egyptians as humans of the underworld and Egypt as a deserted country that hunger and ill health are its residents. The preceding are all stereotypes that are propagandas of the media to convince such generality into truth and facts. Racial stereotypes particularly function usually through propaganda of the media, due to the improbability of every man travelling to every country, with the technique of ‘misinformation’ through movies, shows, and news reports. Egyptians have been stereotyped as desert residents for many years regardless of the reality and actual state of Egypt as a country. For instance, the stereotypes pointing that Egyptians are mostly uneducated due to their ignorance of the importance of education is proven false by studies of trustworthy sources. Among those studies, the one conducted by the American university in Cairo, Egypt. Al-Ahram weekly, a credible newspaper known all across the Arab world, has posted in its October issue of 1998 the following: â€Å"According to Sahar El-Tawila, the essential researcher on the team, interviews conducted with girls and boys nationwide demonstrate convincingly that work and marriage were rarely stated by boys and girls respectively as reasons for departing school†¦ These may be options for those who have already left school, but they are not the impetus behind their decision to leave† (Al-Ahram 1998). Therefore, according to an American research, Egyptians are not uneducated conceited nation. After all, there is at least an American University known worldwide built in Cairo where many Egyptians have gotten their Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s from. Still, the media has successfully manipulated the public opinion to reason Egyptians as desert wonderers. Now that the first concern, of how such Egyptian-bashing stereotypes work in propaganda, has been discussed, an interesting question then must be asked: how did it come about so successfully for the public of North America to view Egyptians in such state of mind? Media being a powerful information source to the majority of North Americans, and sometimes the only source of information about specific ethnic groups, has the ability to convince the public viewpoints and opinions. Of course with stereotypes powered by propaganda in movies is very thriving in view of that American films are the most favored and appreciated media function. Openly, in one of the movie reviews now on a review website about the movie â€Å"The Mummy† which takes place in Egypt from start to end, the subsequent sentence was stated: â€Å"The Mummy is a lot of fun. So the story is unsophisticated and the characters are all stereotypes (particularly the Egyptians, who are either noble desert warriors or smelly illiterate pig-things). Who cares? The special effects are truly spectacular. † (Jennifer Mellerick, 1999). Easily, stereotypes are even expected by who understands them and the media propaganda generates more and more. To attest that such depiction is a stereotype and not fact, the website ‘Egypt WWW Index’ has a list of all universities in Egypt (an estimated thirty educational institutions in total), many links to political and governmental committees and services, business, commercial, and entertainment facilities, as well as links to political women figures in the Egyptian society. More than the average North American could even imagine of Egypt , and it is all owed to the media propaganda that produced this image of Egyptians. Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Furthermore, Egyptians are stereotyped to be uninformed owing to the reality that they are thought of as technology uneducated. In a website found throughout the study on this topic, a person of an Indian ethnicity by the given name of Shani Rifati has set up a website, which he calls â€Å"Please Call Me Rom†. To right the depiction of his race to North Americans, Shani said: â€Å"I am not a Gypsy. The term Gypsy comes from peoples ignorance, when we were wrong for Egyptians† (Rifati). Remarkable huh! Here is an example of a person that is defending his own nationality from stereotypes, yet uses stereotypes. What is even more interesting than that is the reality that the Egyptian history has been known to be the supreme civilization of all times, yet such culture is simply bashed by supercilious that all Egyptians are just ignorant Gypsies. â€Å" African American and Latino children who are aware of broadly held stereotypes about academic aptitude perform more disappointingly on a cognitive task when that task is described as a measure of capability than when the same task is described as a problem-solving duty. † (Carol Hyman 2003). Therefore racial or ethnic stereotypes that work in media propaganda or rather called media manipulation, has not only had influences on adults, but also is passed over with the youth of tomorrow. It is easy to give out information with no truthful back up, but the public inclination is what can moreover stop media propaganda from disturbing the public opinion or simply energize such unsafe aspect of the media, stereotypes. Furthermore, Egyptians are stereotyped to be uninformed owing to the reality that they are thought of as technology uneducated. In a website found throughout the study on this topic, a person of an Indian ethnicity by the given name of Shani Rifati has set up a website, which he calls â€Å"Please Call Me Rom†. To right the depiction of his race to North Americans, Shani said: â€Å"I am not a Gypsy. The term Gypsy comes from peoples ignorance, when we were wrong for Egyptians† (Rifati). Remarkable huh! Here is an example of a person that is defending his own nationality from stereotypes, yet uses stereotypes. What is even more interesting than that is the reality that the Egyptian history has been known to be the supreme civilization of all times, yet such culture is simply bashed by supercilious that all Egyptians are just ignorant Gypsies. â€Å" African American and Latino children who are aware of broadly held stereotypes about academic aptitude perform more disappointingly on a cognitive task when that task is described as a measure of capability than when the same task is described as a problem-solving duty. † (Carol Hyman 2003). Therefore racial or ethnic stereotypes that work in media propaganda or rather called media manipulation, has not only had influences on adults, but also is passed over with the youth of tomorrow. It is easy to give out information with no truthful back up, but the public inclination is what can moreover stop media propaganda from disturbing the public opinion or simply energize such unsafe aspect of the media, stereotypes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

GPS Safety Bubble Technology Essay -- Safety Bubble Technology

Although Global Positioning technology has existed since the mid 1970’s, some of the most significant advancements have taken place within the last five years. In recent months, studies have been conducted by NASA and other institutions concerning the use of advanced GPS technology in both computer controlled flight of commercial aircraft and the establishment of â€Å"no-fly safety bubbles† around designated areas and buildings. In essence an aircraft’s computer system would override a manual command and not allow the craft to enter these designated areas. There are many possible benefits of this technology, but with any new advancement also comes ethical questions. While some believe this technology will increase air travel safety, others argue that misuse of this technology could lead to disaster and loss of life. The use of Global Positioning System navigation technology was established in the early 1970’s, long before the idea of a GPS â€Å"safely bubble† existed. Up to this time the required satellite technology to support global positioning systems had not been developed. In 1978 the first GPS satellite was launched (Rand McNally). It took nearly fifteen years to perfect GPS for public use, but since this has happened, land navigation has been revolutionized. GPS was initially developed by the Department of Defense for primarily military uses, but has since been made available to the general public. In 1996 the National Security Council published the following goals for the GPS system: †¢ To strengthen and maintain national security. †¢ To encourage acceptance and integration of GPS into peaceful civil, commercial and scientific applications worldwide. †¢ To encourage private sector investment in and use of U.S. GP... ...tation advances the common good, promotes a safe society for citizens, and helps to ensure the freedom of the American people. We have a duty to use modern technology such as advanced GPS systems to achieve these aforementioned goals. It is clear that despite the risks, this technology is needed and should be developed and installed on all aircraft. References: Haskens, Shelly. â€Å"Security Now Their Domain† The Huntsville Times. Oct. 21, 2001 Kostiuk, Peter F. â€Å"An Integrated Safety Analysis Methodology for Emerging Air Transport Technologies†. NASA. April, 1998. Parasuraman, Raja, Jacqueline Duley. Et al. â€Å"Human Factors in Free Flight: Developing Dynamic Automation Tools to Support Air Traffic Management†. Cognitive Science Lab, Catholic University of America. 1996 Rand McNally & Company.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rands anthem :: essays research papers

Rand's "Anthem" Anthem, a science fiction novel, deals with a future primitive society in which the forbidden word "I", which is punishable, has been replaced by "We". Anthem's theme seems to be about the meaning and glory of man's ego. In this novel, Rand shows that the individualism needed for building a complex technological civilization has been suppressed by collectivism. Rand glorifies man's individual ability to think, and appeals to emotion. The emotion is displayed at various time throughout the story; the encounters of Equality and Liberty, on the occasion regarding the discovery of the light bulb, and during the time the two find the house in which they will live in for the remainder of their lives. One day while Equality was tending to his job as street sweeper, he came across a beautiful young woman taking care of the fields. Even though it is forbidden, he decides to go over and talk to her. While they were talking, we see the first sign of emotions when "Their face did not move and they did not avert their eyes. Only their eyes grew wider, and there was triumph in their eyes, and it was not triumph over us, but over things we could not guess." Later, Liberty follows Equality into the forest, and the first sign of forbidden love is shown when "we bent to raise the Golden One to their feet, but when we touched them, it was as if madness had stricken us. We seized their body and we pressed our lips to theirs." Equality is excited with the joy of learning when he finishes his work of building a light bulb. "WE MADE IT. WE CREATED IT. We brought it forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only. We know not what we are saying. Our head is reeling." The emotion shown by Equality after having just built the light bulb is pride and happiness because he has just created some power unknown but to the people of the Unmentionable times. After he fully realizes what he has done, he has defensive emotions and has to "guard our tunnel as we had never guarded it before. For should any men save the Scholars learn of our secret, they would not understand it, nor would they believe us. They would see nothing, save our crime of working alone, and they would destroy us and our light." The climax of the story shows the greatest emotion of all, the feeling of euphoria. They have a feeling of well-being that overcomes them. Rands "anthem" :: essays research papers Rand's "Anthem" Anthem, a science fiction novel, deals with a future primitive society in which the forbidden word "I", which is punishable, has been replaced by "We". Anthem's theme seems to be about the meaning and glory of man's ego. In this novel, Rand shows that the individualism needed for building a complex technological civilization has been suppressed by collectivism. Rand glorifies man's individual ability to think, and appeals to emotion. The emotion is displayed at various time throughout the story; the encounters of Equality and Liberty, on the occasion regarding the discovery of the light bulb, and during the time the two find the house in which they will live in for the remainder of their lives. One day while Equality was tending to his job as street sweeper, he came across a beautiful young woman taking care of the fields. Even though it is forbidden, he decides to go over and talk to her. While they were talking, we see the first sign of emotions when "Their face did not move and they did not avert their eyes. Only their eyes grew wider, and there was triumph in their eyes, and it was not triumph over us, but over things we could not guess." Later, Liberty follows Equality into the forest, and the first sign of forbidden love is shown when "we bent to raise the Golden One to their feet, but when we touched them, it was as if madness had stricken us. We seized their body and we pressed our lips to theirs." Equality is excited with the joy of learning when he finishes his work of building a light bulb. "WE MADE IT. WE CREATED IT. We brought it forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only. We know not what we are saying. Our head is reeling." The emotion shown by Equality after having just built the light bulb is pride and happiness because he has just created some power unknown but to the people of the Unmentionable times. After he fully realizes what he has done, he has defensive emotions and has to "guard our tunnel as we had never guarded it before. For should any men save the Scholars learn of our secret, they would not understand it, nor would they believe us. They would see nothing, save our crime of working alone, and they would destroy us and our light." The climax of the story shows the greatest emotion of all, the feeling of euphoria. They have a feeling of well-being that overcomes them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Manufacturing process Essay

?What are two items regarding the manufacturing process related to the organization that the team finds unique or interesting? One of the processes that we found interesting concerning the Coca Cola Company is that the company operates through multiple local channels. The operation is set-up to manufacture, sell concentrates, beverages bases and syrups with partnerships with within the local regions in the world. This occurs because Coca Cola is comprised of many bottling partners who manufacture, package merchandise, and distribute the final branded beverages through local customers and vending partners worldwide who then sell to their local consumers with in their region of distribution. This is a unique operation because most consumers would think that Coca Cola is located at one place of operation and distributed worldwide. Another unique aspect that we found interesting is that Coca Cola has a conservation process called Sustainable Packaging. This process starts with the company having and showing an active role with recovery and recycling process. One way they are in the forefront in this process is that they support and invest the placement of several thousand recycling bins in public areas every year. They also directly invested in six plastic bottle to bottle recycling plants around the world, these plants process millions of pounds of material each year. This process helps to produce new packaging along with other items within the company. These innovated conservation awareness processed has gain favorably and partnership with Ocean Conservation and Keep America BEAUTIFUL. These two process from producing the product to investing in conservation show the cradle to grave aspect of the Coca Cola Company.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to become a medical receptionist

How to become a medical receptionist Careers in healthcare are booming right now. With significant advances in technology changing the game and an ever-larger population in need of healthcare services, it’s one of the biggest growth industries for the foreseeable future. But what if you’re not as interested in the hands-on medical end of things, or your skills are more administrative in nature? Becoming a medical receptionist could be the right path for you, with the best of both worlds. What does a medical receptionist do?Medical receptionists have many of the same duties as receptionists in other industries, but with a healthcare twist- managing patient records, taking initial medical information when a patient comes in, and managing day-to-day tasks for a medical office. A medical receptionist’s responsibilities may include the following:Answering phones and greeting patients in the officeTaking preliminary patient information, including medical and billing dataAnswering questions for patients an d visitorsCommunicating with patients and medical staffHelping to manage patient flow by communicating delays to patients, and announcing patient arrivals to the medical staffManaging patient details and records in accordance with patient confidentiality lawsMonitoring and stocking medical office suppliesMaintaining the waiting room or other public areasThe medical receptionist is often the first person people see when they enter a doctor’s office or other medical facility, so he or she is responsible for keeping a calm, welcoming environment for patients. This is typically a job with a standard 40-hour work week, although shifts may be necessary in medical offices that maintain weekend or overnight hours.What skills do medical receptionists have?Medical receptionists need to have solid people and administrative skills to keep things flowing efficiently in the doctor’s office.Organizational Skills:Â  Because the medical receptionist is usually the front-line person in a medical office, things need to be kept organized. We’ve all been in situations where the doctor’s office waiting room is chaotic with appointments delayed, and the medical receptionist can help manage this effectively by processing people quickly and efficiently, and making sure that all the necessary information is being communicated to the medical staff.Technical Skills:Â  The medical office may have recordkeeping software used to record patient information, so the job may require a degree of tech-savviness in addition to the usual Word and Excel skills. You should also be adept at using multi-line phone systems.Customer Service Skills:Â  Patients are customers, and the fact of being at a doctor’s office can add an extra level of stress. The medical receptionist should be friendly and good at handling people calmly, no matter what the situation may be.Time Management Skills:Â  Medical offices, especially busy ones, are based around appointment schedules. That means that as a medical receptionist, you may need to be multitasking (checking in multiple people, communicating information from the medical staff to waiting patients, processing paperwork) at any given time.What do you need to become a medical receptionist?There’s no specific degree necessary to become a medical receptionist, but you should have a high school diploma (or equivalent). Because of the administrative nature of the job, it’s typically not necessary to have specific medical knowledge. A background of basic medical knowledge and terminology can be helpful, however.How much does a medical receptionist make?The median annual salary for medical receptionists is $29,832, or $13.52 per hour, per This can vary depending on whether the job is heavier on medical expertise or administrative focus.What is the outlook for medical receptionists?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for these receptionists is expected to grow by more than 10% by 2022- faster than average for all jobs.This can be a best-of-both-worlds job if you’re looking for an entry point into the healthcare field- you won’t be working with the gritty ins and outs of medicine, but you’ll still be an essential part of the medical office. If this sounds like the path for you, good luck!